Off the Shelf Sunday School--2 Thessalonians
1. Paul is generally accepted as the author. It probably was written a few months or even weeks after 1 Thessalonians as Paul, Silas and Timothy are still together (1:1) Corinth is the only place that we have evidence of their being together (Acts 18: 5)
2. Reasons why this letter was written so soon after 1 Thessalonians:
A. Christians were enduring persecution and needed encouragement.
B. They were being misled regarding the day of the Lord. Many believed that they were living in this time of judgment. They were fearful that they were living in the Tribulation.
C. Some were living in idleness expecting the imminent return of Christ.
3. This letter was probably written around 51AD, which would make it the third canonical writing of Paul, with Galatians being the first.
Salutation (1:1-2)
Paul, Silas and Timothy, To the church of the Thessalonians in God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ: Grace and peace to you from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
1. Paul begins this letter with a greeting that is almost identical to 1 Thessalonians.
His desire is that believers would receive grace and peace. Why?
A. Grace enables the will of God to be done and the peace of God gives confidence in every circumstance. Grace precedes peace.
B. Paul repeats the blessing to reaffirm that Jesus and the Father are God and the source of grace and peace.