by: Larry Tyler - Columnist & Featured Contributor,
Today is your birthday a time to celebrate life, to be loved and get on with living. It is a day that speaks of the future and of what may be. It is a time when we consider who we are and who we want to be.
Today you are not here, there is no cake with candles lite no songs rejoicing another year. I have no presents wrapped in bright paper to give you. I can only give you my memories and hope you will live within them as I share your stories with others. Stories of a man who shaped my life and gave me the tools to live my life with confidence so that I would know how to find my path.
Your life and how you lived became my North Star, always there, always quiet, yet shining with a brilliance that illuminates the night sky. It is always there in the distance guiding my way and ensuring that I would never get lost or lose my way.
Your lessons of life were gentle in your teachings, a nudge, a whisper, a quiet voice filled with wisdom and knowledge. Your strength gave me my strength, your kindness taught me to be kind and your love of family was the foundation that shaped who I am today.
Today my family and I are on the cusp of a new life and I will live it comforted by the life you gave me; yet, I walk toward the future boldly following the North Star. I will follow it true north knowing that no matter how far I travel I will find my way home.
Some say the night sky is filled with stars that twinkle and are tears that angels cry. Others say they are holes in heaven where our loved ones can see us. I rejoice in their brilliance; yet, I know that you always were, and you always will be my North Star giving me direction on my new journey in life.