Our year in review
As we enter into the final stretch of 2020, it’s worth taking a moment to think:
Am I where I thought I would be by this time of the year?
Let me share something with you.
The Boundless team and I have taken time to reflect, and here’s what we realized:
We are NOT where we thought we would be.
It’s no secret that this year has been challenging for most of us (even Google had its ups and downs 😉 ).
In our case, it was in April when my team and I realized that we wouldn’t be able to achieve our goals by just following our initial plan.
Many companies were busy accelerating their digital transformation, networks were growing and evolving overnight, and IT teams required more agility and resilience than ever.
Things were changing, the world was changing fast!
We wanted to keep bringing simplicity to the complex networking environment. That’s our MAIN goal.
But to achieve that, to still be relevant... we had to ADAPT. We had to REACT. And we had to do it FAST.
And that's what we did - we drastically changed our Roadmap.
Where are we now?
Well, with 2 Network Automation solutions launched this year, a new one soon to come, and a brand new plan in front of us, we can proudly say:
We are definitely not where we thought we would be. WE ARE WAY BEYOND THAT.
If there’s something 2020 has taught us (other than the fact that lockdown sucks) is this:
Circumstances can evolve, and plans can stop working.
If that happens, change your plans (and do it fast!), but never change your goal.
With the holiday season upon us, the Boundless team and I would like to wish you a wonderful end of the year, and a happy and healthy start to the new one.
Let’s make 2021 a great year.
And let’s all keep working smarter to achieve our goals - no matter how many times we’d need to change our plans!
Stay Safe and Happy Holidays 🎄!
Noel-Edouard Chenu
Co-founder and CEO @Boundless Digital
Great reflection Noel-Edouard Chenu! Best of luck for 2021