⭐️Director of Coaching, Leadership Development & Executive Coach at Starbuck and Associates Executive Coaching B Corp Certified. Visit the website to see how we can support you, your organisation or new business ⭐️
Commercial Director (Legal Apprenticeships) at BPP Professional Education, previous Director of Staffing at BPP University Law School, Non executive director of Sunny Bank Mills Archive and Museum and apprentice Coach.
This is a great reminder Paul Starbuck MCC to focus on whats important, avoid the drain of perfectionism and 'doom scolling' on social media and acknowledging the 20% achievements to keep us all healthy and well.
Director of Human Resources | assoc CIPD | Strategic HR Professional
2moTotally agree both from a personal and professional perspective. The productivity application key to driving impactful outcomes.
⭐️Director of Coaching, Leadership Development & Executive Coach at Starbuck and Associates Executive Coaching B Corp Certified. Visit the website to see how we can support you, your organisation or new business ⭐️
2moGreat reminder I am just looking at this months priorities to see are they really priorities!
Commercial Director (Legal Apprenticeships) at BPP Professional Education, previous Director of Staffing at BPP University Law School, Non executive director of Sunny Bank Mills Archive and Museum and apprentice Coach.
2moExcellent article Paul Starbuck MCC and one I try and practice, not always successfully! Thank you for the insight.
Mental Health & Wellbeing Expert & Coach for Organisations / Mental Health First Aid Instructor.
2moThis is a great reminder Paul Starbuck MCC to focus on whats important, avoid the drain of perfectionism and 'doom scolling' on social media and acknowledging the 20% achievements to keep us all healthy and well.