Potential Is Everywhere
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Potential Is Everywhere

Your blog should be geared towards your bottom line; to boost your business. The content marketing exercise should be completely built to generate reads and turn those reads into leads.

Consider this article as an example. We are a company that has a blog post writing service as one of our core product offerings. As a psychological win, we've positioned your company's blog as something that can & should provide a return as a marketing investment.

Likely, you clicked on this article as a result of a very specifically targeted ad on LinkedIn. We got you here, and you are reading the article, and a small percentage of you will reach out for a chat on our services ;)

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20 Types of Blog Posts That Will Boost Sales

1. A-Z Articles

If you sell bicycles, list your favourite brands in alphabetical order. Include one you’re trying to boost with an internal link leading back to your website for further information or deals.

2. A Challenge or Quest

Gear your audience towards something special that you cook up. Consider Neil Patel's $100k blog challenge: Neil and a partner started a blog and tried to get it up to $100k in monthly revenue. Through this exercise, he would submit a monthly update. The update would be chock-full of great learning that would convert some percentage into sales of his premium internet marketing courses.

3. Q&A

Invite your audience to email you with questions relevant to your expertise. Offer a prize for the question you select, and write an article detailing your solution with relevant links.

4. Serial Posts

Weekly posts add web pages to your domain, raising your visibility with search engines seeking fresh content to index. Outsourcing this enormous task to a professional blog post writing service is the best solution if you don’t have the resources or time yourself.

5. Product Tips

Your most popular products may get a surprising amount of engagement if your articles include helpful tips and insights on how to get more value out of them.

6. Newsjacking

Focus on time-sensitive issues and provide solutions that improve efficiency. Useful advice will inspire sharing and online engagement. Let's say you're an SEO Agency, for example, and a big search algorithm update just dropped. A post on how to navigate the new rules is prudent in that it will show your audience that you are on top of SEO Trends, and have the expertise to navigate.

7. Survey Posts

Create surveys that attract engagement and yield meaningful market intelligence. Article writers with strong marketing and research expertise can help you achieve results.

8. Speculative Posts

Demonstrate your expertise with insights on industry trends and their future prospects.

9. Games and Quizzes

Everyone loves games and distractions are an obsession with today’s consumer. Engagement will soar if you source the most interesting ideas.

10. Memes

If your audience appreciates humour, a meme is designed for viral sharing.

11. Feature/Guest Articles

Invite a social influencer known to your audience to write a feature article. A blog post writing service can easily source an appropriate article writer.

12. Case Study Article

Draw from your social media channels for subjects and ideas. A professional blog post writing service can make sure it is well-researched with statistics, infographics, and keywords appealing to search engines.

13. Blogging for Local Businesses

Use your newfound expertise and see if you can get a guest post onto a partner's website. I.e., let's say you're a real estate agent, naturally, you are likely using the services of a local accountant. Send him / her a note and put together an article for their website. Thus winning the attention of a whole new audience.

14. Guide-To Posts

Identify a trouble spot for customers and write a detailed article with internal links leading back to your solutions. Seek out a professional blog post writing service or an experienced article writer to help you optimize each post.

15. A Link List

Think of resources or tools you would be willing to share with your audience and write a list of them with corresponding links. Feedback you receive may lead to more sales or strategic partnerships.

16. Interviews

Hire a blog post writing service to produce a series of exclusive, in-depth interviews with an industry expert to generate social media fodder that fuels interest in your business.

17. Contests

Invite your readers to compete among themselves for a prize you provide. Use social media channels to promote the contest and conclude it with a feature article on the contest winner.

18. Tip List Articles

Focus each article on a specific number of tips (5, 7, 10 are popular) and advice for problems experienced by your target audience. If you hire a blog post writing service, be sure they’re also proficient in SEO writing.

19. How-To or Tutorial

These are a great opportunity to showcase your expertise, inspire feedback and inquiries that can lead to sales.

20. Reviews & Critiques

Find an experienced blog post writing service or article writers with journalism expertise as well as SEO knowledge to write objective reviews relevant to your industry and of interest to your readers.

Want help writing your blog to boost your business? Click here talk to us about pricing out a blog package, or go one step further and create a marketing masterpiece with our Thought Leadership.

Jonathan Bessette

Marketing and SEO Strategist | Writer | Editor | Poet


Boosting business is always the best. IMO 😁

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