By Jimmy CHEUNG | JV MEDICAL | Updated: 2021-10-08
More inquiries regarding production set up for medical disposables come to us these days, especially for foley catheters and endotracheal tubes (ET tubes); hereby, we would like to s hare some basic information regarding necessary set up and rough cost.
Production line of silicon foley catheters
Cost of silicone is historically high for now and it is even difficult to be bought in some areas of China mainland. Cost of silicone foley catheter is much higher than latex type, but it can always gains market share with unique features of biocompatibility.
Production line of latex foley catheters
Basically there are two types of production line for latex foley catheters in China:
a. Traditional line: many production processes and many labors are required.
b. High-tech line: with many robotic machines (essential for getting government funds) and very high cost for both dipping and assembly.
It is big investment to build full line for latex foley catheters especially when high speed auto assembly line is built; and your own technical team is very crucial. So importing semi-products saying latex tubing, hard/soft valve, rubber sleeve etc and get them assembled at your workshop or even importing products in bulk and re-package them at your side is also one solution to move forward as minimum investment.
Production line of endotracheal tubes
ET tubes are badly needed for anesthesia care/therapy and market volume keeps increasing due to the COVID pandemic. Line for ET tubes is relatively easier and most of our overseas partners/customers start from this line first for getting fast set up so as to catch market share while saving budget. Advantages of building production line of ET tubes for reference:
1). Lower budget comparing with foley catheters.
2). Faster set up on technical, especially for ET tubes without cuffs.
3). Parts saying pvc cuffs, pilot balloons, check valves, connectors etc can be purchased at the beginning for fast assembly.
4). Items like PVC cuff making machine & molds, blister packing machine and sterilization container can be purchased later in future or shared with your existing facility for saving budget.
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5). Machines for ET tubes are applicable for other PVC medical disposables saying tracheostomy tube, feeding tube, suction tube, Yankauer catheter etc.
Rough cost for your reference only:
Line of silicone foley catheter with daily output 6,000 pcs: $ 650,000
Line of latex foley catheter with daily output 20,000 pcs (traditional type): $ 702,000
Line of latex foley catheter with daily output 50,000 pcs (high tech type): $ 1,405,000
Line of endotracheal tube with daily output 5,000 pcs: $ 406,000 (at least $ 160,000 is needed should some equipment/facilities are removed in the beginning saying pvc cuff making machine, auto blister packing machine, ETO sterilization container etc).
Please note that cost is for reference only and precise cost shall be calculated after confirming all necessary details (product sizes, production capacity, drawings and samples assessment etc).
Line set up requires at least 4-5 months and we suggest all our overseas partners to schedule things earlier for getting more market share, especially we are in the time that materials are increasing and New Year holidays at both sides are also not that far.
Thanks and best regards, JV MEDICAL Team
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