How come no one told us that pain is a part of life. Our educational system is a BIG MESS. Even our loving parents may have inadvertently SHIELDED US from pain to our own DETRIMENT. Sometimes, it is not good for things to go well all the time!!! You will never learn.
Let me tell you a secret of life. You will suffer PAIN in your life. No one escapes it. No one is immune, exempt or inoculated from it. If you doubt it, just ask my Lord & Saviour, Jesus the Christ!!! He did not want to go to the cross but He did.
No one prays for pain. I DO NOT!!! However, as long as you are alive, at some point in your life, you will face PAIN. Get use to it my good friends.
This is what is important: you and I must learn the skills necessary to deal with PAIN in life.
Let’s begin with three critical points. I would like you to spend the day meditating on them.
1. Deal with the foundation of your thoughts - some of us have this irrational belief that life should be fair. Life is NOT fair. Only God is fair. I use to think that life should be free of problems until I started reading a lot of books!!!!
GET RID OF THE IDEA THAT YOU WILL NOT MAKE MISTAKES, SUFFER SETBACKS OR EVEN DEAL WITH EXTREME PAIN. If you do not, you are setting yourself up for a disaster in your life!!! Stop thinking irrationally. Rational people accept the fact that life is not perfect.
2. Stubbornly confront the cause of the pain and RESOLVE to go head-on with it. Say to yourself - “if I perish, I perish.” Believe me, you will not perish. However, you must be ready to die in your quest to SOLVE the problem. You may think I am crazy, I am. Remember, only M.A.D. people do GREAT things in life. Do not be FOOLED, there is always a way OUT. Find the solution, seek an alternative or improvise from “thin air.”
3. Stay on your knees!! Seek the face of God. Even if you do not see immediate results - tell the bloody devil to go to hell. Remain standing. Ultimately, trust God and you will prevail. For me, I follow God blindly!!! Whether He answers or not, I will follow!!! Even if He says there is no Heaven, I will still follow. Be radical and tell life to “BACK OFF!!!!”