One Decision Can Change Everything
Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you're not quite sure what you're working toward?
Maybe you’re busy, and constantly moving, but if someone asked you what your ultimate goal was, you'd struggle to give a clear answer.
I see this all the time—in both professional and personal settings.
Take a moment to think about it.
How often do we get stuck in “busy mode” without a real sense of direction?
We tackle tasks, attend meetings, and scroll through social media, but at the end of the day, we’re left feeling like something is missing.
This is where the importance of clarity comes in.
I’ve noticed two common patterns that typically emerge when we lack a clear purpose—whether it’s within a team, a business, or even in our personal lives.
Pattern 1: Playing Politics
At work, I’ve seen teams lose sight of their true objectives because they get wrapped up in trying to impress their boss.
Instead of working toward the company's goals, the focus shifts to winning attention and playing office politics.
It’s not about who’s delivering the best results, but who’s getting noticed.
Sound familiar?
This same behavior happens in our personal lives. When we aren’t clear on our purpose—when we don’t know what matters to us—we start to create social games to fill that void.
We waste energy trying to look good, to keep up with others, to show that we’re “winning” at life.
But are we?
Are we really achieving anything meaningful, or are we just spinning our wheels for the sake of appearances?
Pattern 2: Comparing Ourselves to Others
Another trap we fall into is constant comparison.
Without a clear sense of our own goals and values, we measure ourselves against everyone else.
We see someone else's success and immediately think, "Why aren’t I doing that?" or "I should be further along by now."
But here's the problem: we don't know their path.
We don’t know what sacrifices they made, what their actual goals are, or whether they even feel fulfilled. We only see the surface. And yet, we allow their journey to dictate how we feel about our own.
The Clarity Shift: From “Pretty Clear” to “Really Clear”
Clarity is about getting real with yourself. It’s about making one decision that simplifies everything else. Instead of vaguely knowing what you want—"I want to be successful" or "I want to be happy"—you dig deeper.
What does success look like to you?
What does happiness mean?
Is it more free time? More meaningful relationships? A healthier body?
When you get clear on your purpose, you stop wasting energy on things that don’t matter.
You stop comparing yourself to others.
You stop trying to impress people just for the sake of it. Everything else becomes easier or, in many cases, unnecessary.
Think about it: When was the last time you paused and asked yourself what truly matters?
Not what you think you should want based on society, your friends, or your boss—but what you actually want.
What’s the one decision you can make that will clear away the noise and allow you to focus on what’s important?
Clarity Changes Everything
In my own life, I’ve seen this power of clarity firsthand. When I was unsure about my direction, I spent so much time trying to "fit in" or live up to other people's expectations. But the moment I got clear about my values—about what I really wanted—it was like a weight lifted off my shoulders. I could focus. I could say no to distractions, and I could stop caring about how I appeared to others. That one decision freed up so much energy.
What about you? Are you living with purpose, or are you caught up in the noise of comparison and competition?
One Clear Decision—That’s All It Takes
The best part? You don’t need to overhaul your entire life overnight. You don’t need to have all the answers right now. But what if you could make just one decision today that would help you get a little clearer on what matters most? What if that one decision could make everything else simpler?
Clarity isn’t about perfection. It’s about making sure your actions are aligned with your true goals and values. So, I’ll leave you with this: What’s one thing you can do today to get a little clearer on your purpose?
Let’s stop playing politics. Let’s stop comparing. Let’s get clear—and let everything else fall into place. Follow me for more insights on how to live and work with true purpose.