The new physician triple threat roles, holes and goals
COVID, technology, and sick care corporatization, consolidation and unfettered capitalism have driven the emergence of the new triple threat doctor as clinician-technologist-entrepreneur.
Medical schools and graduate education residency programs are not producing them, so talent does what is always does. It goes where it is treated best.
The average age of a medical student is 24.
Each generation has its own persona, characteristics, and mindset.
36. They hate email
38. Some women in America have publicly proclaimed that they are distancing themselves from men, abstaining from sex or going “boy sober.” Nearly 70 percent of breakups of heterosexual marriages in the United States are initiated by the wife.
40. They will earn less inflation and tax adjusted income than previous generations and have more financial insecurity
Every society in the world has the same problem: Addressing the increasing demand for care with limited resources. Here are the drivers of international physician entrepreneurship.
They also want different roles, holes, and goals other than directly taking care of patients.
Roles have to do with which position you will play on the startup, scaleup or grown up team or during your career. Is it a problem seeker, a problem solver, a money finder, a business builder, a customer finder, a scorekeeper, a legal eagle, a people connector or some other role that your title may or may not completely convey? If you are considering being an advisor e.g. can you deliver these M's?
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The pathway to participation in biomedical and clinical innovation is different depending on where you are where you are and where you want to go and depends on whether you approach it from a business, clinical or technology perspective. Unfortunately, many think doctors are terrible business people, doctors think business people are terrible doctors and technologists are from Venus and doctors are from Mars.
Holes have to do with which problems you want to solve not just in your organization, but where you have personal knowledge, skills, attitude and competency gaps as well. What are the expectations?
Goals have to do with your personal and organizational key performance indicators, objectives and key results.
The new triple threats are replacing or supplementing their clinical roles holes, and goals with non-clinical ones. They are:
Founders: Startup entrepreneurs pursuing opportunities to get their ideas to patients.
Funders: VCs, angel investors and other entrepreneurial finance executives
Finders: Those looking for non-clinical jobs or working as intermediaries between job seekers and potential clients
Fixers: Clinical champion intrapreneurs or those working to fix the US sick, sick care system of systems from the outside
The seven generations of the sick care pipeline are deciding whether to persevere, pivot, or punt. The pipeline is leaking.
We can't wait that long. Our next chance for change is Tuesday, November 3, 2026.
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is the President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs on Substack
Healthcare Executive in the Start Up Sector of the Medical Device Arena
2moArlen, Thank you again for bringing forth the disparities, challenges and opportunities facing the healthcare sector now and into the future. You are truly sounding the alarm as well as pointing out a pathway forward.
President and CEO, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, another lousy golfer, terrible cook
President and CEO, Society of Physician Entrepreneurs, another lousy golfer, terrible cook