PFAs in Food & Water
Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAs) are a diverse group of thousands of synthetic chemicals categorized as and belonging to the Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) Class of Chemicals.
Persistent because they “Resist Degradation through Chemical, Biological, and Photolytic Processes” Organic, as they have “Carbon atoms” covalently linked to Fluorine atoms, and Pollutant as they are “Extremely Toxic, and thus Detrimental to Human Health & Global Environment”. Some of the PFAS have been in Commercial use since the 1940s.
Since the 1960s, the FDA authorized Oil and liquid-resistant PFAS for limited use in Non-stick Cookware, Food Packaging, and Food Processing Equipment. However, these damage the Immune & Reproductive, Neurological Systems, and are Cancer and Birth Defect-causative.
Their Widespread use, Environmental Persistence, and consequently elevated levels in Air, Water, and Soil, have been contaminating Humans. Certain Vegetables and Drinking Water are important sources. Seafood including Fish, Meat, and its Products, Eggs, Milk, and Dairy Products are strong pathways for their bioaccumulation in Humans.
EU Stipulated Maximum levels for Selected PFAS’ in Certain Foods with effect from 1st January 2023. USEPA’s limits on 02 common types of PFAS – PFOA and PFOS are extremely strict i.e. at 04 parts/ trillion. This is phenomenal considering that less than a decade back, the USEPA , had suggested a 70 parts/trillion upper limit on combined PFOS and PFOA exposure.
The increasing precision of cutting-edge Instruments has made PFAS Detection and Quantitation, a reality affording us the chance to make Food, Scientifically Safe.
Let’s do it !
Assistant Manager-IT
6moVery informative