Optimizing Thermal Comfort in Industrial Buildings with Gas-fired Radiant Strip Heaters

Optimizing Thermal Comfort in Industrial Buildings with Gas-fired Radiant Strip Heaters

In the modern world, where energy efficiency and environmental responsibility are at the forefront, the gas-fired radiant strip heaters emerge as a concrete answer to the heating needs of large industrial spaces, where temperature control presents a significant challenge due to the extensive dimensions of the areas to be heated, also combining performance, energy savings and environmental respect.

In such environments, it is indeed essential to implement efficient climate system (heating and air conditioning systems) to ensure optimal thermal comfort without wasting energy, a crucial factor not only for maintaining contained operational costs but also for ensuring the well-being of workers.

Among the most innovative and energy-efficient solutions, the heating by means of radiant strip heaters is increasingly becoming an effective alternative to traditional air heating systems, boasting a series of benefits that positively reflect on energy performance, productivity and also on the environmental impact of those companies that choose them as a heating solution. 

Advantages of heating with Radiant Strip Heaters

One of the main advantages is undoubtedly the ability to reduce energy consumption. For an equal amount of heat supplied, these systems consume less energy compared to traditional technologies, thus contributing to reducing the operating costs of industrial and commercial buildings.

Additionally, this technology prevents heat losses, typical of other systems, especially in environments with significant ceiling heights.

 Another distinctive aspect of radiant heating is its eco-friendliness. This solution, thanks to its low consumption and reduced emissions, proves to be one of the most sustainable and ecological for heating industrial and commercial environments.

Radiant systems, by directly heating bodies and not the air, also become valuable allies in keeping the air fresher and cleaner, avoiding circulation and suspension of dust, and excessive air dryness, all factors that can create a somewhat bothersome, if not harmful, microclimate for the workers' health.

The use of our TUB•ONE® Gas-fired Radiant Strip Heaters can be considered a particularly effective solution in this direction. This system, capable of heating even just partial areas of the building, further contributes to optimizing fuel consumption, a necessary characteristic in the perspective of energy efficiency and containment of operational costs.

TUB•ONE® is indeed an autonomous and independent system, and much more economical compared to a traditional hot water or hot air system, as it does not foresee the construction of a heating plant, the installation of a boiler, and any hydraulic circuit.

All these factors make it a modern, efficient and fast-installation heating solution, also thanks to the special HTSG JOINT SYSTEM - patented by IMPRESIND - which allows the tubes to slide without exerting pressure on the elements anchored to the building, thereby preventing displacement caused by thermal expansions of various strip components.

Versatility and efficiency are the noticeable features that make TUB•ONE® particularly suitable for heating industrial, commercial, sport and also agricultural structures.  

These rightfully place it among the heating solutions most aligned with the ecological and energy efficiency standards required by today's market and preferable to other traditional types of heating.

How does Radiant Heating work?

In thermodynamics, radiation, refers to the process through which thermal energy moves from one body to another in the form of electromagnetic radiation, without the need for a material medium for propagation. This type of heat transfer can also occur in a vacuum, unlike conduction and convection that require a material medium. We talk about a phenomenon that we can experience daily, for example when we perceive the sun's heat on our skin or warm up in front of a heat source like a stove or a fireplace.

The generated thermal radiation consists of electromagnetic waves, which can vary in wavelength, and propagates in space until it interacts with other bodies. When these electromagnetic waves hit another body, part of the radiant energy is absorbed by the body, warming it in the process.

Here are the main characteristics:

  • Heat transfer without direct contact: thermal energy can be transferred between bodies separated by a distance, without the need for physical contact or a material medium.
  • Heat transfer through vacuum: unlike conduction and convection, radiation does not require a material medium for heat transfer, allowing heat transfer even through vacuum.
  • Propagation via electromagnetic waves: thermal energy is carried in the form of electromagnetic radiation, which can vary in wavelength and propagate at the speed of light.

The efficiency of heat transfer by radiation depends on various factors, including temperature, surface properties of the materials involved (e.g., emissivity and absorption) and the distance between bodies.

It also plays a crucial role in many engineering applications, including radiant heating systems, whose operation is directly inspired by the natural principle of radiation.

Opting for this technology therefore means reducing operating costs, and also actively contributing to the creation of healthier and more sustainable work spaces, in line with the objectives of a greener and more responsible future.

Consume less, consume better.

Choose our radiant heating solutions, TUB-ONE® and RAY-RED®, to heat your industrial spaces.

TUB-ONE® radiant heating adapts perfectly to any environment, following the necessary geometries.

The combustion unit can be installed both inside and outside the building.


Impresind srl has been alongside entrepreneurs and workers who care about safety and the creation of climate well-being in the workplace for over 30 years, always keeping an eye on the sustainable development of the sector.

Our technical and commercial staff is always at your disposal for personalized information and advice.

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www.impresind.com | impresind@impresind.com

For more information visit our website here >TUB-ONE.

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