Now we can say that everything is in the Australian government hands; Pens, Paper and Scissors.
To whom it may concern;
My name is Ali Alizadeh 31 years old from Afghanistan but I live in Espoo, Finland and my citizenship is Finnish, I have Cerebral palsy (CP) physically disabled person.
Well, if you can explain to me How can I apply for a visa that immigration would be accepted, subject of course to mention that I have done all the processes related to my health and have reported them to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Australia and all my health tests in the month before the inspection with Australian doctor in Helsinki Foreign Ministry are reported as well.
In fact, my problem is that I do not know which type of application I have to have fill for getting Australian visa. The application should include informations about my circumstances like my physical condition.
I have a couple of things if you could advise me how I could be taken forward them.
It would be really good if you first check the well of my attachments.
It would be really nice if you could explain to me step by step on how I could go by the process and to know in advance what should be done.
I would like to know how long will the whole process take for my visa to be ready so that I could move to Australia.
What type of Australian visa should I apply for to bring it to my goal ...?
In fact, one of the main goals and biggest wish is to live in Australia healthy and successfully start a new life.
It is my right as a human being to choose the country I want to live…!
If you can make a good assessment and a comprehensive convention on the physical condition of my current position with regard to social situations, I would like to ask if you can submit it on my behalf.
Then report it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Australia Post and have a talk, I'd be very happy and grateful. Because there is a time difference between Finland and Australia - exactly 9 hours. According to the conditions existing at the time of the two countries, it is very difficult for me to communicate directly with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Australia.
In line with my recent difficulties,
one of the main difficulties I'm facing now is how to fill all these different visa forms that are available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Australia.
It is really difficult for me to assess them because of my current physical condition. It's quite difficult for me to fill the long forms and submit them.
The second problem is getting a lawyer to process the visa form.
In my financial situation, I cannot be expected to resolve this issue since I cannot afford to hire a private lawyer for only two days.
Citizens with low incomes in the society of Finland can obtain their right through legal lawyer.
I have tried many times, if someone could help me with a lawyer, but I have not succeeded.
There are some problems in my life because I could not get a lawyer for two to three days, they filled my place and complete the Australian Visa Application Form.
Then I could easily send the form to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Australia, as long as such forms I filled it is very difficult, especially with the physical status I'm as well as I am here alone.
I think that only in this way can we expect to reach the desired and desirable.
If I can get a tourist visa and then there come to where I am in this for three months.
All your whole mind and energy on a large project under my hand, I focused on it.
In the last days of return to Finland the project and report to the Australian Government by my name I record it and turned to the patent.
Of course, in cooperation with the care of persons with disabilities in the city of Sydney and the National Disability Insurance Scheme that all parts of New South Wales is being monitored.
We can have this ambitious goal and be flexible on the implementation of it and give it to win of the Australian Government to the realization.
Because, in Finland it's free for people to use their own lawyers only for legal problems within the country, and in the case of adoption, social workers can take advantage of those services.
I have a few questions about disability/accommodation housing in Australia. I would like to know how to apply for sheltered homes for disabled people. I would like to know more about the process and the waiting list time. I would also like to know if this is the correct department to get all information from. If not then please write to me the correct e-mail and telephone number to contact.
The reasons for my migration to Australia is based on the following statements:
This is my report on the economic situation at the moment in Finland.
Can you believe that from the time we have moved to Finland, personally I have been facing financial problems and never could I solve it. Since I am handicapped, I am incapable of working and quite disappointing that I couldn't find a good school or a field that I could study. It would be so great if I could achieve my desired goals through education, but it was not possible. Currently, I just receive a pension from the government and manage my life. It is not that much....In fact, I am receiving the normal disability pension. The total amount is around 900-930 Euros and from that 300-380 Euros is for the rental and 100-150 Euros for utilities, each month and 300-340 Euros for food just in the house without going to restaurants. Accordingly, I have always a lack for money....
I bought a laptop 11 years ago with a lot of economic problems, I managed to get to them.
And I've made a really long contract for about 3 years on the installment plan. My benefits are not enough to pay each month euro fifty, because I need your laptop special deal.
And this laptop model is really good and sturdy, because I use my feet to write on the computer and it is well suited to me.
And I think it's really good that my laptop warranty period is about 3 years long.
I have tried a lot that I could get some 50 per cent of Finnish organizations, foundations could assist or donate to my computer but not succeed in anything because they have a really long application form is therefore the same as the Australian visa application form. ;) :)
In my opinion the Nordic weather is not fitting for my health situation because due to my disability problem implies, my body is suffering muscle cramps from inside.
This country has cold and dark winter, so I want to say that I'm really tired and irritated in this country. I want to make something better for my life, but at the moment it is very difficult, because I do not have a car it makes my movement difficult, I move with a wheelchair, which impedes my movement.
Even though I have city of Espoo's travelling card for 9 return journeys per every month, but it is not enough for me to continue such a long winter.
I have an ideas but because of my condition it is difficult for me to take them further and I would need someone to develop them with me.
Around 5-7 years ago when I was studying at a special needs school of Järvenpää, Finland, Irealized the difficulties some of the students encountered to access their accounts. Thosestudents with physical disabilities had to actually tell their passwords to the nurses or educatorsso they could type in the password in and log in to their accounts. At times I also had this problem which made me think that there should be a better way of logging in than using theconventional type of passwords. The idea of Fassment started developing back then.
In order to increase security and keep the privacy for the people with special needs and managing all aspects of privacy of passwords or pin codes, I started developing and idea to replace the conventional password with a new way of password management system. This willalso help those with special needs not to forget their passwords.
Utilizing such a technology shall also increase the accessibility of the accounts without having to actually typing in the password. The password should not exist nor should it repeat, otherwise it may increase the risks of being revealed or hacked.
The one time password is generated, used, and then destroyed. It can be based on geographical location, date and time, or even climate of the region where the user is located and with the help of intelligent cryptography and other electronic advancements the security can be even further increased.
This may however require a cooperation between several security and communication institutions in order to establish a common standard for a more common practical use. Nevertheless a local solution can be an excellent base to start from which is I am aiming for at the first steps. With the recent advances in facial recognition technologies, voice and command recognition,and already existing fingerprint recognition, user authentication shall not be an issue.
In the further steps the methods could be standardized and the standard methods could be used worldwide. The methods to be used can be endless. The biometric passports can also come into the equation and be used for user authentication. Also some unique features can be taken into account. One example is the new Finnish passports that have a Finnish moose walking in thebackground when you turn pages quickly. Such features can also be used in further advances.
And if this project goes through the U.S General Services Administration to implement and develop, it is a really big opportunity or co-operation system in the world.
The project's business idea is related to ICT-accessibility, forensic technologies / biometrics authentication for the verifications and approvals of the safety service on various levels and also managing and monitoring all aspects of security of passwords and pin codes for government, legal, financial, social media communications and private sectors on all smart devices. Assistance is needed for realization, implementation, enforcement and development of the project's opportunities....?
I am waiting to start my project. Once it is started then I look forward to other companies and agencies to join me by sending them an invitation for cooperation. There are one million eight hundred eighty thousand of agencies and companies that I can co-work with.
Can be shared and also be introduce to you as our Fassment would like to set up a new standard for each category of domain should be the Right ID's that they do not have to remember and also do not need to write down.
I have tried many times to get a grant and funding, but it is difficult to apply on my own. It would be good to first establish a small group and then the group could apply for funding. As an individual it is difficult to gain confidence.
I would like to ask about your possibilities: Can anyone help me with my economic situation, because I need some small donations, grants, scholarships, stipends, financing and funding for my big innovative project ideas
I am looking for some small donations, grants, scholarships, subsidies or financing for realization, fulfillment and development of my project ideas, but it is difficult to get them.
In the first level of Finnish government, South Korean government, Nordic countries and others countries.
In reality, I don't know why people do not want to help me or take a risk with the business idea.
Honestly, I do not know that why do not wants the Finnish government relied on me that I am able to be taken forward with this project pretty well implemented and developed into a concrete according to the requirements.
If someone can donate a sum of money as a gift to me, so that I can use it to further my project, I will appreciate it very much. Because I am physically disable no one is willing to help me to make my dreams come true and also my project is the only thing I have to look forward to. I hope that if you offer me such opportunity you will never regret it in your entire life.
The first thing I need is 78 000 Euro own money that I pay for three of these persons: Electronics & Communication engineer, Chief Information Officer and then Programming Engineer or Master in Computer Science, it takes three months that they write a business plan and analysis.
Oh my God, please help me with my financial situation. It seems that if someone comes to help he wants to take all my royalties but I am not willing to give all to them. I want someone who is willing to sacrifice him/herself so that we can develop this project together.
This is my neurological medical report.
To whom it may concern
The patient Ali Alizadeh (born 030285-Personal ID in Iran) has requested a neurologist's statement due to his intentions to immigrate to Australia. He moved to Finland in 2005 and since that time he has been followed at Jorvi hospital because of cerebral palsy and neurological disturbances due to this condition. Based on neurological examinations performed at department of neurology at Jorvi hospital his medical condition has been considered to be caused by hepatic encephalopathy caused by kernicterus, a bilirubin-induced neurological damage (Sari Rasiia chief physician, Espoon avokuntoutuspalvelut 18.12.2014). The major disability is related to severe spasticity and dyskinetic movements in upper extremities, in face and head. Communications skills (speech) are limited due to neurological damage. For locomotion he uses a wheel chair with the support by the assisting person. According to psychologist the severity of mental retardation is mild. To maintain daily activities limited by developmental disability (CP) Ali Alizadeh has regularly received rehabilitation that has been organized by Espoo outpatient department. In addition the services fordaily activities have been provided.
The patients and his sister came to my appointment at outpatient department of Suomen Terveystalo Decernber 17th 2015.Communication with the patient was complicated because of speech problems and therefore most information was given by the sister and was available from the previous medical records. He used wheel chair and could not walk independently. Neurological examination showed severe spasticity in both upper extremities predominating on right side. Functioning of upper extremities was markedly affected by this spasticity and dyskinesia. Lower extremities were also spastiq but to a less extent than upper extremities. In spite of limitations in functions of lower extremities he could write and draw by the computer with his feet. The speech was markedly affected and dyskinesia were seen in head and face. The mini mental examination score was 24. Assessment of activities of daily living showed that the patient requited help in self-care (see Annex I), was dependent in locomotion, and social interaction was moderately affected. Currently the patient lives with his mother. Due to neurological dysfunctions the patient needs personal assistance on daily basis. Please see also the mini mental state examination and activities of daily living assessment (IMM 5725) for more detailed information.
Helsinki 07012016
Irina E!ovaara, neurologist, SV 218164
Suomen Terveystalo
And given that I'm not fluent in English, and since I also have a stuttering problem, it's not possible for me to pursue the administrative process myself and I ask you to take action now.
I would also like to know if this is the correct department to get all information from. If is not then please write to me the correct e-mail and telephone number to contact.
Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear back from you soon.
Kind Regards;
Ali Alizadeh.
Mobile: +358 40-154 3005