Power System Studies (New and Old Plants) and Recommendations by NFPA 70B, IEEE and NETA
Electrical studies are an integral part of system design, operations, and maintenance. Not only important at the design stages of any new project, studies need to be updated at regular intervals in operational and old plants. Whenever new modifications in power system configuration, addition of generation or load is being done, studies are to be updated. Even otherwise, every 5 years studies have to updated as per NETA MTS standard.
These engineering studies generally cover the following areas:
Copies of single-line diagrams and system study data should be given to the facility maintenance department. It is critical to efficient, safe system operation that the maintenance department keep the single-line diagrams current and discuss significant changes with the facility engineering department or consulting electrical engineer. It should be noted, however, that the information required for system studies is highly specialized, and outside help might be necessary.
1 Short-Circuit Studies.
Short circuits or fault currents represent a significant amount of destructive energy that can be released into electrical systems under abnormal conditions. During normal system operation, electrical energy is controlled and does useful work. However, under fault conditions, short-circuit currents can cause serious damage to electrical systems and equipment and create the potential for serious injury to personnel. Short-circuit currents can approach values as large as several hundred thousands of amperes.
During short-circuit conditions, thermal energy and magnetic forces are released into the electrical system. The thermal energy can cause insulation and conductor melting as well as explosions contributing to major equipment burn‐ downs. Magnetic forces can bend bus bars and cause violent conductor whipping and distortion. These conditions have grim consequences on electrical systems, equipment, and personnel.
Protecting electrical systems against damage during short-circuit faults is required in Sections 110.9 and 110.10 of NFPA 70. Additional information on short-circuit currents can be found in ANSI/IEEE 242, Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (IEEE Buff Book): ANSI/IEEE 141, Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants (IEEE Red Book): ANSI/ IEEE 241, Recommended Practice for Electric Power Systems in Commercial Buildings (IEEE Gray Book): and ANSI/IEEE 399, Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis (IEEE Brown Book).
Baseline short-circuit studies should be performed when the facility electrical system is designed. They should be updated when a major modification or renovation takes place, but no more frequently than every 5 years. A copy of the most recent study should be kept with other important maintenance documents.
The following are some of the conditions that might require an update of the baseline short-circuit study:
1.4 A periodic review of the electrical system configuration and equipment ratings should be checked against the permanent records. Specific attention should be paid to the physical changes in equipment, including changes in type and quantity. Significant changes should be communicated to the maintenance supervisor, the facility engineering department, or the electrical engineer.
There are several computer programs commercially available to conduct thorough short-circuit calculation studies. ETAP (www.etap.com) is very well known for Load Flow, Short Circuit, Relay Coordination, Harmonic, Arc Flash Studies for Industrial and Commerical power systems.
When modifications to the electrical system increase the value of available short-circuit amperes, a review of overcur‐ rent protection device interrupting ratings and equipment withstand ratings should take place. This might require replac‐ ing overcurrent protective devices with devices having higher interrupting ratings or installing current-limiting devices such as current-limiting fuses, current-limiting circuit breakers, or current-limiting reactors. For silicon control rectifier (SCR) or diode input devices, change of the source impedance can affect equipment performance. Proper operation of this equipment depends on maintaining the source impedance within the rated range of the device. The solutions to these engineering problems are the responsibility of the maintenance supervisor, the facility engineering department, or the electrical engineer.
Example of Available Short-Circuit Current at the Transformer Secondary Terminals.
2 Coordination Studies.
A coordination study, sometimes called a selectivity study, is done to improve power system reliability.
Improper coordination can cause unnecessary power outages. For example, branch-circuit faults can open multiple upstream overcurrent devices. This process can escalate and cause major blackouts, resulting in the loss of production. Blackouts also affect personnel safety.
NFPA 70 and various IEEE standards contain the requirements and suggested practices to coordinate electrical systems. The IEEE standards include ANSI/IEEE 242, Recommended Practice for Protection and Coordination of Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (IEEE Buff Book): ANSI/IEEE 141,Recommended Practice for Electric Power Distribution for Industrial Plants (IEEE Red Book): ANSI/IEEE 241, Recommended Practice for Electric Power Systems in Commercial Buildings (IEEE Gray Book): and ANSI/IEEE 399, Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis (IEEE Brown Book).
A baseline coordination study is generally made when the electrical system is designed. A copy of the study should be kept with other important facility maintenance documents.
Changes affecting the coordination of overcurrent devi‐ ces in the electrical system include the following:
The facility electrical system should be periodically reviewed for configuration changes, available short-circuit current changes, changes in fuse class or rating, changes in circuit-breaker type or ratings, and changes in adjustable trip settings on circuit breakers and relays.
Any changes noted in the coordinated performance of overcurrent protective devices should be reported to the main‐ tenance supervisor, the facility engineering department, or the consulting electrical engineer.
Time–current curves should be kept up to date. Usually this is the responsibility of the facility engineering department or the consulting electrical engineer. However, it is vitally important for facility maintenance to observe and communicate coordination information to the maintenance supervisor, facility engineering department, or consulting electrical engineer.
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3 Load-Flow Studies.
Load-flow studies show the direction and amount of power flowing from available sources to every load. By means of such a study, the voltage, current, power, reactive power, and power factor at each point in the system can be determined.
This information is necessary before changes to the system can be planned and will assist in determining the oper‐ ating configuration. This study also helps determine losses in the system. ANSI/IEEE 399, Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis (IEEE Brown Book), provides more detailed information.
Load-flow studies should be done during the design phase of an electrical distribution system. This is called the baseline load-flow study. The study should be kept current and revised whenever significant increases or changes to the electrical system are completed.
Some of the events that result in load-flow changes include changing motors, motor horsepower, transformer size, or impedance; operating configurations not planned for in the existing study; adding or removing power-factor correction capacitors; and adding or removing loads. It is important that the system single-line diagrams and operating configurations (both normal and emergency) be kept current along with the load-flow study.
Some signs that indicate a need to review a load-flow study include unbalanced voltages, voltage levels outside the equipment rating, inability of motors to accelerate to full load, motor starters dropping off line when other loads are energized, or other signs of voltage drop. Additional signs also include poor system power factor, transformer or circuit over‐ loading during normal system operation, and unacceptable overloading when the system is operated in the emergency configuration.
When changes to the electrical system are made, the maintenance department should note the changes on their copy of the single-line diagram. Significant changes, as mentioned in above, should be reviewed with the maintenance supervisor, facility engineering department, or the consulting electrical engineer to determine if changes are necessary to the single-line diagram.
Data Collection Methods. In order to conduct short circuit, coordination, and arc flash studies, specific data should be collected. This data should be included on a single line diagram: utility company points of contact, and data records for equipment such as, but not limited to transformers, cables, overhead lines, fuses, medium voltage breakers, reclosers, capacitor banks, low voltage breakers, disconnects, generators, and motors. This information should be developed for each type of operating conditions.
4 Reliability Studies.
A reliability study is conducted on facility electrical systems to identify equipment and circuit configurations that can lead to unplanned outages.
The study methods are based on probability theory. The computed reliability of alternative system designs as well as the selection and maintenance of components can be made to determine the most economical system improvements. A complete study considering all the alternatives to improve system performance add technical credibility to budgetary requests for capital improvements.
An immediate benefit from this investigation is the list‐ ing of all system components with their failure modes, frequencies, and consequences. This allows weakness in component selection to be identified prior to calculation of risk indices.
ANSI/IEEE 399, Recommended Practice for Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Analysis (IEEE Brown Book), Chapter 12, provides more detailed information. In addition, there are publications that deal with reliability calculations, including TM 5-698-1, Reliability/Availability of Electrical and Mechanical Systems for Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelli‐ gence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Facilities; TM 5-698-2, Reliability-Centered Maintenance (RCM) for Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Facilities; and TM 5-698-3, Reliability Primer for Command, Control, Communications, Computer, Intelli‐ gence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (C4ISR) Facilities.
A reliability study can be conducted when alternative systems, components, or technologies are being considered to improve reliability. Changes affecting the reliability of an elec‐ trical system or component can include one or more of the following:
Generally, the existing system design cannot be significantly altered; however, it is possible to meet with the utility and discuss methods for increasing the reliability of service. The selection of reliable equipment and the need for addi‐ tional maintenance can be evaluated from an economic stand‐ point. The age of equipment and the environment in which it is operated affects the probability of equipment failure. Spare parts should be monitored and inspected periodically to ensure that they will be available when needed. The study should be kept current and revised whenever a significant change to the electrical system has been made.
A reliability study begins with the system configuration documented by a single-line diagram. Reliability numerics are applied to a system model identifying system outages based on component downtime and system interactions. A failure modes and effect analysis (FMEA) is used to generate a list of events that can lead to system interruption and includes the probability of each event and its consequences. The frequency of failures per year can be obtained from ANSI/IEEE 493, Recommended Practice for the Design of Reliable Industrial and Commercial Power Systems (IEEE Gold Book).
The information in Table below can be analyzed using event-tree analysis or by computing a system reliability index. The event tree is used to further break down each system or component failure into a series of possible scenarios, each with an assigned probability. The outcome is a range of consequences for each event tree.
A system reliability index assigns a number (usually expressed in hours down per year) for each system configuration. The calculations for alternative system configurations can be redone until an acceptable downtime per year is obtained.
5 Risk Assessment Studies.
A risk assessment study is conducted on facility electrical systems to determine the following for each designated piece of electrical equipment:
(1) Incident energy exposure at working distance
(2) Arc flash boundary
(3) Appropriate arc-rated personal protective equipment required within the arc flash boundary
A risk assessment study is an important consideration for electrical safe work practices. The benefit of a risk assessment is being able to provide the necessary information to a qualified electrical worker so that proper safe work practices can be followed if the worker has to work on or near electrical equipment not in an electrically safe work condition.
The available short-circuit current and the total clearing time at each designated piece of electrical equipment is needed to perform arisk assessment. NFPA 70E and OSHA provides the requirements. IEEE 1584, Guide for Performing Arc Flash Hazards Calculations, provides suggested calculation meth‐ ods.
Where the result of the risk assessment at a designated piece of equipment is greater than what is appropriate for the available PPE, a means to reduce the hazard level should be implemented.
The risk assessment study results are field marked by a label on the equipment. The documentation for the arc flash hazard analysis should be retained for reference and use as needed.
The risk assessment should be repeated if there are changes that occur that affect the arc flash hazard, such as changes in the available short-circuit current or in the overcurrent protective devices.