The Packaging IS the product.
Marshal McLuhan wrote a book in the late sixties called 'the medium is the message", A very interesting read, which essentially explains how media extensions actually can impact/change WHAT the message is.
Some years ago, I realized how this truth applies to packaging: "the package is the product". In the same way that the delivery method can change the message itself, the package does this for a product. It creates the perception of the product, and perception is reality.
I am sure many of you have purchased a food product for example, in very elaborate packaging, not knowing anything about the product or brand?. The package conveyed the message of value. All other factors being equal, companies who can communicate more effectively through their package, usually out-sell their competition,
In spite of excellent strategies, market research, flawless go to market, many products fail at the point of sale, due to their packaging. Companies often ignore the "moment of truth" a prospective buyer has when they first see and hold the package. They do invest nearly enough time it their packaging strategy.
When a prospective customer picks up the package in a supermarket it is a moment of truth. In the 6-10 seconds that the customer looks at the package, is it communicating the value? Is is linked to the overall campaign? How does this message compare to the competition?
There is a whole study behind what motivates consumers to pick up a package, but these are the main factors:
1. Color, we need look no further than Coke red to understand how color can make us recognize and value a brand
2. Form, is the form of the package inviting? Is it easy to hold, pick up? How do I feel when i hold the package
3. Design, a good design is very important, but many times it is secondary to the first two.
If the 3 points above ARE the product, Color is the strongest symbolism of a product, the essential message. The emotional connection to the brand and product is elicited by the color. It is the first aspect that is recognized and the the most rapid connection to the brand
What are you or your customers doing to ensure that packaging communication is effective?
Here is a fun link to illustrate how important color is in the creative stage. The color of the year organized by Pantone, is a good example . This years it is "Rose Quartz & Serenity" the name says it all, it is all about emotion and connecting to the intrinsic value of what product may be behind to color! (See for more details
Very true Aleks... very true!
Sales and Service Operations Supervisor
9yExcellent article,
Business Development Executive
9yWell stated and spot on.
Global Business Strategist & Advocate
9yExcellence Aleks!
Technology Strategy Executive
9ywell done!