The Power of Hope to Give You Direction in Business and Life
Titans of Growth | The 1% FORMULA

The Power of Hope to Give You Direction in Business and Life

10 Reasons Your Hope and Dreams Die Slowly.

Did hope die in your quest for success? Have you failed in business?

Been there, done that.

Nelson Mandela once said, "I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear."

What are your fears or ego and do they/it hold you back? What part of your ego caused you to stumble?

It did me and cost me multiple millions. I thought I knew it all and needed no support or mentors.

Man, I lost a ton of money because of that, like over 1,2 3, 4 and 5 and more millions. 

Ask yourself, “What stops me from living a life of purpose and passion?” Fear? Loss of Hope?

Untapped limitless possibilities lie within each of us, yet not all of us are aligned with our purpose and are alive with passion while unleashing them.

Thus, people give up on their dreams in life. Why is that?

Fix and work on these and you'll be on the road to recovery and success.

Don't bother and you'll see your hope and desires stacked one upon the other at the pile of lost opportunity and junkyard of broken dreams.

Top 10 Reasons Our Dreams Slowly Die and our Hope along with them:

1.   A Lack of Faith (No Trust in Yourself, No Trust in God).

2.   A Lack of Clarity (No Clear Definition of Your Intended Purpose).

3.   A Lack of Inspiration (No Passion That Fuels Our Purpose).

4.   A Lack of Precise Execution/Strategy (No Clear Plan & No Blueprint).

5.   A Lack of Diligent Work (Procrastination About What Needs to Get Done).

6.   A Lack of a Proven Support System (No Mentoring or Coaching From Advisors).

7.   A Lack of Self-Esteem (No Personal Confidence in Your Abilities).

8.   A Lack of Courage (Fear of Failure/Mental Paralysis).

9.   A Lack of Fortitude (No Persistence).

10.   A Lack of a Tracking System (No Progress Evaluation).

Our purpose, dreams and passion form within us the requisite peak experiences of our lives. God created us to be alive, creative, seeking his favor, yet being self-sufficient, and attaining self-actualization.

Only individuals who attain that can be referred to as passion-driven. They are in tune with God, purpose, passion and life dreams.

As such they fulfill their dreams. They bask in the light of their success. They never stay stuck in failures; just choose to learn from them as they continue to move forward and onward toward their goals. They view them differently than the average individual; as temporary setbacks in their quest to achieve dreams and aspirations. 

 How many of us can have the same fortitude and attitude about not achieving success right away as Thomas Edison had? He famously said, "I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that don’t work!"

Instead, we try one time, miss the mark and then we shelve the dreams of life and go about the rest of the years complaining, wishing and living out someone else’s dreams, if at all.

So, let’s get busy living! Get busy with your dreams and come alive with passion and zest. Choose the less traveled of life, if you have need to, but do choose to move onward and upward.

Next time you are in a crisis or have encountered an obstacle, remember that even in a crisis, know that you have yet more to live, yet more to learn, yet more to give, yet more wisdom to pass on, yet more living to be done, and yet more passion to deliver to the world.

It’s never, never over until it’s over. You either “get busy living or get busy dying.”

Reflection: One of the definitions of crisis is, “a crucial or decisive point or situation, a turning point.” How are you going to turn the corner in your life now? To some extent crisis is a good thing because it forces us to evaluate our course, our direction, our values, and whether or not we are off course from our intended point, purpose and passion. What is your turning point in life going to be?

What fears must you conquer are holding you back from a life you dream of having? Remember that he who ventures very little, little gains.

Be a dreamer, have hope, get direction in your business and life.

Know your Why, other than just money and you'll prosper, make a difference and see that, in the end, your hope will not die off. ≈ ≈ ≈


About Thought Leadership Author Louis F. Vargas:

I'm a doer and a dreamer. Had many successes and failures as well. I'm an advisor/coach for VC Startups, CEOS', Entrepreneurs, and Business Owners with Titans of Growth and The 1% Formula.

I'm not much of "motivational" speaker. I'm a person on a mission to help others succeed and avoid the land mines of business that I unfortunately stepped on.

For that reason, I started The 1% FORMULA and Titans of Growth, high-end invite-only mastermind business acceleration and advisory programs with a 100% Money Back Guarantee. It's not cheap, just one the best out there.

If you want to talk about this, drop me a line at my personal email: and I will respond.

Be Awesome, Be Blessed!

Excerpts taken from The Passion Driven Life by Louis F. Vargas

Ian Judson

CEO & Leadership Team Coach @ Judsons Coaching | Mid Market Business Growth Expert


Excellent article. Thanks.


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