The Nexus Between Machine Learning and Business Value Creation

The Nexus Between Machine Learning and Business Value Creation

Machine learning is a technology of great transformational power, akin to general-purpose technologies such as electricity and the internet (Goldfarb et al., 2019; Brynjolfsson & Mcafee, 2017, Agrawal et al 2018). A large number of goods and services rely on prediction as one of their input (e.g. agriculture, transportation, retail, finance), and since machine learning is mostly about making predictions, the profit and cost reduction opportunities arising from using ML could be significant (Agrawal et. al 2018). However, as with most technologies, the use of ML requires strategic management and direction to extract value and gain an advantage from it (Schilling & Shankar, 2019). To this end, the present article aims to provide a framework inspired by managerial economics to evaluate and understand the business value of machine learning projects in business organizations. Note that when a technology like machine learning is examined from an economic perspective, then the focus tends to be on the cost and benefit consequences rather than on the technology's wizardry and fun part.

  • Machine learning as an investment

From a managerial perspective, the introduction of machine learning technologies into a business is to be treated as an investment. Like any other investment, several elements and considerations require examination. As a recently emerging technology, the ML investment might not always be straightforward, and managers must ask many what's and hows: the reason and nature of the investment, the costs and benefits involved, the potential constraints, and the expectations. In the following sections, I discuss these concepts.

  • The opportunity cost of ML investment

From an economic perspective, firms function with limited resources and endowments. Therefore, achieving an optimal allocation of the available resources is crucial for the firm's success and competitiveness. In this regard, the concept of opportunity cost assumes central importance. One can think of opportunity cost as the loss of potential gain that a firm incurs by choosing alternative A over alternative B. If alternative B were the best but A is chosen, then a firm is said to incur an opportunity cost by forgoing the benefits of B. To illustrate the concept further, we can think of Blockbuster. For years, Blockbuster used to be the incumbent in the movie rental market. However, in 2010, Blockbuster was forced to close its doors, mainly because of poor management and missed strategic investment in digital transformation, whereas innovative competitors like Netflix came to dominate the market. In this case, we say that Blockbuster's opportunity cost of not investing in digital transformation is bankruptcy and billions of dollars of losses (see figure below, source here).

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As an expanding and promising technology, ML investments can involve opportunity costs, which might vary among companies. For some businesses such as logistics and online services, the ML investment is almost a must, and foregoing it could result in significant opportunity costs. According to Chuiet et. al (2018), AI and ML can create $1.4 trillion to $2.6 trillion of value in marketing and sales across the world's businesses and $1.2 trillion to $2 trillion in supply-chain management and manufacturing. Nevertheless, for business areas such as HR, product development, and accounting, ML applications might require careful examination to determine the potential opportunity cost. To this end, the next two sections illustrate how such evaluations can be done by understanding the nature of ML investments and the business goals that might benefit from them.

  • The nature of machine learning investment

As an emerging, interdisciplinary, and general-purpose technology, deciding on the nature and amount of investment in ML learning might not be trivial from the beginning. This is because of factors such as trust, strategic clarity, management support, technological and analytics platform maturity, and process complexity, among many other factors (Reis et al. 2020; Ferrario et al. 2019).

For some companies, ML can serve a few and limited business goals, while for others, it can be (gradually) scaled to power and serve multiple business processes and units. For example, a food company might identify an automated demand forecasting system as the sole focus of an ML investment. On the other hand, companies like Uber have developed a Machine Learning as a service (MLaaS) platform that scales feature computation for many machine learning use cases, accurate models using global data and account for individual city or region characteristics, and model deployment and real-time serving for hundreds of thousands of models across multiple data centers (Li et. al, 2017). One way to think about this problem is by analyzing the automation potential of the various business activities. According to a report by McKinsey, although full automation of a business is rare, most business activities admit partial automation potential.

An inadequate or limited ML investment might result in losses in terms of profits, market share, or missed innovations that could be enabled by a more considerable investment in ML. To this end, a company might decide to undertake an ML investment for speculative or exploratory purposes (with big bets on the outcome) rather than address explicit production use (Megler, 2019).

  • Business goal vs machine learning goal

From an operational perspective, machine learning should serve as a means to a business end. For this reason, a distinction should be made between the business goal and the machine learning goal. The business goal should always be the starting point, and it forms the basis for justifying the investment in machine learning. Once the business goal is defined, the problem is then formalized in terms of a machine learning goal.

To better understand how machine learning goals can be established, let's simply view a business as a set of processes and products. A process involves a series of steps that lead to an outcome, while a product is a finalized good or service that customers can buy and interact with. In many cases, a product is the final output of a process. Examples of business processes include inventory management, anomaly detection, logistics, security, supply chain optimization, demand prediction, and customer-related aspects like customer conversion, retention, and experience. On the other hand, products can be services-like (like social media platforms, media services, asset management services, and search engines) or physical goods (such as electronic devices, medical equipment, etc).

Therefore, a business goal can either improve/power an existing process/product or create new ones. An automated demand forecasting model can enhance the inventory management process; On the other hand, a new process might be created, for example, to extract knowledge from a dump of medical records. Similarly, products like an e-commerce platform can be improved by integrating a recommender system. In other cases, whole new products might be created, such as intelligence machines and self-driving cars. Marr, B. (2019) is a recommended read for a discussion of real case ML applications.

Crucially, identifying those parts of the business that can benefit from the application of ML is not always straightforward. The particularities of the business at hand must be thoroughly examined first to discover valuable use cases. For this reason, the organizations that will benefit the most from machine learning will be the ones that can most clearly and accurately specify their objectives and formulate the right expectations. Strategic and business objectives might serve as a helper here. Take the problem of customer management, for example. Some companies might want to focus on acquiring new customers, while others instead focus on customer retention (Winston, 2014).

Interestingly, research by Chui (2018) shows that the business areas that traditionally provide the most value to companies tend to be the areas where AI can have the most significant impact. In retail organizations, for example, marketing and sales have often provided considerable value. In advanced manufacturing, operations are the primary driver of value.

Once the business goal has been identified, the next step would be to translate the problem into a machine learning problem and link it back to the business problem to make sure it achieves the original business goal. The next section illustrates this process.

  • The business/data/model cycle

To link the machine learning goal with the business goal, a virtuous cycle must be created to establish a connection between the business problem, the data, and the machine learning model. Without this cycle, companies can hardly achieve business value from ML investment.

As illustrated in the figure below, the cycle starts by identifying the business problem, as discussed in the previous section. After that, the next step would be to translate the business problem into a data-driven problem. To this end, the data component comes into play. The type, amount, and quality of the data at hand are of significant importance for ML investments. Failure to obtain high-quality data that is representative of the business problem at hand might easily lead to unsuccessful ML projects (Burkov, 2020). The company's management should make sure that data is made available through a data warehouse and is easily shareable for use by the ML project team.

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Importantly, data alone is not enough; we need an ML model that represents the data-generating process. As Daniel Shenfeld put it, "Data is just like crude. It's valuable, but if unrefined it cannot really be used. It has to be changed into gas, plastic, chemicals, etc to create a valuable entity that drives profitable activity". With a good model, we can solve the problem of prediction, which is the primary purpose of an ML model. A model can predict a class(fraud/non-fraud), a number (product sales), or a rank/recommendation. 

Finally, to extract business value from the ML cycle, the model's outcome has to be used to solve the target business problem. Models alone are not sufficient to create business value, and therefore better models don't automatically guarantee a better solution for the business problem. To this end, managers must establish a link between the model and its predictions and the business problem at hand. One way to achieve this is by estimating the Return on Investment (ROI) of the ML project, which I illustrate in the next section.

  • Return on Investment (ROI) of ML investment

To understand the business value of an ML investment, we can think of the Return on Investment (ROI) of the project, which is obtained by comparing the investment's costs and returns. This cost/return comparison can help managers decide whether investing in ML is worth the effort.

An ML project's costs may involve IT infrastructure, employee compensation, and time spent on building, testing, and deploying models. On the other hand, the return can be split into model prediction accuracy and business value of prediction, where the latter can be measured in terms of money, purchases, time, cost, clicks, or any quantifiable business performance metric.

For an ML investment to justify its cost, its benefits must exceed the associated costs (positive ROI); otherwise, the investment doesn't worth the effort. For example, Netflix famously invested $1 million in a recommendation engine that they never used because, in their own words, "We evaluated some of the new methods offline but the additional accuracy gains that we measured did not seem to justify the engineering effort needed to bring them into a production environment."

Similarly, if a model achieves good accuracy but the cost of a single error is very high, then it can wipe off all the benefits from the ML model. For example, think of a financial institution that wants to automate loan application processing. If the model achieves high accuracy, it will have business value as it automates the process, saves handling time, and allows the company to scale efficiently. However, if one or a few errors result in fraudulent or risky applications being approved, the potential loss might be considerable and cancel out the derived benefits.

The model value graph

Notably, ML's business value can correlate with the model performance in a variety of ways. To illustrate this relationship, Daniel Shenfeld introduced the concept of a model value graph, where model accuracy is plotted against the prediction value. Building on this approach, and borrowing the concepts of "law of return" and "thinking at the margin" from managerial economics, I illustrate six theoretical accuracy-business value patterns (shown in the figure below).

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The first and most ideal pattern is "increasing return" (Fig.1), where the prediction value increases by more than the proportional change in accuracy. The change in accuracy is assumed to be marginal, which implies that we are interested in the gain from an additional small investment in model accuracy. Increasing returns might occur for example if the product powered by the ML model admits a "network effect", meaning that the product gains additional value by the number of clients who use it, and by increasing the accuracy, more clients might join, which in turn creates a positive feedback that encourages others to join.

If the business value of prediction increases by the same proportional change as accuracy change, we say that we have constant returns (Fig.2)This might be the case, for example, if the business goal of the model is to minimize leftovers in a retail shop and one unit increase in accuracy corresponds to a constant corresponding decrease in leftovers.

Third, if the business value of prediction increases by less than the proportional change in accuracy, we have decreasing returns. An example here is the estimated arrival time of a taxi or delivery order. An accurate estimated arrival time increases business value (more trips or delivery orders). However, we hit diminishing returns at some point because calculating the exact arrival time up to the millisecond is not going to add much value since customers don't expect such precision.

In some cases, the business value of prediction might initially increase, then hit diminishing returns, and later achieve either increasing or decreasing returns (Fig.4-5). These scenarios might happen if the ML model achieves one business goal and hits diminishing returns to later enable another innovation in the company, which can derive value from higher model accuracy. The best example here is the Uber service, nicely presented by Daniel Shenfeld. The most popular service of Uber is UberX, which is a private car service that Uber offers. An ML model can be used to power UberX, where the service gains value from initial increases in accuracy and then hits diminishing returns. By further increasing model accuracy, UberX does not generate additional business value. Later, Uber introduced Uber POOL, a service through which people who want to travel the same route can share a taxi and split the costs. Uber POOL would benefit from a further increase in accuracy, and therefore the business value of the model starts growing again with accuracy.

Finally, a scenario might happen where an ML model might generate business value only after a specific threshold in accuracy has been reached (Fig.6). For example, financial firms such as insurance companies, banks, and asset managers, often have a low tolerance for errors due to their potentially catastrophic costs.

In addition to the model value graph, various indicators and representations can be derived to evaluate the return on machine learning investments. One variation could be to plot the amount invested against accuracy to assess whether additional investment produces increasing, constant, or decreasing accuracy improvement. Take, for example, spam detector ML projects. Most of these projects focus on analyzing the appearance of words without regard to their meaning or their place in the sentence. In this case, the model accuracy scales quickly and then reaches a plateau. It is rare for a company to go further and develop a spam detector that would take grammar into account because the effort required would be disproportionately big compared to the improvement in accuracy.

Business constraints

Implementing Machine Learning practices into a business process or product is a decision almost every business might have to face in the future, holding a substantial opportunity cost. However, firms have to pay particular attention to business constraints that might jeopardize the ML investment. For example, Venturebeat and redapt estimate that about 87-90% of data science projects never make it to production, mainly due to business-related constraints. In what follows, I briefly discuss a few such constraints.

1- Management and organizational inertia. ML can be a new reality for some organizations, and perhaps nothing would matter more than having the support of the management and the leadership. Management resistance or skepticism can easily create conditions for the failure of ML projects. Implementing ML might require managers to adopt a new thinking approach to problem-solving and accept new ways of doing things. For example, a manager should get used to the idea that not every part or decision of the system must be necessarily explainable in an ML project.

2- Time. Machine learning projects can be time-consuming. This is because ML projects are research-like in nature, meaning that they can involve an iterative process of experimentations, trials, and errors, which is not necessarily an efficient process. It is not uncommon in ML projects to start with one idea and have certain expectations, to later diverge and take a different path when the proposed solution does not work, or the initial assumptions about the data turn out to be wrong. Additionally, progress in machine learning projects can be unpredictable and have no apparent pattern. Therefore, if a firm is interested in getting to the market as quickly as possible, ML may not be the ideal solution.

3- Financial constraints. As with any investment, ML has a cost in terms of skilled data scientists, technology for data storage, computing, and deployment, security, and other expenses. A lack of budget for the ML investment might result in substantial opportunity costs.

4- Internal constraints. If a company has internal standards used to judge an investment, then this might constrain the adoption of ML. For example, security and privacy measures might work as a hurdle against open-source ML technologies and cloud solutions. Companies like financial firms have an internal risk appetite rule regulating how much risk the company is willing to take. If the cost/risk of ML error is too high for a company, then this might also constrain the use of ML techniques. Finally, internal technical standards might represent a severe problem when adopting ML models. For example, Babel et al. (2019) illustrate how a US bank invested substantial resources in developing a deep learning model to predict transaction fraud, only to discover it did not meet the required latency standards.

5- Regulation. In sectors like insurance and banking, the adoption of new models for purposes such as risk management must be approved by regulators. Such regulatory compliance rules are often strict, which might considerably constrain banks' freedom to experiment and adopt novel ML techniques. Some banks overcome this constraint by establishing collaborations with FinTech startups, which are subject to less regulation and have more freedom of exploration.

The bottom line

Machine learning (ML) offers excellent opportunities for a wide range of businesses and problems. The key is to understand the business's particularities and specificity to know where ML can create value. Once the business goal is established, it is then translated into an ML goal. But for ML to succeed, a virtuous cycle must be established to link the business problem with the data and the ML model. Better data should translate into better models, and better models should create

business value. Crucially, firms have to make sure that their business constraints do not hold back ML projects' productivity. Those companies who will be able to create a successful business/data/model cycle and overcome their constraints will be the ones who will benefit the most from ML.


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Gustavo Murad

Director Latam Airports & Airlines Operations


Very nice article. Considering all challenges and constraints well portrayed here, seems to me that a wise approach for ML in large companies starts by chosing a not-so-ambitious business problem to address, with decent sucess chance. This diminishes the risk of delays, budget extrapolation and overall disappointment , wheras a tangible and undisputable success opens the doors for a wider cross-business program for ML.

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