Oct 4 - Vignettes on Prayer
Oct 4 - Vignettes on Prayer
Paul states the following, “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of His grace” (Ephesians 1:7). Through the blood Jesus we have victory. Today in our scripted prayer we are using the blood Jesus as our prayer of victory. “With the blood of Jesus Christ I shatter every covenant that gives the enemy the upper hand to take from me the blessing God has given to me in the name of Jesus. Every household wickedness eating up the blessings God Almighty has bestowed upon my life, marriage and family. I destroy you in the name of Jesus. You leave all I love alone. Let my king Uzziah die so I can see your face, I have been my own worst enemy. My pride has kept me from you, Oh Lord in the name of Jesus. I command a hundred fold restoration of everything the enemy took from ne when I was weak in Jesus name. “ The blood of Jesus does this for you today. Prayer is the key to freedom from slavery, poverty and sorrow.