Human error and organisational failure are seen across all sectors and industries, healthcare being no different. In the operation theatre environment in hospitals in particular, surgeons, OR staff, anaesthetists and others have made efforts to minimize atleast the human error factor that can lead to accidents/ anaesthetic mishaps.
It has been seen that such mishaps tend to be a result of unpredictable recipe of human and organisational failures that are caused owing to a weak link in the operational system and other safety mechanisms. Human errors owing to lack of attentiveness, distraction, moods are unpredictable and hence not easy to manage factors leading to mishaps. This brings one to a question as to whether the systems and operations policies, which by themselves can be detected and managed, are, on the other hand taking cognizance of matters that could lead to unpredicted human errors and ways to address and / or circumvent such possibilities.
Anaesthetists, for instance, require to be alert at all times owing to possible uncertain and dynamic occurances with the patient during surgery. They are dealing with multiple patient data that requires assimilation and continuous analysis to enable them to continuously respond to the needs of the patient, which again could have numerous outcomes. Then there are multiple players within the operation theatre with their own work assignments and priorities. Co-ordination amongst all these entities not to forget the operational and organisational policies of the hospital are yet other important factors to be borne in mind and adhered to. ‘Quite complex’ is all one could say specially when failure is not an option!!.
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Whislt this only a brief overview on the subject, there are several factors and statistical data that would need an extensive study of this very important subject.
Dhanraj Chandriani
Technecon Healthcare Pvt Ltd