Philosophy and wellbeing practices
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Philosophy and wellbeing practices
1. Preamble: using the framework for sustainability conversations
➤ Read, comment, share: A framework for sustainability conversations:
➤ Request your PDF copy: here (bonus inside)
2. Introduction: strategy starts with asking the right questions
“ The purpose of our lives is to be happy.”—Dalai Lama
What enhances human flourishing—is what is good to us. Observing that we can rationally discuss what is good for plants and animals in the same way that we can talk about what is good for people, many people believe there is a general principle that applies to the entire world of organisms: what is good for complex organisms is the maturation and exercise of their natural powers.
In philosophy, wellbeing is most frequently used to define what is ultimately or non-instrumentally good for a person. The matter of what constitutes well-being is of independent interest. Still, it is crucial in moral philosophy, particularly in utilitarianism, which holds that the only moral demand is that well-being is maximized. G.E. Moore and T.M. Scanlon, for instance, have launched significant challenges to the very idea. It has been common to categorize well-being theories as either hedonist, desire, or objective list theories. The sole value, according to welfarism, is one's personal wellbeing, also vital in ethics.
Research shows wellbeing improves decision-making ability, focus and memory.
“The surprising finding is that our relationships and how happy we are in our relationships have a powerful influence on our health,” said Robert Waldinger, director of the study, a psychiatrist at Massachusetts General Hospital and a professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. “Taking care of your body is important, but tending to your relationships is a form of self-care too. That, I think, is the revelation.”
2. Facts and perspectives
A few words about the IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics of Autonomous and Intelligent Systems is an IEEE Program whose purpose is to ensure every technologist is educated, trained, and empowered to prioritize ethical considerations in the design and development of autonomous and intelligent systems. The Initiative is global, open, and inclusive, welcoming all individuals or representatives of organizations dedicated to advancing technology for humanity.
We welcome new participants from large and small corporations, academia, industry, government agencies, and any individuals that are interested in the Global Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) Well-being Initiative. Get involved,
2.1—Facts: knowledge is infinite, so the planet is
We are not running out of time, we are full of infinite possibilities. A fundamental condition for the long term prosperity of a nation is education for women and girls and freedom. Life expectancy, economic development, happiness all suffer when half the world population is oppressed.
Limiting opportunity for some prevents growth for all. We, humans, are unique in our ability to understand things. "We are problem solvers and can solve all problems. All sins and evil are due to a lack of knowledge. We can be optimistic about constant progress: we’re at the beginning of a progress infinity.
“The human race is just a chemical scum on a moderate-sized planet, orbiting around a very average star in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies. We are so insignificant that I can't believe the whole universe exists for our benefit. That would be like saying that you would disappear if I closed my eyes.” This vision of what people are by Stephen Hawkin (see more in the resource part), and of what the planet is, is true in a trivial sense, but it misses the point that people are a kind of hub. So far as we know, humans are the hub in the cosmos that is producing knowledge, an open-ended stream of knowledge that could transform the rest of reality.
2.2—Perspectives: activate your human nature to support sustainability
By introducing systems thinking as “the Fifth Discipline” of creating a learning organization, Peter Senge (see link in the resource part) embedded what might otherwise be a purely technical and cognitive set of tools into a broader context. This context embraces multiple dimensions:
• Spiritual: The ability to see and articulate what will benefit diverse people over time.
• Emotional: The ability to master our emotions in service of a higher purpose.
• Physical: The ability to bring people together and enable them to collaborate.
• Mental: The ability to recognize how our individual and collective thinking affects the results we want.
As employees evolve into “knowledge employees” – those who develop and apply knowledge – organization must keep pace by becoming “learning organizations.” Employees in such organizations strive to learn and grow collaboratively, experimenting with new and broader ways of thinking in order to reach the full potential of their organizations.
3. Join the discussion using the framework for sustainability conversations: Philosophy and wellbeing practices—Part 5/5
3.1—Join the discussion: Philosophy and wellbeing practices
As we intend to understand how we can reinforce what we’ve been attempting to eradicate harmful practices for so long, we’ve built our framework where we can find data to lead to better strategic decisions. We've created this venue to host discussions around sustainability and efficiency.
A five-pronged approach to help organizations achieve improved performance through attention to environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and governance.
3.2—Conclusion: human are forces of nature
We have been living in a period unlike any other in contemporary history. Around the last year, people all over the globe have confronted the epidemic that has killed over 2.6 million people (so far), watched—and in many cases, participated in—the world's greatest work-from-home experiment.
The magnitude of these incidents has prompted corporate executives to reconsider the toll they have had on employees' lives: recognizing the unequal impact on some workforce segments, including women, people of color, and front-line workers, has spurred leaders to make a more purposeful commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) and become more transparent about their diversity company's DEI-related accomplishments. For many years, research has supported the influence of socio-economic factors on our wellbeing. We now need to encourage greater diverse participation in health governance and in the design and delivery of culturally appropriate health services.
It reminds us that wellbeing is essential and building pathways to create new healthy ecosystems based on cycle-driven systems, to better produce and grow.
Progress is inevitable as long as we have these good explanations as there's a tremendous space for more forces and extended creativity.
Looking forward to sharing more about these topics, thank you.
4. Visual of the week
5. Nevelab Technologies Partner Program
With climate change causing investment risks and opportunities through structural changes in almost every sector of the global economy, we believe that any collaboration launched during such turbulent times must benefit from the latest research on sustainability investment to make the best possible corporate strategic decisions.
These collaborations will allow us to engage closely with universities, centers of innovation, and institutions to incorporate the most current knowledge about investments and sustainability, in addition to enabling pioneering research in the sustainability and efficiency areas.
➤ We partner with world-class technology providers and system integrators to deliver unmatched sustainability innovation tools and value.
6. Our world in data: Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG)
➤ More critical resources: Real-time temperature • Advanced Global Atmospheric Gases Experiment
➤ Please consider sharing these numbers with your community by forwarding this email or tweeting this.
7. Podcast: "Corporate leadership, social interactions, and the future of work" series with Sara Murdock, Ph.D.
🎙 “The feminine approach to life is very much needed in the enterprise.”
While today's businesses are working hard to develop leaders from within, many are passing up a crucial opportunity by not fully leveraging the capabilities of executive women. We are trying to answer why are organizations missing amazing women and how it impacts the whole management and leadership abilities to the next level and contribution to long-term success.
For this fifth episode of The Road to Sustainability Podcast series dedicated to corporate leadership, we share some tips and tricks on the feminine approach very much needed in the enterprise.
You can listen to The Road to Sustainability™ Podcast on your favorite streamer Anchor - Apple Podcasts - Breaker - GooglePodcasts - Spotify - YouTube - SoundCloud.
8. Resources and archives
➤ An animated presentation on YouTube to better understand sustainability Introduction to Sustainability by The Road to Sustainability™.
➤ Daily sustainability insights in your inbox (special offer).
At Nevelab Technologies, we support cutting-edge research, development, and demonstration (RD&D), which is key to achieving accelerated innovation and helping the private sector support economic growth, drive down costs for key technologies, and promote corporate leadership assessment sustainability and efficiency.
I hope this effort answers the many questions I get about helping organizations embrace sustainability principles and become more future-proof.
🔗 The IEEE Global Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) Well-being Initiative is an IEEE program whose purpose is to ensure every technologist is educated, trained, and empowered to prioritize ethical considerations in the design and development of autonomous and intelligent systems. The Initiative is global, open, and inclusive, welcoming all individuals or representatives of organizations dedicated to advancing technology for humanity. Please reach out to me directly to learn how to join the Global Artificial Intelligence Systems (AIS) Well-being Initiative team.
🔗 The Road to Sustainability is a global network to build a more efficient, safe, and inclusive world. Sustainability is a fundamental part of every organization's culture, investment goals, and actions as a responsible business undergoing changes and being transferred between paradigm shifts.
🔗 Nevelab Technologies is a purpose-driven platform that leverages artificial intelligence to provide organizations with the tools to integrate sustainable imperatives while generating actionable insights.
The Road to Sustainability™ is an initiative by Nevelab Technologies and is circulated for informational and educational purposes only.
Nevelab Technologies Research utilizes data and information from the public, private and internal sources, including data from actual Nevelab open data access. While we consider information from external sources reliable, we do not assume responsibility for its accuracy.
The views expressed herein are solely those of Nevelab Technologies as of this report's date and are subject to change without notice. Nevelab Technologies may have a significant financial interest in one or more of the positions and securities or derivatives discussed. Those responsible for preparing this report receive compensation based upon various factors, including, among other things, the quality of their work and firm revenues.
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--Missions Mobilization
3yThanks, this is much needed!
Simone Belko, M. A. Rachel Fischer
CEO and Founder, Resilience Capital Ventures LLC
3yCathy-Mae Karelse, PhD
Mauricio Kalinov & Certificación de Sustentabilidad™
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