The Power of Relationships: Keys to Success in Life and Business
This week, Barb and I will be celebrating 38 years of marriage. It’s remarkable to appreciate what nearly four decades has produced…
Two children, four grandchildren, two “sons,” five dogs, multiple careers
To consider myself beyond blessed and lucky (because I believe both can be true at the same time), goes without saying.
Marriage even at its best isn’t easy. In fact, I think it may be the most amazing thing we as humans do. Take us for example…
I grew up as an only child (my half siblings being adults and in different areas when I as a kid); Barb grew up as the middle child in a family with six children. You couldn’t have a more opposing situation.
Marrying at 21 years old after being high school sweethearts didn’t really give me a chance to undo my learned selfishness and entitlement. That’s something that Barb is still helping me improve to this day!
This missive isn’t about me waxing on about how to sustain a marriage. What the message is meant to be that marriage, like all relationships, requires resilience, patience, and growth. Speaking for me, the people and even dogs that have come from this relationship have helped me in my journey.
The relationships we all care about demand the same thing. These relationships can include spouses and significant others, children (most notably those that are adults), family, friends, colleagues, co-workers, and service clubs.
Business has and always will be a relationship business
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Final thought. In about 10 days, I will be meeting up with my high school friends for our annual buddy golf trip we call Jumanji. Started in 1996, this relationship has kept alive ones formed in high school. Though some people have come and gone, the vast majority make it nearly every year. It’s not about the golf; it’s about the relationships that have spanned decades.
This is just a simple reminder that in the daily hustle of life, those relationships that you most care about demand your patience, resilience, and growth. And all those demand your time and presence
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Quote of the Week:
“The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its now reward.”
~ Amelia Earhart
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