Pending in Fremont, CA #TheAmeerGroup
💰list price: 899,000
🏡 34703 Woodhue Ter, Fremont, CA
I was able to negotitate getting my clients offer accepted above 23 other offers.
Who you work with NOW, MATTERS more than ever. 🗝️
#TheAmeerGroup - Ready. Set. Sold.🏡
Who do you know that's thinking about selling, buying or investing in Silicon Valley/Bay Area Real Estate & deserves an exceptional experience?
We are NEVER too busy for your REFERRALS! ❤️
📲Call/Text: 408-401-8921
DRE #:02000684
CØMPASS / 🧭 - Brokerage Office License #: 01527235
#ReadySetSold #5amRealtor #EgyptianRealtor #CØMPASS #AgentsofCompass #Luxury #LuxuryHome #LuxuryHomes #InvestmentProperty #Home #Homes #California #ForSale #RealEstate #SiliconValley #BayArea #Investing #LifeStyle #Sale #SellingTheBayArea #BayAreaRealEstate #DRE #CompassValue #SiliconValleyRealEstate #Pending #Sold