Out of Control
Who doesn't love being in control? We can show everyone the plan and proudly point out where we are going. What happens when things don't go to plan? Do you run and hide? Get angry, get upset? Shrug your shoulders and get on with it? There is likely to be a pattern or behaviour that steers your actions at that crucial point, which can be the difference between descending into stress or calmly carrying on. It's different for everyone.
My particular patterns around control have long focused on emotions, the British stiff upper lip if you like. Learnt behaviours that things go wrong if I'm not in control, bad things happen to the people I care about. This did make me risk averse, a worrier and a text book people pleaser.
I've been learning to let go of these and getting to the root cause. These deep seated beliefs can impact your ability to put yourself out there, speak up about what your needs are and affect your understanding of what feels safe.
Fear and Control
Our societal upbringing and perceptions of what is good and bad behaviour tells us that out of control is not good. If we see someone dancing in the street, they're not expressing themselves, they're making a fool out of themselves.
We see someone who seemingly has no worries or cares, but they're dressed eccentrically with unkempt hair and armful of tattoos. They don't care about what other people think, we worry for them that people do.
Conformity to normal behaviour and presentation is a way that we can feel in control. Yet in our soul what we yearn for is to skip through the forest barefoot humming to ourselves and playing with the fairies.
We want to be able to tell people that we have a deep sense of knowing, an intuition that something isn't right and let that be enough to be able to make a decision.
We want to be able to send love and healing to someone, even a stranger just because we can.
Yet we fear what other people will think, we don't see other people like us, so we stay in a conforming shadow, even though the essence of is craving something more. A sense of connection, a sense of wholeness, a sense of belonging.
As soon as you start to peek out from behind the curtain of control, then you will find yourself coming across other 'misfits' who come into your energy. The more you reveal, the braver you can be.
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You have to start taking away one layer at a time until you are revealed in all your glory.
Control and your Dreams
Your dreams will stay dreams whilst you try and control the outcome. If you lack the self worth, believe that you don't deserve what is in your heart and soul, the trust that everything will work out. You limit yourself and the possibilities that are available to you. Having the faith, trust and surrender along with an expansive vision it's what brings miracles and magic.
Control and Healing
The source of our control behaviours can be ancestral, genetic or created from a time when we needed to feel safe.
If you would like to know what patterns and behaviours that are holding you and your ability to receive all the good things in life back. A Quantum Insight Session will give you the unlimited possibilities that are available to you and what's getting in your way of achieving them.
Love and light
Louise x