Opening governments together – July 2023
Summer in the North, winter in the South. This is that time of year to take a little break and prepare for the second half.
It seems that our schedule gives space for a short breather before returning to the normal rush. That's why today's Newsletter is almost all about invitations!
It's time to open your calendar, save the dates, register, and start building with us a fair, sustainable and open future.
Enjoy your reading!
Join us in Estonia to discuss the future of openness, transparency and accountability
We are delighted to invite you to The Tech We Want to Open Governments, an engaging and inspiring event organised by the Open Knowledge Foundation (OKFN), Open Knowledge Estonia (OKEE) and Open Knowledge Finland (OKFI), with the kind sponsorship of Link Digital and the National Foundation of Civil Society (NFCS).
Transparency and openness face increasing threats in today's world, with a rise in secrecy and opacity across various sectors. Moreover, concerns have emerged regarding the lack of transparency within technology itself. As powerful algorithms and AI become prevalent, questions arise about biases, disinformation, and their potential impact on our democracies. Let’s talk about it today!
This event will be held on September 4th in Tallinn as an Official Side Event to the Open Government Partnership 's Global Summit. Your unique opportunity to engage in a global conversation about openness, transparency and accountability.
[The detailed programme will be released soon.]
↪ Register now:
What we’ve done inspires what comes next
With almost 20 years of activity, the Open Knowledge Foundation and our Network are the world’s ultimate experts and influencers in open government. In recent years, we've launched or have been involved with dozens of projects, at different scales and geographies, with different levels of impact. As we prepare to go back to our roots and have an active role in opening our governments today, we want to remind our communities of what we were capable of achieving in the past.
May 2018
Open Data Charter
May 2017
Global Open Data Index
February 2014
Stop Secret Contracts
Tech Services
We are the technology arm of governments, organisations and communities around the world. Our services help you create, manage and publish open data. Some of our packages include:
Open Your Data
We solve the technical, social and legal challenges of opening up data. We can work with you to understand your needs, develop open data strategies, and establish best practices.
Recommended by LinkedIn
Your Own CKAN
We will install and deploy a basic (out of the box) CKAN instance on your own infrastructure, including 3 plugins you select.
CKAN Maintaining and Hosting
We will install and deploy a basic (out of the box) CKAN instance on our infrastructure for your organisation, we will then manage the updates and hosting for you.
Landing in Southeast Asia for Wikimania 2023
We are proud to be a supporting partner of the Wikimania 2023 global conference in Singapore. Check out the details about our two sessions, which you can attend either online or face to face.
The Frictionless Data project aims to make it easier to use and reuse data by providing a simple and standard way of describing and packaging data. During this session, we will explore how it can enhance the quality, interoperability, and sharing of data in Wikidata.
After consultation sessions in Europe and Latin America, our workshop to review the Open Definition now comes to Asia. We want to invite the Wikimedia communities to a hands-on session about how we can define together what "open" means today, in a more diverse and inclusive way.
↪ Register now at
Better together: debriefing the Open Knowledge Network annual meeting in Zurich
At the annual meeting in June, our Network deepened connections, identified key areas to work together and jointly developed a vision for the future of the movement. Learn directly from Sara Petti , our Network Lead.
+ Highlights from the Network
🇨🇭 Switzerland – is calling all culture and tech enthusiasts to join the upcoming GLAMhack23, where creativity meets innovation. They have reflected back on the annual forum and published Why Government Councillor Jacqueline Fehr thinks we could be a little bolder.
🇳🇵 Nepal – Open Knowledge Nepal warped up the Local Government (LG) Data Fellowship, learn more about the fellows' activities, challenges, impacts & learnings from the blog. They are also working to welcome new members to the Women in Data Steering Committee.
🇧🇷 Brazil – Open Knowledge Brasil has started evaluating the Open Data Index for Cities (ODI Cities) 2023, a study that will map the availability and quality of open data in Brazilian capitals. CGU and civil society have begun public construction of the 6th National Action Plan for Open Government.
Save the dates!
Frictionless Data at Code4Dev – Online, 24 August
Our team is the guest of the next BID workshop, with translations to English, Spanish and Portuguese. Come and learn to deploy our open source tool Frictionless Data
Festival de Datos – Punta del Este, Uruguay, 7-9 November
It's the must-go event for anyone who works with data. Stay tuned for our updates!
About us.
Open knowledge is any content, information or data that people are free to use, re-use and redistribute — without any legal, technological or social restriction.
The Open Knowledge Foundation 's mission is to create a free, fair and open future, advancing open knowledge as a design principle beyond just data. We do it by creating tools, developing models, harnessing communities and advocating for standards and policies in a sustainable, ethical and agile manner.
Peace to all mankind! The evolution of the brain, the heart, the soul. ! Let's unite People of the whole Earth of the whole World!
11moThe evolution of the brain, the heart, the soul.