Next Stop, Even Better
As 2019 comes to a close, my colleagues and I are proud that the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) has unveiled its first 5-Year Service Plan and 10-Year Outlook, We've been supporting the TTC in developing this plan over the last 10 months. We are very proud of this ambitious plan to upgrade five pillars of service provided by one the hemisphere's largest transit enterprises.
The Plan lays out anticipated growth in the coming five years and sets a vision to accommodate it focusing on improvements that enhance the TTC’s core-competency: mass transit – moving large volumes of customers safely, reliably and swiftly across Toronto. The vision is supported by five pillars of opportunity. Each pillar addresses a key step in a customer’s journey using our transit system. The pillars are designed to:
- Enhance the transit network;
- Enhance customer experience at key surface stop areas;
- Improve service reliability;
- Prioritize surface transit; and
- Accelerate integration with regional transit partners and complementary modes of transport.