Pharma's 10 Rules for Success in the Future Health Ecosystem
Pharma leaders caught wind of the open source Health Rosetta project I catalyzed as well as the 95 Theses for a New Health Ecosystem. They asked me to draw on those insights and the experience of having founded or been a part of the leadership team of two $1 billion new businesses inside of a large corporation (Microsoft) as well as being one of the relatively few digital health exits. Now that I've built an investment thesis around the precepts of the Health Rosetta and 95 Theses in my position as Managing Partner of Healthfundr, these pharma companies may become partners or acquirers of companies we're investing in so they want that perspective as well.
The 95 Theses for the New Health Ecosystem provides the guiding principles for how winning organizations across the entire health ecosystem will approach the overhauled health ecosystem and deliver the components of the Health Rosetta. Contributors to the 95 Theses include household names such as Bill Gates while others are well-known industry figures such as Dr. Eric Topol, Susannah Fox, Jonathan Bush, and Esther Dyson. Others are not broadly known figures yet are doing extraordinary work in their fields. They include people such as Dr. Tom Delbanco, John Wilbanks, Lygeia Ricciardi, John Grohol, Jan Oldenburg, Shannon Brownlee, Dr. Bryan Vartabedian, Dr. Clay Johnston, Dr. Rushika Fernandopulle and many others whose thinking will shape the industry for years to come.
Leonard Kish and I have spent the last 18 months curating thinking from many of the most forward-looking minds in healthcare. We've been flattered that some have compared the 95 Theses for a New Health Ecosystem to the Cluetrain Manifesto...
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Co-Founder U.S. Precision Medicine: “Launching New Discoveries”
8yWOW! (don't do that often...maybe never) Dave Chase has saved everyone a lot of time and energy by putting this in front of all of us looking to see where the future of health care is headed...with specifics. Thanks Dave.