Pravin Agrawal on Worship Pt 2
eBook 1226
Here's - Pravin Agrawal on Worship.
And other posts/ true incidents.
Which you may wonder after knowing.
Know, by these new thoughts of the author shared in this book. If you can understand the deep meaning, you are very fortunate.
These are his sharing from time to time which have similar meaning.
Some of them may be repeated based upon their importance.
Love and light to you!
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21 February 2025
Don't Think That My Work Is For Me-
Any work of Pravin published in Social Media or any other place is not for the use of Pravin.
It has been shared only for you, only for the public for their reading, for their use.
Tomorrow these websites may be closed. Pravin may close his account.
Then you may not find these works. Hence the wise person is one who keeps its copy or who gets it printed.
Pravin doesn't need all these writings as he has already fulfilled the aim of life.
Some of the writings of Pravin are based purely on his divine experience, hence it may not be available in any scripture.
All the writings of Pravin have been created only for you. It is up to you, how you keep it preserved for your use.
Pravin doesn't want any popularity or reward from all these writings as he thinks they have been created by the blessings of beloved Krishna.
Hence praise the lord only.
Jai Shri Radha Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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13 December 2024
Intense Dainya Bhava Melts Krishna-
When one becomes!
Like a fish!
Without water!
Krishna melts!
When your no work is done!
Even after your efforts!
Then you have some Dainya Bhaava!
When your spouse is not good!
When your lover is not good!
When your friends are not good!
When your children are not good!
When your parents are not good!
When your boss is not good!
When your seniors are not good!
When your juniors are not good!
When nothing is good for you!
When world is not good for you!
When you are about to weep!
When you feel very hurt!
When you are seeing no light!
When no one is to help you!
When only Almighty can help you!
Then divine attracts you!
Then you have Dainya Bhava!
Then you attracts mercy of Krishna!
When you have intense Dainya Bhava!
When fish is about to die without water!
When you are about to die without God!
When you are so thirsty of God!
That you may die without Him!
When you are so hungry of God!
That you may die without Him!
Then you get intense Dainya Bhava!
Then Krishna makes no delay!
Then Almighty makes no delay!
He immediately reveals!
His divine secrets!
Then you open the doors of divine!
Then true worship starts!
Jai Shri Radha Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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8 December 2024
What is worship?-
*When God melts?
When God appears?
*When we have!
No attachment with body!
When we are ready!
To give our life for God!
*When we don't care!
We may die or live!
For the sake of God!
To know Almighty!
*When we don't love!
Any other person or thing!
In the entire world!
More than the Almighty!
*Then God shows His mercy!
Then Almighty melts!
*Then He Himself comes!
Then He doesn't send any other!
Either for your rescue!
Or for taking you with Him!
*In both cases!
You don't survive!
Either you leave the world!
Or you live in the world!
*We must be ready for both!
Either to leave the world!
Or to live in the world!
To know Almighty God!
*When we are!
The most downtrodden!
Lower than the lowest!
With strong faith on God!
*Then God shows His mercy!
Then Almighty melts!
*Then Almighty makes no delay!
To show His mercy!
Either to take you with Him!
Or to leave you here Godly!
*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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Pravin Agrawal on Worship Pt 1-
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Happy New Year
Pravin Agrawal New Year Posts-
1st time in History -108 Jaap Mala in Devraha Baba Voice-
List 4 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
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5 Feb 2023
Feedback From One Group Member-
Radhe Radhe Sir,
Experience With Spiritual India
It is a privilege and a blessing to be a member of Spiritual India Group led by you. This is not just a group, it is indeed an extended family. The connection with the group provided a path to Spirituality. Groups have a positive influence on self awareness having a positive outlook, provided a lens through which I can elevate my understanding about Purpose of Life, daily enhanced Spiritual experiences shared by the group members.
I feel blessed to take the sip of divine knowledge from the Holy Grail of Spiritual India everyday.
I apologies to those if any of my post hurts someone.
I would like to express my profound gratitude for this new paradigm that I've acquired from this conglomeration .
You have been an exemplary Mentor, have learnt a lot from your very informative,inspirational small poetic messages.
Thanks to you and all group members for having an immense influence in my Spiritual trajectory!
Hare Krishna
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19 DEC 2022
Whatever I share with you
*Some time, some of the friends ask-
I love your this post! Your this sharing is so beautiful. From which book you have taken this?
*Earlier I was hesitant to reply this!
But now I am replying-
My Dear Friends, whatever I share and post that is my original writings though nothing is mine! This is true in most of the cases!
*My no sharing, no post has been taken from any book! This is true for most of the cases!
*Do not forget this-
When fool Kalidas can become wise, and he can write many beautiful books with the blessings of Almighty God. Why not a fool like Pravin can write and share all these posts with the blessings of Lord Sri Krishna?
*Now you must have got your reply automatically!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Happy Maha Navami.
Happy Navratri.
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8 December 2024
How to make every work worship?-
*Fixing the goal and waiting!
These two things make!
Every work as worship!
*Mother gives birth to a baby!
First she fixes the goal for it!
Then she waits for nine months!
She uses all the precautions!
*In the same way!
You have to give birth to God!
Not outside but inside of body!
*You will have to decide for it!
You have to fix this goal!
Then you have to wait!
You have to take all precautions!
*Then you can make!
Your every work as worship!
*Today human is aimless!
He doesn't fix this goal!
Hence he can't move further!
This is the cause of his sorrows!
*Without deciding about station!
You can't purchase railway ticket!
You can't reach to the destination!
*Decide your destination!
And purchase the ticket of divine!
*Thus make your every work worship!
By waiting inside the train of divine!
*Jai Shri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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ॐ कृष्णाय वासुदेवाय हरये परमात्मने॥ प्रणत: क्लेशनाशाय गोविंदाय नमो नम:॥
Om krishnaya vasudevaya haraye paramatmane,❤️pranatah kleshanashaya-
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7 December 2024
No use of worship of God-
If you can't see God in human!
Then no use of worship of God!
Remember! Never forget!
If you don't see God in human!
No one can help you to escape!
From the cycle of birth and death!
There will not be end of sorrows!
If you don't respect the elderly!
If you don't see God in humans!
No God on earth can help you!
No worship on earth can help you!
If you insult your elderly!
If you insult the humans!
Elder may be your parents!
Your siblings or any others!
If elders are happy with you!
Every God will be happy with you!
If you respect your elders!
If you worship the elderly!
Seeing God inside them!
Then you worship every God!
Best are those!
Who can see God!
Inside of younger!
Inside of elderly!
Inside of everyone!
They don't need!
Any other worship!
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
12 November 2024
Mindfulness is Meditation-
*You are in family!
You can't sit for meditation!
For hours together!
You have other works in family!
*You are man, woman!
Do you need any meditation?
To remember this truth!
Do you need any worship for it?
*You are not a body!
You are self soul Atma!
Be always mindful about it!
Be always alert about it!
*If anyone comes to you!
If you go anywhere!
If you stay anywhere!
See everyone self soul Atma!
*Be always in self-awareness!
This will do your personal growth!
This will do your inner transformation!
See everyone as your reflection!
*Cultivate art of letting go!
By giving more value to Atma!
*Cultivate self-love, self-acceptance!
By giving more value to self soul!
*Enhance your mental well-being!
Daily read, share divine posts!
*Always love everyone!
Seeing yourself in everyone!
Thus enhance your relationship!
With self soul Atma Almighty!
*This will be your meditation!
This will be your worship!
*Thus know your divine power!
Be peaceful in chaotic world!
This is purpose of your birth!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
*Happy Dev Uthani Ekadashi.
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23 July 2021
Only Guru is Sri Krishna-
Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum!
Krishna is the only Guru!
Of entire universe!
See Krishna in every Guru!
Krishna only shines!
From inside of every Guru!
Krishna is eternal Guru!
So far He has made!
Thousands of Guru!
Since He is eternal Guru!
Krishna is so merciful!
He gives this eternal Knowledge!
Through every Guru!
For the good of entire universe!
Krishna always worries!
For east west, north south!
He sends His people!
To different nations for it!
Since Krishna wants the good!
Of every person, every creature!
Irrespective of religion, race!
Gender, nation, creed and caste!
Love Krishna!
In every Guru!
In every person!
Thus do His Puja!
As He has said in Gita!
Whomsoever you worship!
It finally reaches to Krishna!
And He accepts this worship!
My infinite love, thanks Pranam!
At the lotus feet of Sri Krishna!
On this auspicious occasion!
Wishing you Happy Guru Purnima!
Doctor, Nurse and Police-
Every work is worship!
Job of Doctors!
In fact it is job of God!
A Doctor is God on earth!
If Doctor considers the patient!
As son of Almighty!
Since everyone is son of God!
His duty becomes worship!
Job of Nurses!
They are angels on this earth!
If Nurse considers the patient!
As son of Almighty!
Then this duty becomes!
As worship of God!
Job of Police!
They are the protector!
If they protect like God!
By performing duty sincerely!
Their job becomes!
Worship of God!
Doctor, Nurses and Police!
If they consider their people!
As son of Almighty!
By performing their duty!
They may see the Almighty!
No need of going!
To temple, mosque, church etc!
No need of any pilgrimage!
Share this message!
To every Doctor, Nurse, Policeman!
If you want to use your education!
Worship Almighty by doing so!
And this is true!
Without any doubt!
You can see yourself!
One day!
Happy Doctor's Day!
22 June 2021
True Incident Of Work is Worship-
I was serving in Gandhinagar Gujarat.
It would be year 1990. There was inspection. I was in charge of some installation and that was
to be inspected. I was having a team of staff for the installation.
We had to keep the installation ready for inspection. My team was working since morning with
dedication. Installation was to be cleaned. There was one sump-cum-water fountain. That was
also to be cleaned for increasing its beauty. Hence it was to be emptied.
In between I was also helping them for their motivation.
My team was working to empty that water tank. One by one every one was tired and went for
I was left alone.
All of sudden it looked as if Krishna was telling me - Can you alone empty this water sump? It is
challenge for you.
I started to empty the tank alone without caring about the scorching sun and my clothes.
I was feeling tired and I was feeling giddy. But I continued to work alone. All of the sudden I was
filled with the divine bliss, divine joy and my all tiredness was finished.
I became fresh. It looked as if I did no hard work. Pleasant climate surrounded me. There was
no effect of scorching sun over my head. All other places it was too hot except at my place. I
was feeling cool. It looked as if I was in a divine circle.
After some time, the sump was empty.
Then my staff returned. They were shocked to see empty sump. This news was spread in the
office. But there was no inspection in the office.
This shows that no work is small. Every work is worship of Krishna, Allah, Jesus or Almighty.
16 June 2021
True Incident when I was child-
This is true incident when I was child.
We used to live in a very ordinary rented house. This may be the incident of about more than
thirty years old.
Owner of the house gave us ultimate to vacate the house by so and so date as he wanted to
sell it.
My father tried but couldn't get any suitable house on rent.
The matter reached to the court. With some influence, the owner of the house got the court
order. The court had given some deadline to vacate the house.
Only a few days were left for the deadline to vacate the house. My mother was too much
worried. It was the court order, if the house could not be vacated, it was to be vacated through
Police force on that date.
The owner was too much happy. It seems that he spent much amount of money at lower level to get this order passed.
My mother was too much worried. She used to worship Lord Shiva. She went to the temple for
Lord Shiva listened her prayer and gave her thought to visit one of our family friends. He was a
Judge but in some lower court. We were not knowing that he was dealing such cases.
My mother told the entire incident to him. After knowing it, he told my mother that he only
passed that order. Why we didn't inform him earlier?
He told my Mom - No problem. You need not vacate the house till you want.
We got too much relief. The decision to vacate the house was stayed till further notice.
My Mother thanked Lord Shiva for showing His grace!
14 JUN 2021
Everyone as pure as Topmost Guru-
Everyone is as pure as Krishna!
Everyone is as pure as topmost Guru!
Everyone is as pure as Allah, Jesus!
Everyone is as pure as Almighty!
But everyone has lost his purity!
Due to improper living, eating!
Improper thinking, daily routine!
Indiscipline in life and selfishness!
Every Sadhana, every worship!
Every Spiritual religious practice!
Every Mantra, every reading!
To remove impurity and Indiscipline!
Self discipline is the best discipline!
Thought pollution is worst impurity!
Natural living without show is the best!
Helping selfless action is best Karma!
Then we can regain our purity!
Then we can know our originality!
10 JUN 2021
Honoring Atma-
You are 40 years old!
If you touch the feet!
Of ten years old girl!
Of ten years old boy!
You should not be ashamed!
You are honoring the Atma!
Not the body of girl or boy!
Don't see body, see Atma!
And that will be the real worship!
Better than worship of any idol!
Idol worship may or may not help you!
But this is the surest way to see Almighty!
Krishna Himself has proclaimed!
That He lives inside of every one!
Worship Almighty Inside Everyone!
Love Krishna inside of every one!
Love Radha inside of every one!
This is the surest way to find God!
Don't see any one as body!
See everyone as pure Atma!
Atma itself is Paramatma!
Paramatma Himself is Krishna!
7 JUN 2021
It is not enough-
If you are doing meditation!
Or worship, chanting etc!
Only for 3-4 hours a day!
It is not enough!
If you are doing!
Daily 5 times Namaz!
For Allah!
It is not enough!
You have to remember!
Krishna or Allah!
Every time, all the times!
Then you can know Him!
Tell me!
You are man or woman!
Can you forget this fact?
Any time in a day!
You always remember!
That you are man or woman!
You have to remember always!
That you are Atma or Soul!
Son of Paramatma or Allah!
You have forgotten!
Your true identity!
You have forgotten!
Your true father!
That is the cause of!
Your sorrows or miseries!
You can't forget yourself!
So you should not forget Almighty!
3 June 2021
Miraculous Tips To Avoid Delay in Marriage: For Girls and Boys Both-
1/ Give Ardhya to rising sun daily after taking bath before meals. Seek sincere apology from
Almighty and the concerned person if you have done any mistake towards any one.
2/ Offer water to Tulsi plant daily in the morning after taking bath before meals.
3/ Worship Radha and Krishna together daily after taking bath before meals.
4/ Give green grass or any other thing to cow for eating daily before meals.
5/ Give grains to the birds or pigeons in the morning daily before meals.
6/ Respect to the girls.
7/ Respect to the parents and old age people. Share your regular income to them.
8/ Share some part of your regular income to your sister at least once in a year.
9/ Help poor financially in the marriage of their daughter if you can afford.
10/ Offer water to banana tree on every Thursday after taking bath and before meals.
There are other tips also. But first check all these tips and see the results yourself.
All these to be done without any break. Never forget. If you miss these points any time, seek
sincere apology from Almighty.
13 May 2021
Eid Mubarak
You may be!-
If you are Muslim!
You may be Hindu!
In your past births!
In your next births!
Now you worship Allah!
Then you may worship Krishna!
If you are Hindu!
You may be Muslim!
In your past births!
In your next births!
Now you worship Krishna!
Then you may worship Allah!
Past births not ruled out!
Since you never die!
Only your body dies!
Hence births are required!
If you hate Hindu!
You may be Hindu in next births!
If you hate Muslims!
You may be Muslim in next births!
It is very much required!
To repay your Karma!
Share it in required language!
If you love planet earth!
Make use of your education!
By spreading this wisdom!
13 May 2021
My Beloved Guru Krishna-
My beloved Guru Krishna!
He is in every Guru!
He is in Allah, Jesus, Nanak etc!
He is in every person!
He is one in all, all in one!
He is Almighty!
He is love incarnate!
He is beloved of Radha!
He is Radha!
I was in transferable job!
Hence I used to live in rented house!
He came in my two houses!
In two different cities!
To give me His auspicious Darshan!
Both were rented accommodations!
I thought there should be temple!
Where Krishna Himself came!
To give auspicious Darshan to me!
But I couldn't do anything!
Since the houses were not mine!
But Krishna is everywhere!
We can't construct the temple everywhere!
Do you know the main temple of Krishna!
That is in the heart of every one!
Same thing!
He has mentioned in Gita Himself!
And it is His Most Beloved temple!
If any one worships Him in this temple!
He is pleased very certainly!
Then He makes you blessed for ever!
10 May 2021
It is your advantage-
*It is your advantage!
If you bow to any one!
It is my advantage!
If I bow to any one!
*You can't imagine!
The advantage!
If you bow to any one!
If you do Namaste to any one!
*You steal the Punya of any one!
You steal the virtues of any one!
If you bow to any one!
He gives you or not!
*If you can't read Gita!
If you can't donate money!
If you don't know scriptures!
If you don't know the worship!
*Then only do one thing!
Just bow to any one!
Bow from inside!
Behave as per Dharma!
*Then you will do all worships!
Then you will worship all Gods!
*Then you will worship!
Greater than the greatest!
One in all, all in one!
Almighty sitting in the one!
*Don't see the body of any one!
Just see the Almighty sitting in!
*Then you need not to go!
Any temple or mosque!
Then you need not to chant!
Any Mantra or Shloka!
Then you need not to do!
Any pilgrimage or rituals!
*Just remember!
Almighty sitting!
Inside the heart of!
Any one and every one!
*Since Krishna has told in Gita!
He Almighty is sitting!
Inside the heart of every one!
Making them dance like puppet!
*Krishna, Allah, Jesus, Buddha!
All in one, one in all!
Every God is one and same!
Give one name Almighty!
*Forward this to all concerned!
If you want the good of one and all!
29 APR 2021
Body is different than me-
I and body entirely different!
I am independent of body!
Body is eating, let it eat!
Body is drinking, let it drink!
Body is laughing, let it laugh!
Body is weeping, let it weep!
Body is working, let it work!
Body not working, let it be!
Body is singing, let it sing!
Body is dancing, let it dance!
Body is sleeping, let it sleep!
Body is waking, let it wake!
Body is going, let it go!
Body is coming, let it come!
Body is meditating, let it meditate!
Body is worshipping, let it worship!
Body is breathing, let it breathe!
Body not breathing let it be!
Body is dying, let it die!
I am witness of the body!
I am seer!
Body is scene!
And same is the case with you!
And same is the case with all!
11 APR 2021
Remembering is the best way-
You can worship Krishna!
By many ways!
You can offer flowers to Him!
You can visit His temple!
You can worship His photo!
You can chant His holy names!
You can do Kirtan!
You can do meditation!
You can see Krishna in everyone!
You can see Krishna in everything!
You can see Krishna in every circumstance!
You can see Krishna everywhere all times!
All these are good ways!
But remembering is the best!
By all other ways, it may take time!
But by remembering Him every time!
You can get Him without any delays!
He Himself proclaimed in Gita!
Remember Him all the times!
By doing every work for Him!
By seeing Him in every thing!
By seeing Him in every person!
Thus you can get Him very soon!
Thus you can see Him very soon!
4 Apr 2021
What is better?-
Someone from US asked -
What is better?
To do worship!
Or to be a good human!
In my views!
To be a good human is better!
Than to do worship!
You must know!
What is worship?
Worship is -
To pay respect to your God!
How he became God!
He became God!
By serving others!
Who is God?
One who is settled in Almighty!
He is God!
How he is settled in God?
By serving others!
By loving one and all!
Now you must have got your reply!
To be a good human!
It is far better than worship!
If your actions are selfless!
Else even worship is useless!
Else even worship is just show!
28 Mar 2021
Remembering Prahlad-
Remembering Prahlad on this auspicious day of Holi.
Prahlad was devotee of Almighty, Lord Vishnu. He used to say that Lord Vishnu lives in every
person and every thing.
But his father Hiranyakashipu used to say that Almighty or Lord Vishnu doesn't exist and he
himself is Almighty Vishnu, hence worship him and not Lord Vishnu.
But Prahlad did not obey him. All used to worship Hiranyakashipu except his son Prahlad.
When Prahlad did not obey him, Hiranyakashipu started to trouble him like throwing him from
the hills, keeping him with poisonous snakes, burning him in the fire, etc.
Every time Prahlad escaped unharmed due to the blessings of Almighty.
At last, Hiranyakashipu decided to kill Prahlad himself. He tied him with a pole and raised his
sword to kill him. Immediately Lord Vishnu in the form of Narsimha appeared from the pole and
tried to kill Hiranyakashipu.
But Prahlad prayed to Vishnu not to kill his father Hiranyakashipu. But Lord Narsimha did not
agree and killed Hiranyakashipu.
This shows the mercy of Prahlad. It tells us even someone does not love us, we must love him.
Wishing you Happy Holi.......
19 Mar 2021
Worship Almighty Inside of Everyone-
Worship Almighty!
Inside of everyone!
By your every action!
Thus know Almighty!
In this birth itself!
Thus be liberated!
In this birth itself!
Thus be immortal!
For always!
3 MAR 2021
Why Krishna says to do worship?-
*Why Krishna says to worship Him?
Why He says to remember Him?
*Krishna says so!
Not for His benefit!
But for your benefit!
Since He is so kind!
*What benefits He can get?
If you remember Him or not?
He is Almighty God!
He is having everything!
*It is His mercy!
He tells you this secret!
To worship Him!
Since worship is key to joy!
*If you want joy and peace!
Remember Him!
Else don't remember Him!
It is only for you!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
2 MAR 2021
Krishna is Shiva-
Krishna is Shiva!
Shiva is Krishna!
Krishna has told in Gita!
To whom so ever you worship!
You worship Krishna only!
If you worship Shiva!
If you worship Allah!
If you worship Jesus!
It comes to Krishna only!
Krishna accepts your worship!
Whatever form you worship!
He is all in one, one in all!
24 FEB 2021
Worship without love-
Without love!
Daily routine!
Daily worship!
Of Krishna!
It is just formality!
It has no impact!
If you don't love Krishna!
But you worship Him!
Round the clock!
It is just wasting time!
But if you love Krishna!
And even if you don't worship Him!
Then no worship is required!
No formality is required!
See Krishna in every one!
Thus love every one from inside!
But behave as per society!
Be Roman in the Rome!
21 February 21
You are different than body-
You are independent of body!
You are different than body!
Body is going, let it go!
Body is coming, let it come!
Body is working, let it work!
Body is resting, let it rest!
Body is sleeping, let it sleep!
Body is waking, let it wake up!
Body is eating, let it eat!
Body is drinking, let it drink!
Body is thinking, let it think!
Body is speaking, let it speak!
Body is worshiping, let it worship!
Body is chanting, let it chant!
Body is singing, let it sing!
Body is dancing, let it dance!
You are are doing nothing!
Even if body is doing everything!
Since you are independent of body!
Since you are different than body!
21 Feb 21
You and body-
*You and your body!
Entirely different!
*You are Atma!
Body is Maya!
*For you no worship required!
For body worship required!
*You don't do any work!
Body does every work!
With your presence!
*You are independent of body!
Let body do any work!
*Body eats the food!
You don't eat the food!
*Body goes here and there!
You don't go here and there!
*Body or world one thing!
You or Almighty other thing!
*World is imagination of mind!
When you see by mind!
Mind is imagination of you!
*All Gods when you see from mind!
All people when you see from mind!
You are pure consciousness!
*Mind is nothing but your assumption!
And that assumption is wrong!
*Body and world in parallel world!
You and Almighty in parallel of it!
*You and Almighty screen of movie!
Body and world are the movie!
They are entirety different than you!
*You have assumed the body yours!
Thus you have created the mind!
By assuming the body yours!
Thus you have created the ego!
*You are nothing to do with body!
You are entirely different than body!
Since you are pure Atma!
*Don't assume the body as yours!
Since it creates the mind and ego!
And thus it creates fear of death!
*But you can never die!
Since you are Atma!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
11 FEB 2021
Tell me about your job-
Tell me about your job!
Job is for food?
Food is for job?
Which is correct?
Generation of today!
They are entirety wrong!
You are doing job for what purpose!
For your food! Living!
But you don't have time!
For taking your meals!
What will you do of such job?
When you don't find time!
To take your meals!
True! Work is Worship!
But life requires balancing!
If you don't take timely meals!
You will spoil your health!
If you are always on laptop!
If you don't take time!
For physical exercise!
You will spoil your health!
You will repent one day!
Never forget!
If wealth is lost, nothing is lost!
If health is lost, something is lost!
If character is lost, everything is lost!
5 February 2021
Till you assume difference
Till you assume difference between you and God, you are different.
Once you assume that you are the same, there is no difference.
Then your Sadhana is finished.
Then you are not required to worship.
Then you are not different!
All are in your consciousness!
Including your body!
1 FEB 2021
Don't see your body-
Don't see the body!
Don't think the body!
Don't know the body!
You are always there!
You are here and now!
Where is the doubt?
Body is not always!
I exist!
Where is the doubt?
I am part of Paramatma!
Hence Paramatma exist!
When you come in body!
Problem starts!
Since then you come in world!
And world is the problem!
Since you are divine!
Don't do any thing!
Don't think anything!
You are as it is!
You are part of Paramatma!
Since you are Atma!
You are doing everything!
Meditation, worship, prayer!
By body only!
Body is cause of problems!
Hence don't do anything!
Don't think anything!
Be as you are!
Body does not exist!
Mind does not exist!
Hence thoughts don't exist!
Only you exist!
Only body has tied up you!
Only actions have tied up you!
Only thoughts have tied up you!
With wrong identity!
Which does not exist!
In deep sleep!
Body does not exist!
Only you exist!
Hence no problem!
Hence you are not the body!
Know yourself!
31 JAN 2021
Bless me! My Krishna!-
O My Loving Krishna!
This mind is top most sinner!
In the entire universe!
Kabir has rightly said!
Mujhse Bura Na Koye!
It means -
No one is more sinner than me!
Bless me!
With your divine love!
With your divine mercy!
With your divine grace!
Make me pure!
By removing!
My all impurities!
I don't know!
How to worship you!
How to do your prayer!
Remove my ignorance!
For always!
So that I may help others also!
O my loving Krishna!
Nothing is impossible for you!
You can change!
Impossible to possible!
Possible to impossible!
Burn my all the sins!
Of mind, body and speech!
With the fire of knowledge!
By your divine mercy!
O my loving Krishna!
Remove my ego, pride!
For always!
With your divine grace!
I am too much weak!
It is not possible for me!
To remove my all these impurities!
You are master of all the masters!
For you it is very much possible!
Kindly look to me! O Merciful!
5 Jan 2021
How your body doesn't exist?-
How your body doesn't exist?
How the world doesn't exist?
Can you tell?
Can you reply?
Body needs something!
To be visible!
World needs something!
To be visible!
Body is visible by senses!
No senses, no body!
World is visible by senses!
No senses, no world!
Senses are visible by mind!
No mind, no senses!
If you win senses!
If you win mind!
Body doesn't exist!
World doesn't exist!
And to win mind and senses!
Grace of Almighty required!
Hence worship of Almighty!
Obeying to Krishna required!
24 December 2020
What is worship of Krishna?-
Following the preaching of Krishna!
That is worship of Krishna!
Obeying Krishna!
It is worship of Krishna!
Krishna has told us in Gita!
Every one is Atma!
Atma is immortal!
See only Atma!
Krishna ordered Arjuna!
Don't see your relatives in Kauravas!
See them Atma!
Do thy duty!
Same preaching of Gita!
It is still for all of us!
Don't see the religions!
See only Atma! See only Soul!
Do thy duty as prescribed!
19 Dec 2020
Importance of Human Life-
As per scripture!
Human life is not easily available!
Even demigods want to be humans!
Since they can't get Almighty!
Who are demigods?
Those people who did too much charity!
Who were very learned!
Who devoted their lives!
For the worship of Almighty!
But they lacked only one thing!
Their entire good deeds were not selfless!
They wanted something in return!
Hence Almighty blessed them!
As per their wishes!
They are blessed with!
All types of facilities!
Beautiful palaces, body, wealth, etc!
They are said to live!
Life for thousands of years!
They never become old!
They always remain young!
They never become sick!
And many other powers!
They are blessed by Almighty!
But they can't get Almighty!
They can't become immortal!
They can never merge in Almighty!
When all good deeds are exhausted!
Again they have to come on earth!
As normal humans!
Again they have to suffer sorrows!
But a person who is selfless!
He directly reaches to Almighty!
He is merged with Almighty!
He becomes immortal!
Which is millions times better!
Than the position of demigods!
11 Nov 2020
What is character?-
Character can not be certified by the people.
Character is inbuilt nature of human, gifted by Almighty.
Often people think that if you have relation with more than one lady or gentleman, then you
become bad character. No it is not true.
Character is the requirement. If you fulfill the requirements of other selflessly, then you are
helping other. Hence you are good character. Requirements may be any. Requirements may be
pertaining to finance, things or body.
Good character is when you do not cheat other, you don't trouble other. Your actions are
Bad character is when you cheat other, you trouble other. Your actions are selfish.
If the husband of any lady is impotent. He can not satisfy his wife and he seeks your help. Then
it is your duty to help. Even if his wife is very fat or ugly. You should not expect any thing in
return. If her husband can not give her the child. If husband and wife, both wants child from you.
Then, it is not sin. Then it is your help and helping attitude to both for running their family. But
condition is that you must be selfless, you should not expect any thing in return. There are
similar cases in Mahabharat and other scriptures.
Sex is also like other normal things. Do not make sex abnormal thing.
If a lady is very fat and ugly, will you like to have sex with her?
If man is impotent, can he do sex?
Hence sex is having its own values and dignity.
Never devalue sex.
Character can not be decided only by the sex.
Sex is also a tool to worship Almighty inside the human if you are selfless.
If you very tired or injured. Even then if you do sex, then it becomes help and worship to
Almighty doesn't want anything. He just wants your happiness.
Even single father or single mother allowed.
Jesus was born by single mother.
Kabir was born by single mother.
Spirituality does not bind for any thing provided your action is selfless.
Only you have made any thing right or wrong as per social norms, not the Spirituality or
9 Nov 2020
Real Dharma-
Real Dharma is not the worship
In temple
In mosque
In Gurudwara
In Church
Since you are worshipping
At these places since ages
Could you find Almighty?
No, you can't find there!
All these are the ABCD
Of Dharma
All these are
Just symbolic
Real Dharma is
To love mankind
Real Dharma is
To love every creature
Real Dharma is
Not to hurt any one
By your
Body, mind or speech
Real Dharma is
To make you stronger
By withstanding
The adversity
Of others
Real Dharma is
To win your
Real Dharma is
To win yourself
Then you see the miracle
Then you will find
The Almighty
Inside you
Not in
Krishna tells us-
Krishna tells us!
Love one, love all!
Irrespective of nation!
Irrespective of gender!
He is one in all!
He is all in one!
Allah tells us!
Love one, love all!
Irrespective of religion!
Irrespective of language!
Jesus tells us!
Love one, love all!
Irrespective of race!
Irrespective of color!
Almighty tells us!
Love one, love all!
He is Krishna!
He is Allah!
He is Jesus!
He is all Gods!
He is all Goddesses!
Krishna tells us!
If you worship Allah!
You worship Krishna!
If you worship Jesus!
You worship Krishna!
You worship any God!
You worship Krishna!
You worship any Goddess!
You worship Krishna!
Krishna tells!
Never leave your religions!
Since they finally reach!
To Krishna only!
Krishna is of all!
All are of Krishna!
If anyone hates you!
Don't worry!
He will get its results!
In this birth or next!
He will pollute his mind!
He will become impure!
He will be unhappy always!
He will die unhappy!
If you love every one!
You will refine yourself!
You will become pure!
You will be happy always!
Follow orders of Krishna!
It is biggest worship of Krishna!
If you hate anyone!
You hate Krishna!
If you love anyone!
You love Krishna!
You Know Almighty-
You know Almighty!
But you don't want to act!
You know that!
Almighty is sitting!
Inside the person!
To whom you are talking!
To whom you are behaving!
But you don't want to act!
You don't want to act accordingly!
In the manner befitting to Almighty!
You misbehave with him!
You cheat him!
You downgrade him!
You insult him!
Thus you deprive yourself!
From a golden opportunity!
To meet Almighty!
Sitting inside of everyone!
And you say you don't know Almighty!
And you say you want to know Him!
Believe and act on these words -
Nar Sewa, Narayana Sewa!
Worship of Human, worship of Almighty!
Thus know Him in this birth itself!
Act as per status of the person!
As per your status!
But don't forget this fact!
From inside!
Be Roman in the Rome!
But change your inside!
Thus change yourself!
Thus change planet earth!
Live and let live!
Make happy, be happy!
Thus know Almighty!
In this birth itself!
Love to Maa is Love to Devi Maa-
If you love your mother!
You love Maa Durga!
If you love all!
You love Almighty!
Since Durga lives in your mother!
Since Almighty lives in every one!
If you don't love your mother!
But you worship Maa Durga!
Maa Durga can not be pleased!
See Maa Durga in your mother!
If you don't love every one!
Irrespective of their religion!
But you worship Almighty!
Then Almighty can't be pleased!
Love your mother!
To please Maa Durga!
Love one, love all!
To please Almighty!
Then only you can celebrate real Navaratri!
Then only you can celebrate real Dussehra!
Wishing you Happy Maha Navami!
Wishing you a Happy Dussehra!
What are vices?-
I received one question from MBBS, MD Qualified Indian Doctor in London.
Her question was -
Lust is vice... So having children is vice.
Why were we given reproductive organs?
And what is the right path?
My reply -
Nothing is good or bad in the beautiful regime of Almighty God.
Even if you are the most sinner in the entire universe, Almighty can burn your all the sins within
Even the robbers have been blessed by Him.
And this is the most compassionate quality of Almighty.
Remember, your body and body parts are also tools to worship the Almighty sitting inside of
every human.
Any thing done with selfish motive is vice or sin or Adharma!
Any thing done with Selfless motive is virtuous, sacred or Dharma.
Knife can be used to kill any one also for surgery.
Sex is a beautiful gift given by Almighty.
Main thing is your intention.
Any thing done out of love and selflessly is always sacred and Dharma!
Why you worship only girl child?-
Why you worship only girl child?
During Navratri!
Why not all ladies!
It is the festival of Goddess!
You may reply!
Child is considered pure!
That is the reason!
Girl child is worshipped!
You see pure, impure!
That is the main reason!
Of your ignorance!
Don't see pure, impure!
See every one as pure!
Without any fault!
See every one Atma!
Which is faultless!
Irrespective of any religion!
Irrespective of any difference!
Then only you can progress!
Then only you can knock the doors!
Of Almighty!
Then only you can know truth!
Then only you can become pure!
If you see pure!
You will become pure!
If you see impure!
You will become impure!
Worship all women in Navratri!
Not only girl children!
Why only Navaratri?
Worship each day!
Not only woman!
Worship every human!
Worship every animal!
Worship every creature!
Since Almighty resides!
In every human!
Since Almighty resides!
In every creature!
If you can't worship!
At least pay Regards!
Since Nar Sewa, Narayana Sewa!
Since worship of every human!
Since worship of every creature!
It is worship of Almighty God!
Share this knowledge!
As per requirement!
In the required language!
Remove ignorance from earth!
ॐ ॐ ॐ
Worship of Woman is Worship of Durga-
Worship of Woman is Worship of Durga!
Why you worship only girl children?
During Navratri!
Worship every woman, every day!
Nar Sewa Narayana Sewa!
Nar does not mean only man!
Nar means every human!
Irrespective of age, gender, etc!
If you can't worship!
At least pay Regards in your mind!
Know Durga lives in every woman!
Know Almighty lives in every human!
If you worship woman!
If you worship man!
If you worship human!
Irrespective of any religion!
Irrespective of any difference!
No need of other worship!
Leave the human!
Even animals to be respected!
Recommended by LinkedIn
Even birds to be respected!
Since Almighty lives in them!
Forward this message to all!
In required language!
Make use of your education!
Know Almighty in this birth itself!
Real Worship Of Krishna-
Do you know!
What is real worship of Krishna?
Worship of Krishna!
By flowers is good!
But those are wise!
Who know the real worship!
Real worship of Krishna!
Love one, love all selflessly!
Irrespective of their religion!
Irrespective of their nation!
Irrespective of their gender!
Irrespective of their colour!
Irrespective of their language!
Irrespective of their status!
Do thy duty!
Reward is not your concern!
If you follow this!
You really worship Him!
Do not trouble any one!
By body, mind or action!
Love all selflessly!
Do thy duty without any want!
If you obey these instructions of Krishna!
Then you really worship Him!
Then you celebrate real Janmashtami!
Then you celebrate daily Janmashtami!
Then He will take your burden!
Then you don't need to search Him!
He will come to you!
Then you fulfill the aim of your birth!
Real Worship-
Hi Friends,
Now it is time to do real worship of Krishna, Allah or Almighty. You can give Him any name.
Two days back I was shocked with TV News.
One poor lady was going to some nearby shop for purchasing wheat flour i.e. Atta for cooking the food for her hungry kids.
After purchase she was returning to her home, heavy rains started in Mumbai.
Water was flooding on the way. There was an open main hole on the way, she could not notice it due to flood. She had fallen into the main hole.
Her kids were weeping while waiting for her mother.
Her husband searched with the help of Police and found her dead body about twenty Kilometers
away in the sea. You can imagine the water pressure in the overflowing main hole.
You can save the precious human lives by taking the following actions:
1/ If you notice any open main hole or drain, take its photo and post in the Facebook and other
social sites.
2/ Send such photos to local administration.
3/ Ensure that PVC or Plastic covers have not been used in the main holes. Since they are light
weight and start to swim during heavy rains, thus opening the main holes.
If you can save even one human life, it will be the greatest service of Almighty.
19 October 2020
Nothing is good or bad in the beautiful regime of Almighty God-
Even if you are the most sinner in the entire universe, Almighty can burn your all the sins within
Even the robbers have been blessed by Him.
And this is the most compassionate quality of Almighty.
Remember, your body and body parts are also tools to worship the Almighty sitting inside of
every human.
Any thing done with selfish motive is vice or sin or Adharma!
Any thing done with Selfless motive is virtuous, sacred or Dharma.
Knife can be used to kill any one also for surgery.
Main thing is your intention.
Any thing done out of love and selflessly is always sacred and Dharma!
You may be!-
If you are Muslim!
You may be Hindu!
In your past births!
In your next births!
Now you worship Allah!
Then you may worship Krishna!
If you are Hindu!
You may be Muslim!
In your past births!
In your next births!
Now you worship Krishna!
Then you may worship Allah!
Past births not ruled out!
Since you never die!
Only your body dies!
Hence births are required!
If you hate Hindu!
You may be Hindu in next births!
If you hate Muslims!
You may be Muslim in next births!
It is very much required!
To repay your Karma!
Share it in required language!
If you love planet earth!
Make use of your education!
By spreading this wisdom!
Hindu and Muslims-
You are Hindu!
You may be Muslim!
In past or future birth!
Almighty is same for both!
If you are Muslim now!
You may be Hindu in past births!
Then you used to worship Krishna!
Now you worship Allah!
If you are Hindu now!
You may be Muslim in past births!
Then you used to worship Allah!
Now you worship Krishna!
Past birth cannot be ruled out!
Since you never die!
You only change body!
Hence past births required!
How this universe is a movie?-
You see a movie!
You see a TV Show!
You are lost in it!
You assume it true!
If you see anger in it!
You become angry!
You see some pain in it!
Your mood changes by it!
You see people running!
You see forests in it!
You see deserts in it!
You see ocean in it!
You see fire in it!
You see water in it!
You see roads in it!
You see sky in it!
You see sun in it!
You see moon in it!
You see stars in it!
You see rainbow in it!
You see birds flying!
You see people crying!
You see baby laughing!
You see lion roaring!
You see some sexy scenes!
You become sexy!
You see some one worshipping!
You become sacred!
What are all these things?
Can you reply me for it?
All these are nothing!
But colored lights!
Which you see on the screen!
As running, flying, crying!
Laughing, roaring!
Worshipping or sexy!
And you are influenced by it!
You are befooled by these!
By assuming them true!
At the time of seeing!
Same is the case with this universe!
Every thing is nothing but chinmay lights!
Running, flying, crying, worshiping, sexy!
And you are befooled by all these!
You assume them as true!
You cry, laugh as per these!
They are nothing but colorful lights!
But actually chinmay lights!
1 October 2020
Do as a hobby!-
Don't do any job!
As a requirement!
As a hobby!
Do every job!
As worship of Almighty!
Then no work will bind you!
Then you will be always untouched!
Then no job will be boring for you!
Then every work will be a pleasure!
Then you will make it divine!
Then you will always be divine!
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Why work is worship?-
Why Almighty has made work or Job?
Have you ever thought about it?
Almighty has shown His mercy by creating work or job. It may be any job, office job or
household work or your personal work.
Hence work is itself a reward!
You may do mistakes while working, but never worry!
Never fear of mistakes!
Krishna has told in Gita - No work is perfect.
Mistakes are indispensable to teach you lessons of life!
If you sit idle without any work in your home or office, you will become mad!
Reason of depression, tension in your life is just wasting your time. If you waste time, time will
waste you!
Empty mind is devil's workshop.
It is very True!
About thirty years back my some of the staff committed some mistakes.
You know what punishment I gave to him.
I asked him to sit idle for one month.
And what happened?
Just after ten days he came to me weeping.
He told me - Sir, I am so sorry. You have given me enough punishment. I will never repeat the
same mistakes.
I again engaged him in his old duty.
How Krishna or Allah are different?-
Krishna and Allah can't be different!
Krishna is Almighty!
Allah is Almighty!
Different names to one Almighty!
You may be Muslim in this birth!
But you may be Hindu in past birth!
You may be Hindu in this birth!
But you may be Muslim in past birth!
How can you refuse?
That past birth is not there!
You are not body!
You are soul!
And soul doesn't die!
Hence past births required!
Body is garment of soul!
You don't die!
Body dies!
You change the garment of body!
At present you are old!
You can come as new born baby!
In your next birth!
Then you can change your religion!
In last birth you were Hindu!
You used to worship Krishna!
In this birth you are Muslim!
You use to worship Allah!
Hence how can both be different?
How Krishna can be different?
Than Allah!
Both different names of one Almighty!
They are backward!-
They are backward!
Who consider their subordinates!
As inferior!
They don't know the world!
In India!
Subordinates are considered!
As inferior!
They are not considered as friends!
Their rules are made different!
Keeping in mind that they are inferior!
But such people!
Who consider subordinates as inferior!
They are very narrow minded!
They are not broad minded!
By considering themselves superior!
And subordinates as inferior!
They think that they have done a big job!
But this is wrong thinking!
Such people cheat themselves!
They think that worldly gain is a real gain!
But it is their exam by Almighty!
Thus they are defeated!
No one is superior or inferior!
No work is big or small!
Since every work is worship of Almighty!
Hence no one is subordinate!
All are friends!
Hence no rules can be different!
In MNC or IT Company!
No one is considered as subordinate!
All are considered as friends!
Hence MNC or IT Company not backward!
Only Govt Sector of India is backward!
Not considering subordinates as friends!
Everyone is superior to you!
In at least one quality!
Every one is inferior to you!
In at least one quality!
No one is superior or inferior!
Every one equal! Every one friend!
I love you-
I love you!
You have uttered!
These magical words!
Many times!
But do you know?
What is love?
You say I love him!
You say I love her!
But actually you don't love!
Since you don't know!
What is love?
You must know!
If you can live without him!
If you can live without her!
Then it is called true love!
Else it is called selfish love!
Since love only knows to give!
Love never wants to take any thing!
If you want her! If you want him!
Then there is a Want!
If there is a Want!
Then it is not true love!
Why you want him!
Why you want her!
You want something from him!
You want something from her!
And you call it true love!
That is ironical!
Love makes you strong!
Love makes your lover strong!
Love never makes you weak!
Since love beautifies you!
Since love refines you!
Thus love beautifies your lover!
If you want anything from lover!
Then it becomes a trade!
And love always does!
As per the wish of the lover!
Love does not see own joy!
Love sees the joy of lover!
Then it becomes Selfless love!
Then it becomes worship of Almighty!
You can love hundreds of people!
If you have true love!
Since it is worship of Almighty!
Since it makes you divine!
11 September 2020
Real Worship Of Krishna-
Do you know!
What is real worship of Krishna?
Worship of Krishna!
By flowers is good!
But those are wise!
Who know the real worship!
Real worship of Krishna!
Love one, love all selflessly!
Irrespective of their religion!
Irrespective of their nation!
Irrespective of their gender!
Irrespective of their colour!
Irrespective of their language!
Irrespective of their status!
Do thy duty!
Reward is not your concern!
If you follow this!
You really worship Him!
Do not trouble any one!
By body, mind or action!
Love all selflessly!
Do thy duty without any want!
If you obey these instructions of Krishna!
Then you really worship Him!
Then you celebrate real Janmashtami!
Then you celebrate daily Janmashtami!
Then He will take your burden!
Then you don't need to search Him!
He will come to you!
Then you fulfill the aim of your birth!
Accept my infinite love, thanks and Pranam!
Wishing you Happy Sri Krishna Janmashtami!
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Don't be proud of God-
Don't be proud of God!
Don't have ego of God!
Don't boast that!
You worship!
Lord Rama!
Lord Krishna!
Don't have ego of Rama!
But follow His sayings!
Then you can't have ego!
Then you can not boast!
Rama, Krishna, Shiva, Shiva!
Allah, Jesus, Nanak, all same!
Follow words of Krishna!
He is incarnation of love!
He told to love all!
Hence, love all!
And that is His best worship!
This is the worship of Almighty!
What is Worship?-
Worship is not!
You are in temple!
You are in mosque!
You are in church!
Worship is when!
Even if you are in home!
Even if you you are not!
In these places!
If you are in temple!
If you are in mosque!
You are thinking of children!
Then you are really in home!
If you are in home!
If you are thinking of temple!
If you are thinking of God!
Then you are really in temple!
Since main thing is your mind!
Since main thing is not your body!
24 July 2020
Krishna Says -
“Whomsoever one may worship, the worshipper worships me only and I save him.”
Don't worship Krishna-
Don't worship Krishna!
Don't worship God!
Don't worship Allah!
Don't worship Jesus!
Follow their ideals!
Follow their saying!
And that will be!
Their biggest worship!
And that will be!
Loving them!
If someone loves you!
But does not do!
As per your saying!
Is it love?
6 July 2020
If you belong to Mathura-
If you belong to Mathura!
It does not mean that!
You have reserved your seat!
For liberation!
You will have to do Selfless acts!
You will have to walk the talk!
You will have to follow!
Sacred words of God!
If you are living in temple!
If you are living in mosque!
It does not mean that!
You will be liberated!
Even if you worship Him!
But you don't follow!
His sacred words!
Then everything is in vain!
You will have to do Selfless acts!
You will have to walk the talk!
You will have to be eligible!
To get the blessings of Krishna!
But if you belong to Mathura!
Or any other place of God!
And you follow words of God!
Then it adds to your beauty!
Do you know the real Guru Puja?-
If someone touches your feet!
But he disobeys you!
Will you be happy?
If you touch the feet of your father!
But you don't obey him!
Will he be happy?
You worship the photo of your father!
But you don't obey him!
Will he be happy?
You may be of any religion!
Same is the case of any Guru!
Same is the case of Krishna!
Same is the case of Almighty!
You may be of any religion!
You say that you love Krishna!
But you disobey Him!
Hence He can't be happy!
You may be of any religion!
You know? What Krishna says!
His most important message!
Love one! Love all selflessly!
Now you assess yourself!
Do you love anyone selflessly?
Do you love all selflessly?
If you obey Krishna!
You love all selflessly!
Even if you don't worship Him!
Then He will be Happy!
You will know Krishna! Almighty!
You may be of any religion!
Same is the message of every God!
Every Guru of All religions!
But you disobey!
How can you know Almighty?
This is the message of Guru Purnima!
You may be of any religion!
Prayer to Lord-
O my loving Krishna!
O my loving Guru!
I don't know anything!
But you know everything!
I don't know your worship!
I don't know anything!
I don't know, how to worship you!
I don't know how to please you!
O my Krishna!
I don't know many rituals!
I don't know Sanskrit!
I don't know hymn of Veda!
I don't know complexities of Scriptures!
I don't know what is right or wrong!
I don't know correct procedures!
So that I may worship you!
O my Krishna!
I don't know any Mantra!
So that I may please you!
I am fully ignorant!
O my Krishna!
I couldn't understand!
When I don't know anything!
How can I please you?
O my Krishna!
I don't have anything!
To give you!
Since every thing belongs to you!
Hence I couldn't understand!
How to please you!
I can do only one thing!
That I can love you!
18 January 2020
Steps for knowing Almighty-
First you will have to win Kaam, Krodh, Lobh, Moh.
You alone can not win them. You can win them by the grace of Almighty and your own efforts.
After that you will have to win your senses.
After that you will have to win your mind ie subtle mind.
Next you will have to win your Buddhi ie intelect.
Then you can find the soul or Atma!
It is just a beginning of your spiritual journey.
Then your spiritual journey starts.
After that you have to settle down in Brahm.
That takes too much time, patience and efforts!
Hence grace, prayer, worship of Almighty or Guru is required.
You love me!-
You love me!
Due to Almighty!
Since without Him!
I am nothing!
You love me!
Not to my body!
But to Almighty!
This is true!
Hence your this loving!
It becomes a worship!
True worship of Almighty!
It is without any doubt!
Then you must get the fruits!
Of worship to Ishwar!
Prayer, Roza for Allah!
It is without any doubt!
Then you don't need!
Any other worship!
Any temple, any mosque!
Any prayer, any Namaz!
Since I am not body!
I am Atma!
I am Paramatma!
I am Almighty!
Just love me!
Not to my body!
See the miracle!
See Almighty!
This is my voice!
This is divine voice from sky!
15 April 2020
If you visit to your relatives-
*If you visit to your relatives!
Or friends!
Don't sit idle!
Help them in household work!
Or any other!
Since time is too precious!
*Whenever someone used to visit!
To Mahatma Gandhi!
He used to give some work to him!
Sinyouce Gandhi used to keep busy himself!
*We should not be ashamed of it!
We must keep busy in any cost!
Since work is worship!
Irrespective of the people or place!
*Since your body is Karma Bandhan!
Hence always keep busy!
In some fruitful work!
Without the want of the fruits!
If are in your home!
If you are in the home of your relatives or friends!
15 Apr 2020
Light the lamp of knowledge-
If you are educated!
Share your knowledge!
And knowledge!
Which you receive!
To ignorant!
To remove the ignorance!
From planet earth!
Thus light the lamp!
Of knowledge!
To remove the darkness!
On this earth!
Thus help!
To beautify!
This earth!
If you love it!
And know!
This sharing will be!
Worship of!
Almighty God!
15 April 2020
Namaz and Prayer-
*If you are very big!
Devotee of Allah!
You do 5 times Namaz!
It is very well!
*But it is not necessary!
That you must visit mosque!
You may do it in home!
It will give same result!
No need of showing to others!
If you do it alone in silence!
It is still better!
No need of any crowd!
No need of other people!
*If you are very big!
Devotee of Krishna!
You do 3 times prayer!
It is very well!
*But it is not necessary!
That you must visit temple!
You may do it in home!
It will give same result!
No need of showing to others!
If you do it alone in silence!
It is still better!
No need of any crowd!
No need of other people!
*If you are in mosque or temple!
But you think about your home!
Then you are in home in reality!
Not in mosque or temple!
Since main thing is your mind!
And not your body!
Wherever your mind exists!
You exist there in fact!
*Remove the darkness of ignorant!
By sharing this message!
To Muslims and Hindus!
Thus worship Almighty!
Translate it in your language!
If they don't know English!
Thus make use of your Education!
Light the lamp of this knowledge!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Hi Children! Remember!-
You must cultivate!
The habit of household work!
Cooperate your parents!
Since work is worship!
They are tired!
After too much work!
Hence you must help them!
If you love them!
You must know!
Till how much age
They will support you?
One day they will become old!
You must support them!
At the time of your birth!
They were very happy!
That you will be their support!
In their old age!
If you don't help them!
In household work!
They may feel hurt!
Earlier people used to think!
That after marriage of the son!
Daughter in law will help!
In household work!
But now she is herself employed!
Hence she can't help!
Don't depend on maid, servants!
They can't do as good as you do!
Self help is the best help!
Don't be slave of any one!
Hi Children!
You must know!
If you help in household work!
You will remain always active!
Excess of everything is bad!
Excess of game is bad!
Excess of internet is bad!
Excess of study is bad!
Excess of sleep is bad!
Excess of comfort is bad!
Keep balance!
If you want to be successful in life!
Hence make some household work!
As your hobby n enjoy working!
Know that work is worship!
Do each work as worship of God!
Every work is for man!
Man is the son of God!
If son is helped!
Father will be happy!
As your parents are part of Almighty!
If you work, they n He will be happy!
Household Work-
Children must be trained!
To cooperate the parents!
In household duty!
They may be assigned any!
Don't depend!
On servants or maids!
They can't do as you do!
Self help is the best help!
In this way!
They will know disciple!
In side n outside of home!
Right from childhood!
You must know!
Work is worship!
Do every work!
By this spirit!
If you are teaching them!
Don't think that!
You are teaching!
Your children!
Consider they are!
Children of Almighty!
Thus you are doing!
Duty of Almighty!
Thus your this work becomes!
Worship of Almighty!
Consider every one!
Son of Almighty!
Your children!
Your spouse!
Your customer!
Your boss!
Your subordinate!
Your friend!
Your enemy!
Think in mind!
Don't forget!
But behave with them!
Consider all other works!
Like this!
Then your every work becomes!
Worship of Almighty!
ॐ ॐ ॐ
9 March 2020
You can not be Hindu, Muslim if :
*You can not be Hindu, Muslim, etc if -
People are troubled by you.
*Even if you are doing religious task.
If you are in religious procession and some patient is dying since his ambulance is held up in
the procession, no one can save you from the anger of Almighty
*If you are public servant :
*If you are public servant, celebrating Navaratri, Dussehra, Eid, Diwali, Holi, etc and you are
enjoying the holidays. But there is important task or you are a Doctor. Then first comes your
duty to save the life of a patient before celebrating Navaratri, Dussehra, Eid, Diwali, Holi, etc.
*Almighty can not be happy if any public service is held up due to your celebration of Navaratri,
Dussehra, Eid, Diwali, Holi, etc.
*Almighty can not be happy if public transportation is held up due to Ganesh Visarjan, Durga
Visarjan, Namaz prayer on roads. Almighty can know Namaz prayer even if you do it in most
secret place.
*Always Remember that your duty is more important than celebrating Navaratri, Dussehra, Eid,
Diwali, Holi, etc.
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If you want-
If you want!
To be something!
You are trapped!
You make yourself small!
If you want!
To give something!
You are trapped!
Since you want in return!
If you want!
To take something!
You are trapped!
Since you desire!
But if you want
To be something!
To give something!
To take something!
For the happiness of Almighty!
For the happiness of others!
And not for yourself!
Then it becomes worship of Almighty!
29 February 2020
If you are keeping your parents!-
*If you are keeping your parents!
With you in their old age!
No, don't think so!
They are keeping you!
*If you are serving your parents!
In their old age!
Don't post the photos in Facebook!
Keep it secret!
*Are you doing a favor for them?
Why do you want their property in return?
Why do you want their wealth in return?
Then it is not your love for them!
Then it becomes a trade!
*One day
You will be in same position!
Your children will do the same!
*Your love should be selfless!
No one should know this!
You should accept nothing in return!
Even if they force to give you!
*Then you see the miracle!
It becomes true worship of Almighty!
Then you can know the Almighty!
By mere serving your parents!
*Then you can achieve anything!
In this world and out of the world!
Then you can know who you are!
Then you can know your real existence!
*Then you can know Atma!
Then you can know Paramatma!
Just sitting at your home!
Then no need of going to temples!
Then no need of going mosques!
Then no need of going Tirupati!
Then no need of going Mecca Kaaba!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
9 February 2020
Which is the biggest worship of God!-
Which is the biggest worship of God!?
Be happy!
Just like
Parents want!
Their children must
Always be happy!
In the same way!
Almighty wants!
His children!
Must always be happy!
They are
Et etc
Irrespective of their
Etc etc
ॐ ॐ ॐ
19 December 2019
Follow these rules for best benefits from Bhagavad Gita-
Though you may read Bhagavad Gita at any time, any place with or without devotion but you
will not be getting much benefits.
To get maximum benefits from Bhagwad Gita you must follow these rules:
1/ Always read Bhagwad Gita with devotion.
Lord Sri Krishna has Himself told that -
This confidential knowledge may not be explained to those who are not austere, or devoted, or
engaged in devotional service, nor to one who is envious of Me. - Gita 18/67
2/ Read Gita in morning hours most preferably.
3/ Read Gita after taking bath only. Do not speak to any one while reading.
4/ Read Gita before taking any meals. Do not consume even tea, milk or water before reading
Gita to obtain the best benefits.
5/ The place where you read Gita must be cleaned by you only not any one else.
6/ You must sit over a clean blanket etc for reading Gita. It should remain the same. You should
not change it daily.
7/ You must read Gita at a fixed time for fixed duration. Or, you can make a vow to read one
chapter daily.
8/ Before reading Gita, please read the Gita Mahatmya ie Glories of Gita of that particular
chapter to obtain the best benefits.
9/ Before starting the chapter remember any Mantra of Lord Ganesha and Sri Krishna with
10/ In each chapter first read each Sanskrit Shloka and after that its translation with
11/ Daily whatever you read, try to bring it in your life. Lord Sri Krishna will help you.
12/ Before and after reading each chapter, bow down and touch the lotus feet of Sri Krishna and
Bhagavad Gita with your forehead. It will make you sacred.
13/ After reading Bhagavad Gita, perform Aarti of Bhagavad Gita.
14/ Maintain the same routine daily.
15/ Lord Sri Krishna has told in Bhagavad Gita :
For one who explains the Supreme secret to the devotees, devotional service is guaranteed and
at the end he will come back to Me. - Gita 18/68
16/ He has again told us -
There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear.
- Gita 18/69
17/ Lord Sri Krishna has explained the glory of reading Bhagavad Gita :
And I declare that he who studies this sacred conversation, worships Me by his intelligence. -
Gita 18/70
18/ Even if someone listens Gita with faith, he will get benefits. Lord has said :
And one who listens with faith and without envy becomes free from sinful reaction and attains to the planets where the pious dwell. - Gita 18/71
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10 December 2019
See only soul!-
*Do not see post of anyone!
Do not see designation of any one!
Do not see power of any one!
See only soul in him!
*Never see status of any one!
Never see following of any one!
Never see admirers of any one!
See only Atma in him!
*Do not see wealth of any one!
Do not see property of any one!
Do not see popularity of any one!
See only his soul!
*Never see beauty of any one!
Never see handsomeness of any one!
Never see body of any one!
See only his Atma!
*Do not see son in any one!
Do not see daughter in any one!
Do not see parents in any one!
Do not see relatives in any one!
Do not see friends in any one!
Do thy duty!
Remain unattached!
See only soul in them!
*Since all these are external qualities!
They will perish one day!
But Atma will never perish!
Since Atma is part of Paramatma!
*And this will be your greatest worship!
Behave with all like this!
And you will see charm of life!
You will see Almighty one day!
9 Nov 2019
Real Dharma-
*Real Dharma is not the worship
In temple
In mosque
In Gurudwara
In Church
*Since you are worshipping
At these places since ages
Could you find Almighty?
No, you can't find there!
*All these are the ABCD
Of Dharma
All these are
Just symbolic
*Real Dharma is
To love mankind
Real Dharma is
To love every creature
*Real Dharma is
Not to hurt any one
By your
Body, mind or speech
*Real Dharma is
To make you stronger
By withstanding
The adversity
Of others
*Real Dharma is
To win your
Real Dharma is
To win yourself
*Then you see the miracle
Then you will find
The Almighty
Inside you
Not in
20 October 2019
Your eating is also worship!-
*Your every thing is worship of Almighty!
Your eating is also worship!
Since you are eating to maintain your body!
Body is not yours!
Body is given by Almighty to keep it well for serving others!
Hence it is your duty to keep it well!
Your bathing is also worship of Almighty!
Your sleeping is also worship of Almighty!
Your walking is also worship of Almighty!
Your breathing is also worship of Almighty!
*Your every act becomes worship if it is for Almighty!
If you keep your body alive it is worship of Almighty!
You are doing a favor to Almighty!
If you are keeping the body given by Almighty!
*It is like this -
If any one gives you any thing to keep!
And you take it!
Then it becomes your duty to keep it well!
Then you are doing a favor to him!
Same thing holds good with Almighty!
*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
20 October 2019
Sex is also worship of Almighty!-
Everything is worship of Almighty!
Sex is also worship of Almighty!
If you consider-
Your lover as a part of Almighty!
If it is to continue the world!
If it is to help other!
If it is selfless!
If it is to save the life!
If it is for divine purpose!
If its purpose is pure!
It is to improve you!
It is to bring you near to Almighty!
Why you consider sex as different than other things?
If you give any thing to anyone!
If you take anything from anyone!
The same principle holds good for sex!
If you do not snatch the right of any one, it is sacred!
If you worship Almighty by it, it is sacred!
If you feel that Almighty will be happy by your act, it is sacred!
If you worship Almighty by any thing, it is called as sacred!
Since Almighty is sitting in all people!
If your work is for Almighty!
Then, even wrong becomes the right!
Since if any thing
Which brings you near to Almighty is good!
Which takes you away from Almighty is bad!
29 September 2019
Only worship of Goddess Durga is not sufficient!-
We worship Goddess Durga during Navratri. It is good but not sufficient!
Goddess Durga is present in every girl child. Female foeticide is done and Goddess Durga is
worshipped. Both can not be done together. Goddess Durga can never be happy with you!
Goddess Durga is present in your old mother! You worship Goddess Durga but you don't
respect your old mother. It is not acceptable to Goddess Durga. Your worship will be futile!
Women are not respected and Goddess Durga is worshipped. Both can't be done together.
Goddess Durga can not be happy with you!
Your Colonies, cities are not kept clean. And you worship Goddess Durga. Both can't be done
together. Goddess Durga can not be happy with you!
If you worship Goddess Durga but simultaneously you don't leave your wrong path, your
misdeeds. Then Goddess Durga can never be happy with you! Your worship will be of no use!
May Goddess Durga bestow Her Shakti to all of us to make our wisdom divine so that we must
always walk on Her prescribed path!
Wishing you Happy Navratri!
19 September 19
Words of Wisdom: Family-
You are very big selfish if you are worried only about you and not your family. You have to
sacrifice your advancement for your family!
Don't think that if you are better, then your family will be automatically better. That is wrong
concept. Family requires your sacrifice and personal touch, involvement at all times. Else your
children will become bad citizens of tomorrow! Your money, tutor, power, etc can not replace
you! All family members want your love, affection and care!
If you are worried only about your career, your promotions, your popularity, your image in public,
your chair, your honor, your ministership, your big post or designation your advancement, etc
and not of your family. Then you are very big selfish!
Your first and foremost responsibility is towards your family and children. Family is most
important for you, even more than yourself! Since family is basic unit of this universe. If family is
good, this universe will be a good place to live.
Hence concentrate on your family more than yourself. That will be a biggest worship! Since
Almighty resides in your children, parents, wife, husband. If they are happy, only then He can be
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
18 September 2019
Love of Radha and Krishna-
*Krishna was having wife Rukmani!
Radha was having husband Anay!
Yet they loved each other!
And their love is divine love!
*Rukmani is never shown with Krishna!
Radha is always shown with Krishna!
Since normal love has no value!
Main love is divine love!
*Normal love sees the body!
Divine love does not see body!
Normal love is for short duration!
Divine love is eternal!
Normal love is from outside!
Divine love is from inside!
Normal love is never worshipped!
Divine love is always worshipped!
*Jai Shri Radha Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
17 March 2019
Reply of Q6
Answer :
Every work is for the man. And man is the son of Almighty God.
If you do some work for the son, how will the father feel?
Father will feel good that you have helped his son.
Same is the case of Almighty God.
If you do any work for His children or for His garden ie earth or the universe. It will be worship of
Almighty God.
Hence do every work by knowing this fact that you are doing worship of Almighty by doing this
17 March 2019
Reply of Q5
Answer :
Religion is the ABCD of the Spirituality.
It just beginning of the Spirituality.
When a child takes birth after some time he starts to understand. Then he sees his elders going
to worship in temple, mosque, church, Guru Dwara etc religious places.
Religions were created to help the mankind to find its very purpose of human life.
But they have done more harm than good.
Religion unites, not divides. But we find the opposite. Religions are dividing us.
Spirituality is the path by which man learns that he is not body, he is Atma. It takes us from body
consciousness to soul consciousness. Hence we learn that we all are brothers irrespective of
caste , creed, color, language, etc. It teaches us to love entire mankind.
At advanced stage a religious person becomes spiritual since the Spirituality is the essence at
20 January 2019
Whatever we do, we do for ourselves not for Almighty-
*Whatever we do we do only for ourselves not for Almighty God.
Since Almighty does not require any thing from us.
*He is Himself Almighty and hence He does not require any thing from any one.
*We worship Him to make us stronger.
So that we get some power from Him.
*We do penance not for Him,
But to make us stronger.
*We need to become positive,
Not for making Him happy.
But for improving us,
For making us stronger.
*Jai Shri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
ॐ ॐ ॐ
Your sins can not be washed by religious places-
Your sins can not be washed by religious places.
Your sins can not be washed by religious places, by visiting Tirupati, Mecca, Gurudwara or church etc, you may go there a thousand times and break your head but your sins can not be washed by visiting these places.
If someone has beaten you, if someone has abused you, if someone has cheated you, if someone does your backbiting ... and if he goes to these religious places to wash these sins, how will you feel?
And, after visiting these places, he again tortures you, how will you feel?
When will you feel good about him?
Sins can only be washed by true repentance, if someone really repent and promises not to torture you in future, then only you may feel good.
God is also like you, even if you do not visit these religious places but you do not trouble any one, you are humble, you are modest, you do not cheat any one, you do not indulge in backbiting, you do not do leg-pulling of any one, you love all, you do not hate any one- then, there is no need of visiting all these religious places.
Since, if you trouble any one, you trouble his soul ... and, hence you trouble Paramatma, you trouble god, then how can god help you if you visit these religious places after troubling any one.
No violence by body, mind, action can be accepted by god in the name of religion. God can not be pleased even after visiting the top most shrine of any religion like Tirupati, Mecca, golden temple, etc after committing any violence by body, mind or action even if you break your head thousands of times on the doors of these religious places or any god.
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2. Your sins can not be washed by religious places -
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It is more difficult-
More difficult than KAILASH MANSAROVAR pilgrimage or
St. Patrick’s Purgatory:
1. Daily Read : If you read it daily, you will change this world:- It is more difficult not to be angry even if someone is abusing you or insulting you ... than the pilgrimage of KAILASH MANSAROVAR or St. Patrick’s Purgatory.
More difficult than climbing MOUNT EVEREST
2. It is more difficult to love your enemy ... than to climb MOUNT EVEREST.
More difficult than VAISHNO DEVI YATRA
3. It is more difficult to accept your criticism ... than VAISHNO DEVI YATRA.
More difficult than HAJ YATRA
4. It is more difficult to resort non-violence ... than the pilgrimage of MECCA, KABA, HAJ.
More difficult than visit of Tirupati temple
5. It is more difficult to be peaceful ... than visit the TIRUPATI TIRUMALA temple.
More difficult than AMAR NATH YATRA
6. It is more difficult to remove your ego ... than AMAR NATH YATRA.
More difficult than PRITHVI PARIKRAMA
7. It is more difficult to be truthful ... than one round PARIKRAMA OF EARTH.
More difficult than visit to SHIRDI SAI temple
8. It is more difficult to be honest ... than visit SHIRDI SAI temple.
More difficult than visit to KASHI
9. It is more difficult to do as per the wish of others, not ours ... than visit to KASHI.
If you conquer yourself ...
10. If you conquer yourself i.e. your anger, your ego, your greed, your attachment, your jealousy, violence, hate ... then you conquer the entire world .......... if you win yourself, you win the world ....... then, you are king of the kings.
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2. It is more difficult
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How to begin a spiritual journey?-
The temple, mosque, gurudwara, church etc religious places are the A, B,C,D of spirituality.
They are the routes, not the destination.
Spirituality is the first and foremost, no other education or subject is so important as spirituality.
Spirituality is nothing but a way of living, behaving, acting, speaking and breathing.
To start a spiritual journey either go to a perfect master or a guru. Or, start this journey yourself and take guidance from a perfect master from time to time.
If you want to begin a spiritual journey, have firm determination about the goal and have full faith in the existence of one god, one, all in one one in all.
If you have committed any mistake against any one, seek sincere apology from him and god. Have an oath and firm determination that you will never repeat that mistake. This will be your first step to purify yourself. Do not see the mistakes of others.
Know that Gita, Bibles, and all religious books are not for reading but for following them. Start following and bringing in life whatever is mentioned in these books. This will purify you completely, one by one.
Once purity is achieved, you are nearer to god. Then try to remember god as much as possible either by chanting, by meditation or by any means.
If you have done two things, you will be on the path of spiritual journey. First,speak truth by body, speech and mind ie MANSA VACHA KARMANA. Second, never hurt anyone by body, speech and mind. And, once you have done this thing, no power on earth can remove you from this spiritual path of holy journey to almighty god.
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How to begin spiritual journey??? -
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About Pravin Agrawal
Pravin Agrawal is Founder of Spiritual India WhatsApp Group, spread worldwide with eminent members from many countries and many fields like Science, Technology, Spirituality, Medicine, Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy including Doctors, Engineers, Army Officers, etc. He is a God-realized soul. He is an engineering graduate from the world renowned university IIT Roorkee, India. He is imparting spiritual research & training for the people of all nations. Spirituality is the solution to every problem related to business, job, health, finance, love etc. As per the author this world seems to exist but it does not exist.
You don't know that you have been sleeping for millions of years.
Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. The author is regularly sharing his write-ups to remove the darkness of ignorance and spreading the light of knowledge. He is a renowned god-realized soul and Spiritualist. Spirituality is the solution to all problems.
It is ironic. We want to know about others. We want to know about Mars, other planets and stars but we don't know about ourselves. We consider ourselves merely a body which is not true.
Read spiritual write-ups every day, you will be getting blessings from god since the name of god is like fire. Even if you touch fire unknowingly or by mistake, your finger will burn. Similarly if you read them even without knowing Almighty or by mistake, you will be getting blessings of god. Share it to your friends.
His posts have been designed with the objective of bringing a positive change on this planet earth with the overall good of all the people of this beautiful universe!
His most of the posts are collections of beautiful thoughts with the blessings and grace of beloved Lord Sri Krishna which are shared for all the people of the world irrespective of any difference of religion, nation, gender, status, race, caste, language etc.
In some writings of the author you may find some Hindi or Sanskrit words. If you want to know about these words, you can Google search about them. The author solicits your sincere apology in case of any types of mistake or inconvenience. Accept infinite love, thanks and Pranam from the author.
Adhyatma Vidya or Divine Knowledge or Spirituality is the king of every available knowledge on planet earth. This is the most secret and sacred knowledge. Initially this knowledge was imparted thousands of years ago by Lord Sri Krishna and Vedas.
But this knowledge was lost with time.
Now the author is making every effort to revive this age-old traditional knowledge in a very easy way in the form of his write-up and thoughts inspired by Lord Krishna, Himself, which are shared here.
Main requirement to gain this knowledge is Abhyas i.e. practice again and again. If you read his posts again and again, it will make your Abhyas firm. Then you will be very near to know Almighty God! Try it!
He has shared more than 10,000 Blogs on the speakingtree website. He regularly shares his posts and blogs in LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter etc. You may Google search his all the profiles by the following keywords-
Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger
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27 December 2023
How to Finish Ignorance?
Hi Friends,
The main reason of present chaos in the world is ignorance.
Why so many fights, quarrels, pain, Leg-pulling etc in the present world?
Why so much evils in the world?
It is due to ignorance.
If you don't want to see the darkness of ignorance in the world. If you don't want to see evils in the world. If you want to see the light of knowledge in the world.
Then please share this in the Mygate App of your Apartment and other places as much as possible or at least once in a month-
Spiritual India WhatsApp Group: A Gurukula-
Those people who share this will be a medium to spread this sacred task of Sri Krishna. They may have glimpse of divine knowledge in this birth itself.
Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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25 March 2023
Don't consider my posts like poem
*My posts are not merely!
Like poems!
They are based on!
Actual truth!
Which is encountered!
At different levels of knowledge!
*Almost all of my posts!
They are based on actual truth!
That is a universal truth!
At different levels of knowledge!
*I have no ability to write!
Whatever I can write!
Whatever I can do!
That is due to my Krishna!
*Almost all of my posts!
They have been created!
As per my thoughts!
Blessed by Sri Krishna!
*Hence they are not mine!
They belong to Sri Krishna!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
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19 DEC 2022
Whatever I share with you
*Some time, some of the friends ask-
I love your this post! Your this sharing is so beautiful. From which book you have taken this?
*Earlier I was hesitant to reply this!
But now I am replying-
My Dear Friends, whatever I share and post that is my original writings though nothing is mine! This is true in most of the cases!
*My no sharing, no post has been taken from any book! This is true for most of the cases!
*Do not forget this-
When fool Kalidas can become wise, and he can write many beautiful books with the blessings of Almighty God. Why not a fool like Pravin can write and share all these posts with the blessings of Lord Sri Krishna?
*Now you must have got your reply automatically!
*Jai Sri Radhe Krishna!
Hare Krishna!
Happy Maha Navami.
Happy Navratri.
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Spread the Wisdom!
Hi Friends,
*Main reason for chaos in the entire world is ignorance. I am regularly sharing my blogs in Speaking Tree, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook.
*In Speaking Tree website I have shared more than 10,000 blogs.
*Please visit and share! Help to spread Wisdom!
*You may Google search my all profiles by following keywords -
Pravin Agrawal Spiritualist Blogger
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Ten Most Important Posts of Pravin Agrawal
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Who sinks in that ocean, becomes God-
Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-
You are under cctv surveillance By Pravin Agrawal-
What is Sanatan Dharma? By Pravin Agrawal-
Knowing yourself is Dharma, Not knowing yourself is Adharma-
Most Professional Knowledge is Divine Knowledge-
My Nature Set Right Everything By Pravin Agrawal-
Secrets of Nature By Pravin Agrawal-
Whomsoever I see that is myself-
Pravin Agrawal`s Scenes Do Not Exist-
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Visit these videos-
Unveiling the Mystic Pravin Agrawal-
Hare Krishna kirtan-best kirtan hare krishna bhajan-kirtan song-iskcon kirtan-
अगर आप खुशी चाहते हैं तो इसे सुनें❤️श्री राम जय राम जय जय राम-
Exploring Sanatan Dharma: The Eternal Way-
मृत्यु के पार: एक अद्भुत यात्रा-
दिव्य दर्शन: श्री कृष्ण की अद्भुत झलक-
Pravin Agrawal's True Experiences-
Other Posts-
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Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal-
My All Beautiful Quotes At One Place Updated -
Science of God For Future World: All Parts-
Scenes do not exist even now-
Most Relevant Linkedin Articles of Pravin Agrawal-
More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
List 3 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal-
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Attended Hi school
2moI'm interested any type of job.
ॐ! Founder, SIndia! राधे राधे 🙏 JSK! LOVE❤️You are under cctv surveillance!
2moॐ ॐ ॐ Youths Need Proper Guidance: Quotes of Pravin Agrawal- My All Beautiful Quotes At One Place Updated - Science of God For Future World: All Parts- Scenes do not exist even now- Most Relevant Linkedin Articles of Pravin Agrawal- More Than 1000 Likes Articles Of Pravin Agrawal- List 3 Of All Linkedin Articles Of Pravin Agrawal- ॐ ॐ ॐ