Planning your social media content for March
It’s SPRING (almost)! I always feel more inspired as the weather warms up and the days get longer. I feel energized, ready to get up in the morning, start my day with a walk (outside!), and start planning my gardens (we’ve already started some seeds inside, getting ready for planting season).
Let’s fill your social media calendar for the month, so you have more time to get outside!
As always, let’s start with some common weekly trending hashtags
Monday - #MondayMotivation, #MotivationMonday, #MindfulMonday
Tuesday - #TransformationTuesday, #TipTuesday, #GoodNewsTues
Wednesday - #WellnessWednesday, #WomenWednesday, #Humpday
Thursday - #ThrowbackThursday or #TBT, #ThoughtfulThursday, #ThankfulThursday
Friday - #FearlessFriday, #FactFriday, #TGIF
Some Traditional Observances for March (USA) to use in your social media planning:
March is Women’s History Month and Irish American Heritage Month
March 11 - Maha Shivaratri (Hindu Holiday)
March 11 - Isra and Mi’raj (Muslim)
March 14 - Daylight Saving Time starts
March 17 - St. Patrick’s Day
March 28 - Palm Sunday (Christian)
March 28 - Holi (Hindu Holiday)
Mar 28 - First day of Passover (Jewish holiday)
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March 29 - National Vietnam War Veterans Day
And we’d be remiss, not to mention some Fun Holidays for March!
March 1 - World Compliment Day – Compliment a colleague! Promote others!
March 3 - I Want You to be Happy Day
March 4 - March Forth and Do Something Day – Let’s inspire others and do something!
March 12 - Alfred Hitchcock Day
March 14 - Pi Day
March 16 - Every Thing You Do is Right Day
March 18 - Awkward Moments Day – there are some good stories here!
March 19 - Let’s Laugh Day
March 20 - World Storytelling Day – Tell a story about one of your offerings!
March 22 - International Goof Off Day
March 23 - Puppy Day
March 23 - Near Miss Day – what opportunity did you nearly miss?
March 30 - Take a Walk in the Park Day
Have fun planning your month! If you get a little stuck with content and need a creative boost, send us an email anytime, we love a good brainstorming session!