Oct 19 – Restoration – Psalm 126:1-3
Oct 19 – Restoration – Psalm 126:1-3
This is such a great psalm. It is written after the return of the Jews from captivity. They have been
Away for 70 years. They are now back in their beloved city. They are like men who dreamed and now
The moment has come. They are filled with joy and laughter. It is a moment of rejoicing and joy. The
Nations now can say that the Lord has done great things for His people. The reality is people are
Watching our lives. They want to see the real deal. Are we living what we preach? Words are meaning
Less without action.
When God takes us from a place of prison and opens the doors we are set free. This should be cause
For us to rejoice, dance, sing and be happy. The Lord has restored and He will continue to restore. One
Time a man was wrongly accuse of a a crime. He was later freed because his innocence was established.
His reaction was to dance for several minutes in the prison parking lot because he was so h11appy.
Remember who the Son sets free is free indeed so enjoy your freedom.