"Oh, lovely spring, how sweet thou art" 😂
Spring. I like it better than winter.
Sometimes, I have to pick up a twig, or lean into something. Then I get funnelled into a parallel universe, one with barely visible forests, varied critters and things. What is life like down there?
My as-of-yet non-existent team of researchers ought to look up these things. It's a lot of work to identify them, read up on their history, gather some fun facts, and do them justice. So far, my dad thinks this thing probably glows in the dark.
So far, I think this hue of pink is intoxicating. Better tech, bigger team. Whatever you need to be able to see that every few inches, there are bees buzzing around, enjoying these flowers just like I went on to enjoy my day out.
A rainy day brings a different kind of universe. One with the slimy ones. Shiny little baby snails traversing the forgotten garden chair. Places to be, people to see.
Rare occurrence, apparently. Wow, this was something. My eyeballs intercepted just the right bits in the air in just the right way to produce this halo in my brain parts. This looks just like the symbol for the Sun.
It's time for the fun and warm season... The Sun in position, the pear leaves ready, my camera...
Shoot. 📸
The only leaves here that of ivy, wrapped around the giant heaven trees. I'm excited. They're up next. And they're... Well, you'll see.
So wherever you're going, and wherever you're looking - pay attention ☀️