Phew! An exhilarating start to 2024.
Hey Fam! Welcome to the first episode of our newsletter in 2024. I hope this finds you well and thriving as we kickstart another journey around the sun.
Let me begin by acknowledging the whirlwind start to the year. It feels like yesterday when we bid farewell to 2023 and embraced the new year, 2024! Time truly flies when you're immersed in the hustle and bustle of life.
Personally, I found myself swept up in a flurry of activities right from the get-go, leaving me with barely a moment to catch my breath. But here we are, finally carving out a space to reconnect and share about the subjects that matter most to us.
I made a conscious decision for 2024.
Reflecting on the months ahead, one phrase resonates deeply: "Big on execution." This year, I've consciously decided to prioritize action above everything else. It's easy to get lost in the grandeur of dreams and aspirations, but true progress is found in relentless execution.
We all have those moments where we imagine ourselves achieving incredible things. But here's the thing: while dreaming is great, it's the actual doing that really counts. Results come when we roll up our sleeves and make things happen.
For me, execution looks like this: An idea pops into my head, I stop what I'm doing and note it down before I lose it. Execution also looks like this: I work on my urgent tasks as soon as possible and move other tasks into my current timeline if I have extra time.
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In summary, execution for me means getting things done and making things happen as soon as possible! And I hope it's the same for you too.
Here's what you can expect each time you see this newsletter pop up in your email.
In the coming episodes, I'll delve deep into three key areas that intrigue and inspire me: people, blockchain, and marketing.
So, buckle up as we go on an exhilarating journey in the next few months.
Until next time, make sure to stay "Big on Execution"!