Now Is The Time For You To Know The Truth Of MARKETING

Dear reader,

Hi again, here I am just trying to focus with the correct order of applying my #digitaldeepak internship program which will definitely let all the assignments to penetrate in my career path wonderfully.

I just wished to start my #digitalmarketing with all the ingredients I believe any marketer should own. Well, no doubt there are many but I have selected few at my best and hope you find them helpful because trust me it will bring the positive changes in your life and you are going to observe them sooner and yes, it will definitely help you to become your own boss.

I hope underwritten will let you make the “rest of your life, the best of your life.”

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So, get ready to move.............

Now, before I go ahead, are you love to groom in yourself?

Well, I would also like to ask: Do you know the power of marketing?

Are you the right marketing guy?

Do you think marketing is only selling or meeting the targets?

But, are you as excited to hear the underneath real concepts of marketing? 

Anyway, moving forward, I simply thought that we need to own our profession with the right shade of path. Sometimes I agree it gets very tricky for us to choose that apt shade of path we should carry with our goal.

I have categorized all concepts separately.

You must love this one. 

So, hey there!

Now let's start to unlock the new achievement of happiness.............!!!!

Here I am just trying my bit to help you with that.

Disclaimer: This may be a little long.

But, I promise you, it’s worth it. When you reach the end, let me know if it was. We got a deal here, yeah?

Okay.. so let's move!!!

  • What is MARKETING?

Well, I am not asking the definition of Philip Kotler in Marketing haha! :P)

Well, what I learnt is that Marketing is based on science, not on creativity. Marketing is all about building a strong product, If the product is solid, then no need to market it.

What's say?

Isn't it right?

The power is in the product; the power is in the network. If you want to become rich, the best strategy is to find a way to build a strong, viable and growing product.

If you are introducing any product to your client, just share the Belief System with you for that product or service that you are providing. Google need not to market its product for Search Engine or BMW need not to market its car services because they are fair reachable in the market and Word-of-mouth is the biggest marketing asset.

Henceforth, try to produce the product as per customer needs because pushing the wrong product in the market will accelerate the death of the company. So, never give more priority to marketing than a product.

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The Opening of a mind.

In other terms, Marketing is all about learning new things (big & small) like using a New Tool, discovering a New Feature, inculcating a New Thought Process after reading a book, coming up with New Ideas, and of course, sharing your thoughts with the other person.

Here are some of the critical skills that the real-world education of marketing teaches:

  1. An attitude of success
  2. Dressing for success
  3. Overcoming personal fears, doubts, and lack of confidence
  4. Overcoming the fear of rejection
  5. Communication Skills
  6. People Skills
  7. Time-management skills
  8. Accountability skills
  9. Practical goal-setting
  10. Money-management skills
  11. Investing skills

Marketing is all about enjoying every moment of it. 


Well, this has to be the number one, I say. I know with the busy schedule we have today, it becomes very extensive to actually follow this pointer. But my dear, don’t lose the spirit.

Communication skill is the flattering device in your look. Just live it.

Okay... So here communication doesn't mean to have sophisticated English. The biggest popular misconception about communication skills is that it should be fluent like a native speaker.

Nooo, it means to communicate your thoughts effectively to the other person. If you can communicate (transfer your thoughts) well, then the product will sell itself.

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Just Be Confident. Be genuine with your answers.

Well, you need to leave an impression on the other person while you are talking. Be comfortable with your tongue. Be clear with your words.

Communication affects every aspect of life—and this is the No. 1 skill that marketing teaches.

I learned that this is the essence of being successful in any way: You have to go out there and make to create it yourself. You indeed get defined at your work by your thoughts. When you can’t decide anything, just pick yourself and start talking.

I strongly believe MINDSET is EVERYTHING.

  • Traditional vs Digital Marketing?

The company gets an amazing level of market penetration and customer awareness that would be very essential to get with traditional marketing. And the independent rep has the opportunity to create huge serious cash flow.

How? By harnessing the power of word-of-mouth—person-to-person relationships—to build a substantial network that represents the company’s line of products and/or services.

If the product is highly reachable, go and opt for Traditional Marketing like TV Ads is the right platform for Apple iPhone because it reaches millions of people at a low cost.

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Choose Wisely

Traditional Marketing is an approach in which marketers identify their audience and place ads where their audience will see, hear, or interact with them offline such as print ads, billboards, or television ads whereas Digital Marketing is the best medium to reach the affluent English speaking population.

Well, results show up to take wonderful care of your products. Do all the activities and scrub drama. Or maybe branding on your product only will work. It’s just you need to think about your customer trends. Trust me it will give a high impact on your business.


If you’re serious about following this law of marketing, you’ve come to the exact place.

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It All Comes Down to Action.

It's the type of marketing in encouraging prospects to take a specific action. You can easily track your ads and examine whether it's working well or not.

In today’s era, I’d suggest you step in not just in your Digital Life, but in Digital & Life.

  • The CATT Marketing Funnel?

Now, this one is my favorite. You know having this is highly pin-pointed in my notes. I hope you are also going to remember this in your list.

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[n] niche

  1. Content: Content is your asset that attracts people in your tribe. One of the biggest mistakes that people make in content marketing is that they create content on topics that they are interested in, instead of creating content that their audience may be interested in. You need to give people what they need to attract them to you.
  2. Attention: Well, if the content is in front of you and asking for the attention, don’t deny it. Just do it. You will be relaxed finishing it first. Yes, you will. The best way to market your content, drive attention or traffic is to inform your subscribers about your new content via social media, paid ads, referrals, and so on.
  3. Trust: Build trust with the audience i.e. deep marketing means set personalized communications with your target audience. The content which is delivered via email builds a relationship with your subscribers.
  4. Transaction: Focus on your target customer, bring sales webinar, be a speaker, and transact your product to people that is Natural Sales.

  • How to choose the right NICHE?
Talent, Market, Passion are the three core segments of your niche.

Okay so most importantly, I would like to mention here, you just have to try to explore the market relatable to your product, google a few questions, and the marketing you’re about to appear. Work on your niche areas like for restaurants, the best niche is Zomato.

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The Truth About Your House.

Right selection of niche provide a solid framework in your target areas. And I agree: The kind of results are absolutely priceless.


It is more important to execute digital marketing in an integrated way and of course, you need to build expertise in each digital marketing module.

Each module such as Content Marketing, SEO, Email Marketing, and Social Media Marketing is powerful on its own, but when they are combined in a unique way, it’s power goes up exponentially. It creates a snowball effect that is unstoppable.

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Break Out of your Comfort.

Integrated Digital Marketing is the art and craft of using all the digital marketing methods available today in such a way that Investment of time, energy, and money in building this process for your business is like investing in machinery which will magically multiply the effectiveness of each component in it.

After learning #DigitalMarketing, Act properly, very important. Not with heavy modules but a subtle one. 

So What Exactly Is Integrated Marketing?

Integrate all the components- SEO, Content, Email Marketing, Paid Advertising, and Selling to reach higher traffic in your business.

Your job is to create and share.

And by the way, this doesn’t mean you don’t need to be skilled. You absolutely do. You need to develop the skills we looked as aboveneath; the ability to have self-confidence, withstand rejection, communicate, be a great storyteller, care about people, coach people, and the rest. 


So you’ve decided to do start your own branding business.

Congratulations! Now you face a choice.

Branding not only provides great business education, but it also provides a whole new world of friends—friends who are going in the same direction as you are and share the same core values as you do.

If you talk of marketing then a person needs to be an actively participant in its brand and head the solid foundation of the product portfolio.

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It Takes Real Growth.

Be the best because the best known will always beat the best and it helps you to be visible in the market. People want to hear from people, not brands so have a clear story of yourself.


Learn new skills from Concept, Facts and Procedures because it will help you to understand, remember, and practice.

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Serve the customer with the right product.

That teeny tiny thing is the most important ingredient of our core marketing. Just wearing right brand and keep believing that you have your own army can change your whole appearance and you can just take your dreamy sleep as sweet as you want.

You will be having an easy-going life this way. 

Well, I tried to ring the bell for all the concepts in a new era and hope it turns out to be helpful for you all.

Once you learn the truth of Digital Marketing and the business opportunities available to you, you will be able to begin building the life you desire.

The real meaning of As you sow, so shall you reap was never just about - "As you Act and Do, so shall be the Result you Get" but it was also, always about - “As you think, so shall you Manifest” .

That’s a little insight into my mind. And I want you to adopt this Belief System, too. 

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