The Power Of Your Self-Image
What if you already believed you were the leader?
The one that would transform the lives of many and become the powerful force for good you feel called to be…
A lot of entrepreneurs say that.
And they want to believe it.
But it doesn’t it doesn’t land.
Not fully at least.
In other words, it’s not enough to just say what they want to accomplish.
They have to do the work on themselves to believe and embody that level of vision and impact.
This is the tough part…
Because now the focus isn’t on goals, KPIs or funnels.
It’s about self image, self leadership, and deep work.
And btw- contrary to some opinions, this is even more important to the entrepreneurs already hitting 10-20k + is their businesses.
This is usually where the mind will start to play tricks on them.
The guilt of not being fully present with family starts to show up.
Or the realization that they’ve let themselves go health wise.
And their habits have started negatively impacting them.
The unseen stuff behind the nice instagram reels, linkedin posts and photos.
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That start to dull the fire that got them where they’re at.
And they’re not sure why they feel like they don’t have what it takes anymore to make another jump…
Here the truth:
You can only “market” your way to success for so long until you hit your internal reserve.
The point where your self image just doesn’t match where you’re looking to go.
This can happen to early stage entrepreneurs as well as very seasoned business owners.
And in order to breakthrough to new levels of self mastery, growth and abundance…
The reserve must be removed.
When this happens, your marketing and sales works just that much better.
If you’re feeling like you’ve lost a bit of that edge and fire you once had…
But you know you have more in the tank to give.
Stop and think about where you are falling short of the leader you need to become that it will take you and your business where it’s destined to go.
Here are 5 ways to improve your self-image and begin showing up powerfully in your business: