Photo Retouching
Photo retouching is fundamental when it comes to editing an image. A perfect retouch on a specific image gives a dynamic look, making it very appealing and admirable. To give an idea about it working, removing any wrinkles/marks on the face or the clothing, adjusting & smoothing the face tone, enhancing natural colors, fixing the background & stray hair then giving the subject a shiny glow while keeping its originality, and a lot more as per the customer's requirements.
Photo Enhancement
It is the process of adjusting digital images to make the image more suitable for display or further analysis. Here adjustments are made in sharpness, brightness, noise, contrast, or saturation to make it easier to identify key features.
Face And Portrait Retouching
It is used to soften the skin, remove eye redness and bags, dark areas, enhance the natural beauty on the face, or remove unwanted spots on a photo. It is also needed to make the model look lively and attractive to the viewer keeping its originality and ideal quality.
Jewelry Photo Retouching
It is the process of modifying a jewelry image to make the product very alluring to the customers. It is used to increase the image's sharpness by color correction, giving the jewelry a smooth and shiny finish by removing any scratches or spots on the stones or metals.
Beauty Airbrushing
It is widely used in model and fashion photography to enhance the model's color tone and glamor. It can change hair color, eye color, whiten teeth, liquefy the photo, and many more.
Camera Reflection Removal
While doing a photo-shoot, there can be many drawbacks present which cannot be fixed at that moment. For example- there can be reflections on shiny surfaces like glass, bottles, goggles, and screens. These can be set by taking our professional photo retoucher's help where they put their effort to make your image the way you want.
Dust, Spot, Scratch, And Wrinkle Removal
This photo retouching service comes in handy when there are unwanted spots, scratches, or wrinkles on an image. These can be removed easily with the help of our designers. Any mishap with props or clothing can also be fixed using this service.