New Year's Resolutions To Start Any Day

New Year's Resolutions To Start Any Day

New Year's resolutions are overrated.

Here we are, welcoming 2020. We're celebrating, counting our blessings, and wondering what's next for the future, hoping that next year will bring loads of new adventures.

Some of us have set our new year's resolutions and swearing to stick to them.

In my case, I hate New Year's resolutions.

It's one of those practices that fosters procrastination and pushes back change until a specific day comes, in which we set numerous goals that seem so daunting that we end up giving up on many of them by January 2nd.

So why wait until January 1st?

The key is to take baby steps. Pick one or two goals and work on them.

Make small changes.

Wake up every day as if it's a new chance to work on what you aspire to be or achieve.

New Year may come once a year, but tomorrow comes every day.

So here it goes, my "New Year's resolutions" to begin any day:


Open-mindedness has always been a goal for me. I strive to defeat stereotypes, be more accepting and tolerant, and listen to other people's views. It sounds easier than it seems as being able to put yourself in somebody else's shoes is a true skill, especially when we are so used to living in our own bubble.

In order to be open-minded, the first step is learning how to listen. And no, I don't mean hearing somebody out waiting to give an answer or state your own opinion, I mean truly listening to the other person and giving mindful feedback. Too often we get caught in a conversation in which we glance down at our phone, impatiently wait to answer, or find ourselves drifting off into our own thoughts - "what should I make for dinner?"

Open-mindedness requires time, dedication, and a willingness to invest energy into others.

Break down more barriers

Sometimes I find myself thinking that I cannot reach a goal because I simply don't have the necessary resources to reach it - money, connections, skills, or even intellect. This is an absolutely toxic habit as it makes you feel helpless and trapped in your current situation, blocking you from advancing and achieving your goals.

You can do it.

You can do anything.

Just get out there and work for it, because success does not come cheap.

Keep repeating this on a loop in your brain and you've already done half the work towards getting to that finish line. success is a path, not a destination.

Travel far and wide 

“Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer”

This quote has been overused and has been saturating social media posts since their creation. Now, this does not mean it isn't true though.

Of my many pointless and impulsive purchases, traveling has been the one that has rewarded me the most. I met new people, discovered new places, ate amazing food, and had some of the most insightful conversations in some of the most unusual places. All these experiences helped me grow and open my mind.

Traveling allows you to escape the aforementioned bubble you live in, you discover that there are countless different opinions, traditions, and ways of living different from your own. Another plus is that traveling helps break down stereotypes that may inhibit you from networking, making connections, and grow in your personal and professional life.

Travel far and wide, if you can, or read lots of books because the world out there is beautiful.

Support others

Now here's a New Year's resolution to live by. Nothing has ever made ME feel so good as supporting other's successes and achievements.

It feels good to acknowledge other's achievements, plus it does not dim your own.

Helping others and giving releases feel-good sensations in the brain.

Plus, who knows, maybe all that good karma comes back?

Embrace change

Oh, this is a big one.

2020 will bring change.

Like every new year.

The question is: are you ready for it?

Change can be terrifying. It means having to put an end to certain habits, familiar routines, relationships, and so on. But it does not mean the end of what you know and love, in fact, it can be a new beginning to do what you know and love in a new exciting way or place.

The key is to break out of your comfort zone and see change and a positive shift in your life. It can be energizing and give new life and purpose to your future.

Find happiness

Happiness is one of those buzzwords social media influencers, psychology majors, lifestyle gurus, and so on like to toss around as if it is a destination we are all easily able to achieve.

Now, happiness is achievable, but it isn't easy to get there.

In fact, it's hard as hell to find.

You have to want it and work for it.

The first step is to identify what you want out of your life:

Whom do you want to be?

No, I don't mean "a teacher," "a manager," "a financial analyst," and so on... I mean who do you want to be as a person. What do you want people to know you for? How do you want people to remember you?

Once you find out whom you want to become, you can plan how to get there.

To me, authenticity is the key to happiness.

Being authentic and true to yourself means no more pretending to be someone you're not, which takes a lot of effort and energy, and start being yourself.

In all your pros and cons, ups and downs, successes and failures, strong and weak points. Once you can be yourself, you will learn to embrace who you are and others will do so as well.

It's a hard road, but once you get there you know you've made it because you'll be able to do the sh*t out of what you love and be authentically you.

So here they are, my goals. Excuse me now while I go kick butt, tomorrow is a new day!

What are your goals? Comment below, I'd love to hear yours.

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