Now isn't the time to leave UK
If we leave the EU , we will survive, so let's be clear about that. What that survival looks like is anybody's guess.
That is why we shouldn't leave - at least not right now.
Leaving will be a divorce. Let's be clear, the only people who make any money from this will be the lawyers and large corporates who have the power and funds to fight. There will be a couple of years going through the legal bits and pieces to reach a Decree Absolute. Then will come the years of fighting over maintenance for the 'children', access, hating the other persons new partner, perhaps years later the sale of the family home when the children reach 18.
What we can be sure of is that leaving will cost us a lot of time and money. Lost time for businesses to trade. Money for meeting new regulations that will inevitably take the place of those once passed via the EU. More costs on exporting with new taxes and tariffs imposed by the EU as they close ranks.
Right now we need to stay. What we don't need to do is keep the status quo. If, as a nation we want out, it needs to be a controlled and phased withdrawal. One where as trade deals, regulation, border controls etc are needed they are done in a controlled and considered way.
The EU is imperfect. So are our Government. We're stuck between a rock and a hard place. But as any good business man knows we need to minimise and mitigate the risk before we make such a move.
And as anyone who has been through a divorce will more than understand, it's going to get tough if it cannot be done amicably and if we think that this will be done in an atmosphere of amity we are naive.
Vote remain this week. But let's look long and hard about whether long term staying in the EU is in our best interest. Let's start a proper debate not a slanging match.
Take emotion out of our decision and do your own risk assessment before you put the X in the box. Vote with your head, not your heart. Think of the children.
Hi Steve, there is a paradox here because we are only having this referendum so that our current government could find a way to save its skin. The Conservative party self- proclaimed patriotic pro business party has collectively ( brexiters and remainers ) have risked everything in order that one of its Old Etonian factions has a good chance of staying in power. Poor Show for Patriots and Businessmen. Vote remain and then vote the Tories out.
Principal Business Adviser @ CU Services Ltd | Service Innovation, Leadership
8yThanks for commenting Steve. I think you and I have more common ground than you think having read your post so I guess it's down to our own realities ultimately. However, I don't trust our Parliament to be able to handle the withdrawal to the ultimate benefit of the UK and that is my fundamental reason for staying in. There are risks in both in and out votes but in order to mitigate these we need to be logical right at this moment. Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. I do appreciate being challenged in my views because it stops me being complacent so thank you for doing so. You are the first in the last 3 weeks.