Planning towards a smooth transition
Eight steps for a business transition
As a business owner, you've worked hard to build your business. But what about the day when you might want to walk away from it all? Business transition planning is perhaps one of the most complex tasks a business owner will encounter. Many owners have a substantial portion of their family wealth invested in the business, a complexity that requires broader financial planning strategies to address retirement and estate planning needs.
If you lack a comprehensive plan to pass on your business, now is the time to give serious thought to a formal business transition plan. A well-crafted transition plan identifies a long-term strategy that can inform short-term decisions.
Improve the value of your business
When the time comes to sell a business, many deals collapse during the buyer’s due diligence when problems come to light. So, start cleaning things up before it becomes an issue for a buyer.
As you look to improve the value of your business, think about what factors a prospective buyer will place the most value on. What will drive value for a buyer in the future? Will the business continue to operate effectively and grow if you are no longer at the helm? What roadblocks should be addressed now, instead of closer to the sale?
Reducing business risk is a top priority in a proactive transition strategy. When your business is perceived as a solid opportunity, it may create a competitive buyer environment, increase value, improve negotiation and deal terms, and minimize the time to close the sale.
Preparing for the future sale of your business
Here are eight action steps to help get your business market-ready:
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If you lack a comprehensive plan to pass on your business, now is the time to give serious thought to a formal business transition plan. A well-crafted transition plan identifies a long-term strategy that can inform short-term decisions.
Each business is different and preparing for a transition is a complex process. Start thinking about how you can maximize the value of your business today.
Source: UBS Business Owner Insights Report, September 2018
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