Now, Maybe the S+P500 and the Elliott Wave SuperCycle Wave B is Finished
Two months ago, on May 5th, I felt Wave B up {Wave A - Jan 2022 to Oct 2022} was done - on March 28th, 2024. This was the E-wave of an expanding triangle. (The "alternate" count was that this was wave-Y, of a double zig-zag, W-X-Y.) To be followed by a very large, 5-wave, C-Wave - possibly finishing Grand SuperCycle Wave IV. Even this could have a D-Wave & E-wave of an expanding 4th Wave triangle to come.
Regardless, I was premature. Wave E was NOT done, but, I believe it could be now.!!!
I feel very comfortable now that the "c-wave" of the a-b-c of the E-wave is complete. ALL my proprietary Tractals© and "binary©" & "dL-tertiary©" Elliott Wave charts look extremely good and solid.
And finally, some GANN Lines and ellipses, with Cowan's Planetary cycles overlaid :::
so, hang on, I was able to buy some June2025 SPY Puts-strike390-@$3.02 this morning right before the downturn. And it could be wave 1, with a sideways correction. ALL WE CAN DO NOW, IS WAIT.
©iAN aNDREWS_7.11.2024
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