The Nerd Ceiling and Digital Body Language
The Neurodiversity Coach Newsletter
Welcome to The Neurodiversity Coach Newsletter. As an Executive Coach, Leadership Trainer and self-professed geek, I've had the opportunity to work with neurodiverse leaders and coach them through leadership and workplace challenges. Each week I share resources and insights for neurodiverse leaders.
In this issue we address how some of us get stuck in our careers and one resource that may be helpful.
The Nerd Ceiling and Better Digital Body Language
He’s smart—of that, there is no doubt. His ideas rise above his peers on a regular basis. He knows his idea is the best one too—so he rarely approaches co-workers from a place of humility.
She knows her stuff and easily works harder than those around her. She is dedicated to the product in ways that defy even her leader's expectations. She has learned to get results with blunt language and she doesn’t put up with complaining from those who don’t have solutions.
For both of them, the majority of the “work” is excellent but even they know there is room to grow in their empathy and communication.
Two things have also conspired to make their task even more difficult:
This has been devastating to the career progression of nerds. I have spoken to countless leaders who are stuck at their same job level with the feedback that their technical skills are tremendous (maybe even genius) but they are missing the human skills that are required for them to take the next step.
All is not lost, however—one of the first things I discover with these leaders is that they are aware of their shortcomings and really want to do something about them. They want to grow as humans and they are committed to growing their empathy and communication skills.
One book that I found recently that really makes an impact for these leaders—and also anyone who is struggling with the new communication paradigm—is Digital Body Language by Erica Dhawan. Some of the most important concepts from the book:
I’d love to hear what you think about this concept of a Nerd Ceiling and the concept of improving your Digital Body Language.
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Experienced Executive Coach and Leadership Trainer with a knack for working with Geeks; Specializing in Engineering, Science, Math, and Medical.
1yErica Dhawan, I've been so impressed by your book--it is a fresh voice in an area that most leaders struggle with. Thank you!