One Day You'll Miss It
The traffic jam.
The spill on the floor.
The stubbed toe on the chair.
The backed-up toilet.
One day, we’ll all realize that we did experienced each of those things for the last time.
We won’t necessarily know when we did it for the last time, but it’s going to be the last time.
And we’ll realize that we weren’t fully present in that moment.
Sure, we may be better about appreciating the beautiful sunset, the smell of the flowers, the feel of a hug from a loved one, or a favorite food.
But all of the moments, particularly when we realize that we’re staring at a future of no more moments at all, are special.
One day, we’ll miss them all.
So may as well as do our best to enjoy them while we have them.
This post was partially inspired by a book of short stories I am reading.
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