Penning Prosperity at Dawn
By: Mumtazhana R. Sabira
In the heart of Surabaya, where the city still slumbers under the blanket of night, Achmad Supardi, or Pardi as colleagues call him, emerges as a literary trailblazer whose journey began with the sunrise of his youth. While most adolescents were navigating the labyrinth of teenagehood, Pardi was already crafting narratives that would soon echo far beyond the boundaries of high school students with economic challenges.
As the first rays of dawn kissed the city skyline, Pardi's love affair with words commenced. His journey into the world of writing unfolded not in the hallowed halls of a university but amidst the hustle and bustle of junior high school. By the time high school beckoned, his poetic verses and short stories had become a testament to a passion that would later transform into a profession.
In the halls of high school, Pardi's pen danced across the pages, translating emotions and observations into poems and short stories. The inkwell of his imagination overflowed, and the call to write became a siren song that beckoned him toward the world of storytelling. The muse of creativity had found a devoted companion in the young and ambitious Pardi.
It wasn't until 1994, during his second year of high school, that Pardi's literary odyssey took an official turn. Joining the Surabaya Post Student Journalists Association, known as KROPEL, marked a pivotal moment. The association, nestled within the walls of the Surabaya Post building, provided not just a space to write but an incubator for journalistic aspirations. The young scribe found himself amidst computers, discussions, and editorial guidance, sowing the seeds for a flourishing literary career.
The routine within KROPEL included weekly publications that featured news, reports, and the quintessential, or Laput in Indonesian which stands for Laporan Utama, an exploration of various issues, including searching for infamous stories in surroundings like a "killer teacher". A famous term in Indonesia for teachers who act strictly and often punish students. Pardi and other fellow student reporters delved into the realms of school activities and societal matters, all documented with ink-stained determination.
As the ink dried on the printed pages, Pardi found more than just a byline, he found financial recompense. The honorarium, a modest sum by worldly standards, spoke volumes in the young writer's journey. Earning 15,000 rupiahs for an article, shared with a fellow wordsmith, became the initial trickle in what would soon be a stream of literary prosperity.
Not news writing, but poetry was Pardi's humble beginning, a canvas where he expressed his feelings without the constraints of structure. "Poems are the easiest," he muses subjectively, reflecting on the time when the beauty of poetry lay in the freedom of expression. The transition from the spontaneous flow of poems to the structured realm of news articles was a leap of both challenge and opportunity.
"People can start from anything," Pardi insists. His journey from poetry to news articles mirrored the complexities of life, where structure demanded learning and fieldwork became the brushstroke defining stories. Pardi's passion for writing transcended genres; it was a love for the act of creation.
Reflecting on his evolution, Pardi acknowledged the simplicity that drew him to poetry initially. It was an uncharted realm where subjectivity reigned supreme. Poetry, for him, was a sanctuary where emotions flowed freely, unencumbered by predefined structures or expectations.
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News writing, on the other hand, required a more structured approach. The pursuit of news demanded fieldwork, interviews, and adherence to a predefined structure, a shift that transformed the ordinary poet into a news-savvy journalist. However, the transition did not dilute Pardi's enthusiasm, it only broadened the spectrum of his literary repertoire.
The road was not always smooth. Rejections, like gentle storms, occasionally dampened the enthusiasm. Yet, the allure of seeing his name in print and the prospect of an honorarium kept Pardi resilient. The Surabaya Post club became more than a haven, it was a proving ground where ideas met scrutiny, and the best rose to the surface.
Pardi's roots were firmly embedded in the soil of economic struggle. Born into a family of street vendors, his parents worked tirelessly to make ends meet. Their small house, a haven nestled in a slum area, became a sanctuary not just for the nuclear family but for numerous relatives seeking refuge. In this confined space, Pardi learned the art of acceptance and the value of familial bonds.
Earning from his literary endeavors wasn't just a reward, it became a lifeline for the economically challenged family Pardi hailed from. The financial returns, coupled with his early entrepreneurial spirit, saw him invest in a piece of land, a tangible testament to the dividends of his passion.
From high school to university, Pardi's dedication remained unwavering. His early exposure to journalism and financial gains from his literary pursuits set the stage for a professional journey that transcended conventional timelines.
Financial struggles cast shadows on Pardi's pursuit of education. To earn a good score to get into university, he used borrowed books from school to study. He committed to not returning the books if he failed to get into university. A relentless pursuit of opportunities allowed him to navigate the challenging path of academia, and eventually, he could return the borrowed books. Where did he get the money for university? Well, joining KROPEL became a lifeline, a means to support himself through high school and later university.
The pursuit of knowledge wasn't without support. Scholarships from the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology for his master's degree and LPDP for his Ph.D. provided the financial backing for his academic journey. The recognition of his academic pursuits added yet another layer to Pardi's multifaceted identity.
Beyond the realms of academia and writing, Pardi's versatility emerges in unexpected arenas. As a game translator for various genres, he explored the intersection of language and entertainment. The diversity in his career showcased not just his versatility but an insatiable curiosity that transcended boundaries.
Amid our conversation, Pardi chuckled, admitting to occasional contemplations about job changes. Yet, his loyalty, be it to a publication, a university, or a position, remained unswerving. It wasn't just about the job, it was about the commitment, the responsibility, and the sense of belonging that defined Pardi.
Today, as Dr. Achmad Supardi, he stands not just as a witness to his journey but as a maestro orchestrating the symphony of words that began in the earliest hours of his youth. The sunrise of success, coupled with the financial dawn of his early endeavors, illuminates a path for aspiring writers, a path carved by a young literary luminary who dared to act before the world had fully awakened.