Is this a President Trump Issue?
No, this issue is 243 year old issue. This is President Reagan, Eisenhower, Ford, Kennedy, Ford, Lincoln, Clinton, Jackson, Adams, Taylor, Hover, Truman, Carter, Roosevelt, issue.
Thomas Jefferson says that if the government is acting incorrectly then it is the peoples right to protest, moreover, it's their duty to change the situation so that the government is acting properly on behalf of the people. When I read the words of Thomas Jefferson I think wow. Thomas Jefferson was a political genious.
So the fact is there has been an incorrect application of The American Bill of Rights in the context of the history of people of color. People of color make up a sizable proportion of the population. The people are meant to act. Did Rodney King or George Floyd have lives of “ life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” No, they had this taken away from them in a way that does not happen in other countries.
Yet, do other countries have issues too? Yes, of course they do. However, the United States has exceptional constitutional law and therefore if the USA can properly meet the Bill of Rights in terms of actually enforcing the Bill of Rights throughout all of it’s systems then it will be a model country in policing for the rest of the world. If there is a way to potentially improve policing to that extent, then much is possible.
This is a civil rights issue and of course beyond that. This is an issue of human existence. This is an issue that is the greatest question there can be to being a human being. This is a people situation of the police hurting people of ethnic minorities and then ethnic minorities combining with people of all races and social demographics becoming a really big group themselves.
When a police man works in a way that is out of alignment with both the “Bill of Rights” and the laws of the country and of God. Then the anger overspills in some people. They behave in a bad way because they are being punished for who they are. If you treat a child as if the child is bad when the child is not bad then the child begins to behave badly. That is how all human beings are. That is our condition. Therefore the only possible answer is to change the parenting to something in full alignment with human rights or better still in the case of the USA, “The Bill of Rights”
The group is not just on the streets that group is in the mindset of every household with anyone that believes that murder is wrong and “Black Lives Matter” White Lives matter” “Red lives matter” “Yellow Lives Matter” “All Lives Matter”.
People being killed due to the colour of their skin is just as bad as people being killed due to the width of their eyebrows, the length of their noses, their hairstyles, whether or not they have straight or curly hair, whether or not they are tall or short.
The reality is that only the very most extreme way of thinking that does not exist in the world today finds it in any way susceptible for people to be murdered due to who they are. It is not civilization. What is unmistakable is that this is not going away. There really has got to be a systemic change in the USA police force. This I believe is essential for the entire welfare of the USA I believe it is feasible to have a Police force that is respected by all.
However, many people protesting in the USA there are people at home that are unable to voice what they consider to be right. There are people that are very peacefully walking the streets with banners and yet inside they are hurt, sad, and fed up, angry and want change. How to create that change is a process too and knowing where to begin is a process that has already obtained some results in International issues and yet to be honest have never been tried under such circumstances. However, I do not believe there is another methodology that is evident and if there is then it’s good to compare the two.
There is no freedom where people are fearful for their lives every time they walk out of the front door. This is a landmark moment the people on the streets are saying enough is enough. The level of destruction to the society and the system itself is very concerning as this issue is not going away without a solution. A proper answer, an answer that solves this issue that so far in the united States history not one president has been able to solve properly.
President Bush and President Obama were unable to solve this issue. There are networks of people that allow for this to occur in the USA. This is why this protest is different. They have had enough of ”this fake news” or “that fake news”. The want the “Bill of Rights” properly adhered too. The call for disbanding the police force I do not agree with. However, the reforming of the police force is clearly essential and improved training too and in addition having areas that are protected and there are police within those spaces that are involved and interacting with the community I believe could be very beneficial too.
America can become more American to solve this.
The America as depicted in “The Bill of Rights” is an America of freedom for all. Whilst that is in paper it is not actually in practice in the case of The American police force in the context of American people of colour. So the proper fulfillment of this is the answer. Do people want to risk their lives asking for human rights? No they feel like they do not have any other choice. So the best way out of this situation is to give them a choice. How can a new choice be created in this situation? Very easily. By the President adhering exactly to the words of The “Bill of Rights” The President speaking from exactly the same perspective as Thomas Jefferson. That perspective is either that the reform will happen of the system will be brought down and recreated. Most of the US system does not just work very well indeed, it works better than any other system on the planet. The one system that really does not though is the police system in the context of people of colour.
Should the President be concerned over what is happening?
No this is the best any President could have. This requires leading the country towards it’s true and original dream. It’s original vision. It’s the complete fulfillment of the ”Bill of rights” which it has not managed to do in 243 years. The US army is there to uphold the Constitution and protest is a duty. It’s time to bring through great leadership.
There have been too many conflicts that have been in countries around the world for two decades, like in Vietnam they went their with one set of ideas people were told and when they arrived they found that what was really occurring was very different.
This has been a similar pattern in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria and many other countries.
The soldiers returned home and life for them has been difficult, without help. Some have returned home to find that the reality and what they were told at the start was different. The justifications for wars abroad was not quite right. This has much affected the psyche of people in the USA and the psyche of the rest of the World, people want peace. Yet, many service personnel went into the police and that is not without it's difficulties either.
Many in armies from Europe and the USA realized that the policies they were enacting were not in the interests of the people, in the countries they were in. So, there has been far too much killing of citizens in other countries and of citizens from and in the USA too.
Many Americans have been fooled for many years as have people of many countries with news they do not believe and therefore everyone is suspicious of what some leaders say when it is so far removed from what they see as the truth and of true justice.
The veil has been lifted and when the veil is lifted in the USA what is revealed? Whilst there are debates to be had on the justifications for going into the war after the USA was affected by 9/11, the lies and deception of more foreign wars, led to people in these countries and in the USA too not having “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. These are American ideas and these are real ideas based upon truth and great wisdom. Those words are some of the best America has given to the world. These are ideals many around the world aspire too.
What does “The Bill of Rights” say to do in this situation?
The bill of rights says reform and if reform is not possible then change the system. The system in this case is one part of the United States System. That one system that is creating this issue and never solving it is The system in which policing is done. This is not to say that the police are at fault there will be a great many Police that so a great job everyday of their careers. There will be many police that do a great job every day until they do something very wrong. Why and how this has happened on so many occasions has to be considered. What also has to be considered is that in a country with Second Amendment rights to bear arms. During the history of the USA that at times has been essential. It does also come at a price and that is that the Police themselves have a much more difficult job to do. There is greater risk and greater danger. There are more injuries and more fatalities of people and of police officers. In 2019 89 police officers died more than half of those when dealing with situations involving crime. However,, 89 in one year compares to 11 in ten years in the UK. Whilst the UK is very much smaller this is a vast difference. The Uk has also had many issues of institutional racism this was found to be the case in the Stephen Lawrence findings, Windrush Inquiry. However, in this document, I do try to find a way forward from where we are and therefore I seek to stay focused on the present.
In the USA or other countries too with similar issues such as Brazil, being a police man in a country with people many of which have guns is more dangerous than policing in a country where people do not have guns. Whilst there are many different lines of thinking on guns, many US citizens do see this as a defining part of what Freedom to them is actually and the Second Amendment is frequently quoted.
The fact that there are such large protests and people have been so mature and sensible, knowing that there are issues and yet perhaps not knowing how to solve them. So I offer up this work like every Integrated Strategy document I write with everyone in mind. It is for the protestors as much as the police as much as for those that do not agree with either the protestors or the police for that matter. It is for the 100% of people. This is a 100% of people problem, the current situation is not good for anyone either in the USA nor the world for that matter.
The issue is policing a country with a population that is armed with more guns than people and that has had race issues dating back many more than a thousand years before it was founded that was founded upon in the first place so many seeking to escape from the difficulties and the very rapid changes in Europe at the time. The truth is it is little wonder that the USA has got to the position it is today and really given the circumstance and given the history every American should actually congratulate themselves for playing their part, whatever their part has been and the part of those that have gone before them in creating such a wonderful country in so many ways.
Where the country is now is a police force that wants answers and a public that does too so I offer this in the hope of improving the conversation for all. If the situation greatly improves through a police reform in the USA then that is good for everyone. So with that intention in mind, here is my suggestion list.
How can the Police feasibly improve policing?
Bill of Rights Policing.
“Everyone has the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
This is a right of every police officer, the victim of every crime, every suspect of a crime until proven in a count of law to be guilty. Guilty of what? Guilty of committing a felony, which could be defined as negatively affecting someone else’s right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. A crime against a person or property is that and a crime against the country is that as well. By misrepresenting the rights of some Americans in a way that is not properly representing the Constitution and the rights of all.
So therefore, if someone commits a crime they are infringing upon that right someone else has. However, if a policeman assaults without due cause or kills someone then they are also affecting someone’s right to Life Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”. So therefore, technically a crime against a person is also a crime “against their rights”. A police officer is justified to use force against a person proportionately depending upon how much they are taking the rights away from others in committing a crime or being suspected of committing a crime. The unjustified use of force against someone is an act “against their rights” too. So if a man is being violently attacked on the street or a man is attacked in a police cell then this is out of alignment with their Right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Nobody is achieving Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of happiness by being hurt by someone else whether they are a member of the public or in the police.
So therefore, if there is a merit and demerit system in place for any violence on people in custody as there is with the usual law system, however if that legal system also covers the actions of police in police stations and in the public then situations like what occurred with George Floyd would not have been able to happen. The fact is if ‘Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness (LL&PH)” is taken into consideration in that situation. Then firstly him being pressed on the floor like that would be clearly seen as not being treated within his LL&PH considering especially the fact he was already handcuffed.
If suspects are put against cars rather than on the ground there is less chance of injury, therefore LL&H rights are better maintained.
It could have been feasible to constrain in other ways with his arm behind his back. In some practices it is considered that the ground is a weapon. Injury are more feasible on a hard surface than on a surface with more flexibility such as a vehicle so therefore if suspects were put against a car rather than the ground it is easier to uphold LLPH
If someone is suspected of a crime and his arms are behind his back on his way to a police station then his Life, Liberty, Happiness Rights are not infringed. If however he is in physical pain then they are. However, if he was taking away the HHR Rights of either the public or the police then this would be justified. For being a suspect of a forged twenty dollar bill. He had at that moment not evidently infringed any LLPH. If however the officer had encountered a man with a man waving it around then that person certainly is infringing peoples LLPH. If he was firing the gun then that would be clear and the police man has every justification to going form “community” friendly first policeman to “Army Marksman in a police Uniform”. So the scale in terms of the infringement of a person or many people’s LLPH rights provides the level of which there is an adequate response.
Making comparisons between UK and US Police Youtube films.
There are many short films on the internet of Police and public interactions. The first consideration is probably almost every interaction a policeman has with the public is going to be different. Therefore, from a police perspective whether the interaction is going to be cordial or not is something that they do not know until they are already in the situation. Therefore, in one very significant way the police are actually at a disadvantage to the public. However, the same is true to some extent with the public, when the police behave in very different ways. So therefore, having consistency on first communication is particularly important. On the Youtube films “Audit to Audit” is a good example there are many interactions between the public and the police and the person that makes the film judges the interaction from a “technically correct” legal perspective. He then makes an assessment at the end of the film scoring both the police and the public with A-F. Whilst these are good films and it’s commendable for seeking to improve both people’s rights and policing. What is not considered in the films and something that stands out both in many of the US and the UK films is the lack of empathy. The consideration that the policeman is a seeing, feeling, thinking person doing a job and that the member of the public is too.
There is a common theme where either the member of the public or the policeman in a situation and frequently both are considering law and rights only in their communications. So some of the films I have seen quite frequently one side or the other is acting within the law and yet is being either rude to the other person. Whilst being rude is not actually a crime. It does make congeniality between people more difficult and if police have to deal with two people that are rude like some members of the public are then the third person they deal with they are more likely to be unreasonable with.
So the truth of the situation is that sometimes it’s really not easy at all being a member of the public and dealing with the police and equally sometimes it’s not easy being police dealing with the public. So I would say that if there is a major police reform there should also be more consideration given to how people interact we the police. There is no reason to cite examples, however if you watch twenty or so random films on Youtube of the public interacting with the police then there is a common themes to almost all of them.
1. On side or another is showing a lack of empathy. People on both sides putting just the law up and trying to have the interaction from the perspective of the law only rather than trying to communicate.
2. There is a lack of wanting to find a reasonable solution. What’s your name? I don’t have to answer that question. Whilst this maybe legally correct. There are situations of people calling policemen “stupid” yet arguing back with the law when the policeman actually trying to be reasonable. So there is a two way street with this if the police are intimidating or rude to the public then the public responde negatively, yet it’s true the other way too. If the public are rude to the police then whilst they may be rude whilst being within the law. What the public are actually doing is helping train mean police officers. No matter what job you do, it is never easy dealing with the general public. So if people were more aware that if they are rude either way then this is likely in one way or another to get passed down the line to someone else. Therefore, if the police go to work thinking they have to deal with an every increasingly hostile public they are more likely to be more hostile towards the public and the public and it works the other way too. So I would suggest that if there is a reform of the police, then the police have to work on that and yet there should also be the consideration by the public to allow them to progress. This is well known in therapy if someone perceives you in a negative way, after therapy avoid that person as they “project on to you” So the police can project onto the public and the public can project onto the police “negativity” if that happens then that does not go away. So whilst someone can be within the law, yet be unreasonable to the police and walk away from the situation. What people should consider more is that they have just given a Policeman a level of “traumatic experience” and that can then get passed on or played out on someone else. The anger and frustration just gets passed on to someone else. When we see a film on youtube. We see that particular situation as it is. We do not see what was going on in the persons life, the minute, hour, week, month prior. If either the public or the police act unreasonable then we do not know the context. There is one film that I watched of a black woman watching a black man being arrested. He was being as cooperative as he could be and yet he had six Police and multiples of guns pointed at him. The woman cites that her friend had been shot and killed and she is clearly traumatized watching the man being arrested. She is filming and crying. It’s clear that today there is a traumatized public and in some cases almost a “stressed police force.” How to de-stress the public is actually not as easy as de-stressing the police. However, if there are people making films simply to try and catch the police out. I know my rights, this is what you should be doing. I’m in the right and doing this in a forceful way themselves when it is unnecessary then they are actually adding to the stress of police etc.
3. There are various questions and ways that the police could approach situations or the public could too, simply by asking the question can I find a better way to communicate and find middle ground in this situation. Rather than speaking at cross purposes like two debating politicians citing the law at each other from differing perspectives. The phrase “can you help me out here? Could help. One sample film I saw and the man is picking up litter outside of his house and the policeman is trying to ascertain where the man lives. They argue for more than ten minutes and towards the end of the film the man is surrounded by some seven police with a gun pointed at him and he is saying words to the effect of “Are you going to shoot me outside my own house” The situation gets so ridiculously stressful. Asking better questions could possibly have resolved the situation easier and eventually a more experienced policeman calms the situation. In transactional analysis terms the “domineering parent” in the policeman ends up clashing with the “domineering parent” in the person outside of their house. If the policeman had approached the person speaking with him as an “adult” explaining why he wanted to ask questions the interaction could have been much easier. So in that situation and in many others the guns are being pulled out and turning an interaction into a much more confrontational situation where if there was a more calm and measured approach and really good communication there certainly could have been a situation very easily resolved. There are situations I have seen on Youtube and both people and police have been in very difficult situations and whilst many situations are of course handled much better it is only a very few o the millions of interactions with police that go onto Youtube. There certainly is much to say for improving communication. This provides Police with many more options.
4. Slow down. Of all the interactions that I have seen in every situation the people on both sides tend to speak fast. When we are nervous we naturally speak fast. When this is in a situation where there is you and the person on the other side. If we speak fast and we are nervous, even though we are not showing that. Then there is a tendency for the other side to pick up the nervousness of the other party and then this gets into the “”interpretation bubble” of being hectic and unpredictable. Therefore, when interactions get like this one side makes the other side more nervous. The person being questioned can then get defensive and or seemingly “overtly assertive” whilst actually trying to defend themselves. The truth is everyone responds better in a situation that is stressful when the other party slows down their speech. It creates a sense of calm, The need for immediacy is a down side to the internet. The five second attention span. Us being impatient. When someone all of a sudden has an interaction with a person that is impatient it creates tension. So therefore being able to slow down as if time is not a consideration would help calm communication.
Emotionally Mindful Program introduced that matches their physical training with mental and emotional intelligence.
Many police men come from a military background. They have been trained to deal with” enemies”. This theoretically could be exactly the wrong training for police. If Police are trained to deal with the public when wanting to ask directions with the same training mindset as they dealt with in military situations abroad then the result of that is clearly going to be what is already happening. The levels of fear in the police and the public is not conducive to good policing. So what is occurring in Seattle without the police present should not be seen a “wrong or bad” it is potentially a way to re-build the trust between people this is so important today. So I have put into this a recommendation of more community centres yet also being inclusive of police as a way to regenerate.
So to some extent it is not surprising that if the police in any way feel threatened or in danger they will be reacting with the appropriate force in a military situation, yet in a civil situation with too much force. The inclination to think you have to be a “tough” police officer can be traced all the way back to 1778. The first reported time that the word Yank was used. Yank, meaning to pull something abruptly vigorously may of first been used in the context of a threat to colonists. However, they took and owned the word and used as a slogan and statement for the USA to escape from it’s colonial past. So it is a fact to say that the military link to policing and not more community based policing is in some ways an impediment to policing that can be traced back to when the USA was the colony’s?
To acknowledge that there was something wrong from the start gives everyone the chance to agree on that. So it’s not only the way in which people of colour or anyone else has been and is being treated. The entire methodology of policing in the USA was originally created as a system and a method of being very forceful towards all the people and all Americans. So the USA has a police force based more upon control through force since the beginning. So really there has to be an acknowledgement of this. The inherited method of policing should have a major overhaul. How to do that can be done actually quite easily mostly by new types of training. If Police on the streets in the US be aligned to the best communication methods generated and founded in the USA then they can become the best police in the world. From where we are today, that may not seem likely. However, if it’s possible to turn a restaurant around, then its possible to turn a police force around too and then” staff and customers” are all much happier. Restaurants are a good analogy as Gordon Ramsey so frequently shows that by making a few changes and improvement and looking at the whole model of the restaurant and managements dynamics and there are many new ways to get better results and everyone ends up happier. So the US police can think in terms that perhaps it is time to have a police force that aligns to all the best qualities of the country.
Yet only if there is a recognition created to very much calm down the trained instincts of a soldier towards seeing measured moderation throughout their policing work.
1. Introduce history training to Police officers so that they know that racism and injustice has been perpetual and it is their job and responsibility to finally bring to a stop that counterproductive cycle. Abuse repetition in families are very clear to observe, the father beats the son because the father was beaten himself by his grandfather. The son then either goes out and does the same or breaks the pattern by doing the opposite and becoming the model father. So the abuse cycle has played out in the USA on a country wide basis and the reason for this is due to the history that goes back not hundreds but thousands of years. The police officers are charged first and foremost in protecting the country and that requires stopping the abuse pattern.
2. What came first the violent criminal or the violent policeman? This is a question not requiring an answer other than to say what came first the more peaceful criminal or the more peaceful policeman. Crime is not going to go away either with violent or non-violent policing. However, what will reduce substantially is the risk of being involved in a violent crime. The abuse cycle goes from the police to the criminals too. It is true to say that there have been revenge crimes against public and the police. So by the police very much moving towards more keeping the peace policing there is very likely to be a reduction in extremely violent crime. This is due to the fact that it is the first lesson of psychology and animal behavior too that fear creates aggression. This is due to the fight or flight response which in crime plays out with either seeking to evade justice or to fight using weapons. So more moderate policing would be good for the police as well as for the public as if criminals are caught in the act they will be less scared of being taken into custody. There have possibly been police officers that have lost their lives simply due to the fact that people are so scared of the police. So when the protestors say Black Lives Matter, the police should be thinking Police Lives Matter too and see that taking the fear out of policing is how to take out the violence.
3. Admit that there has been a problem with violence, explain that the causes go back centuries and that there is a new code of conduct that is being adhered too, explain how the issue is going to change. This is to provide a reset for the public and the police.
4. Set up national register of inappropriate police officers. If a police officer is registered for being abusive or violent then they should be registered on a national police register. This register should be consulted by all recruiting police officers. Any registration on that and a policeman should become unemployable. If a policeman is involved in any death of a person then they should be expelled from the police unless under extreme circumstances where their own lives or those of their colleagues were at risk.
5. The introduction of racial profiling into police stations. If there is a death of people of one colour by a police force then two police officers of the ethnicity of the victim are the next recruits to the police force. Whilst this may seem counter-intuitive if the police are addressing racism, however, if there are police forces that are racial imbalances, will become resolved by their being more people of that ethnicity brought into that particular police force so any white on black crime creates more black police officers and the same equally with other races too.
6. Police fairness policing award scheme. Police obtain a badge for each five years without any form of proven violent abuse charge. This enables the, to get a badge to be worn on their uniform so that the public are able to identify them when approaching. In addition the police receive a bonus or an incentive with the award.
7. Police are training in martial arts holds for hands rather than for necks. If a person is in a hand grip behind their back they are equally as immobile as when in a neck-hold. If you arm is tested behind your back with hand turned up and pressure point on your hand pressed you cannot move and you are contained.
8. Meditation and Yoga. Police work is stressful and can be dangerous. The police do need ways to manage stress. Meditation and yoga have both been proven to be effective in reducing stress and in actually reducing crime rates. In 1993 there was a meditation experiment in Washington DC. The crime rate did noticeably reduce during a controlled experiment. These statistics can be found. Both of these practices have been found to improve concentration, response and calm in difficult times and therefore could assist. Having some form of exercise beyond physical exercise would certain be good in keeping calm, measured, balanced and yet improving attention.
9. Police trained in NLP. This is an American created personal development system. This would turn all police officers into exceptional communicators that would have a whole new skill set in being able to control all aspects of people, policing and giving them a new repertoire of how to both influence behavior and behave themselves. This training is 10 days. However, doing both practitioner and master practitioner could be advantageous.
This could be broken into units over longer periods of time. Therefore, a trained police office would also be a trained therapist. NLP has been used to train a diverse range of fields. Training in this would not only improve their policing it would be a way of them improving their own mental and emotional stability and for them to both be able to better deal with past issues as well as issues that could arise during their police work.
10. Introduce a pay drop for any police officer assaulting the public for any reason other than when there is an existing violent crime where weapons have already been fired, are clearly a risk or there is a terrorist attack. So therefore in the most extreme conditions a policeman has the choice to injure or to kill. The choice he makes affects his career and prosecution..
11. In Police custody in a police station there is no risk to the public and the suspect would very unlikely to be armed. Therefore, any deaths that occur in custody occur due to bad policing as there is very much less if any justification for using extreme violence in any situation in a police station with their being zero to the public. Therefore, any fatalities that does occur should be treated as Man slaughter at least unless in provable self defese. In theory, it should be feasible to have zero, no deaths in police custody. If a person is unarmed in a cell, without weapons, without objects that can be used as weapons and with many more police than suspects on hand. There is no real reason why anyone should die in that situation. Therefore any marks on the body or deaths should be thoroughly investigated by an independent committee. If the police officer is attacked first or if they are affected then this should be considered. However if there is some form of pay incentive scheme that is connected to good cop gets a bonus and bad cop gets a demerit, then the policing standards would be very much improved fast. Good policing enables the policeman to earn a better income and bad policing a lower income.
12. The power of the police. The police should have a pleasant attitude. There is no illusion people are respectful of the power of the police. Therefore, by police acting in a “mean” way whilst policing actually increases the fear and the likelihood of aggression by the public. It ironically becomes almost seen as a public service to become anti-police. So the way to break that is for the police to have a friendly demeanor as the public already know they have another more threatening side. To explain this better if you say to anyone “Hi, How are you?” The person can respond in a way ranging from “very well thank you, how are you?” To It’s none of your business go away. Whilst the second example may seem very rude. The spectrum is increased massively when approaching an armed policeman. The result of anyone asking any question to a policeman could result in a courteous response or under the most extreme circumstances could result in violence against them. So people, especially people of colour most likely feel that they cannot actually use the police force in a way other than in a crime related way against them or someone else. So therefore, by having a very strict rule with policing where the first contact is always cordial and friendly in any situation. Police are not allowed to be rude in first contact then this can start to build trust. This is particularly important to people of colour as they will feel a greater sense of security. The policeman in his uniform is already intimidating to people. Their power goes without saying however if the first contact is always friendly then in time people see police less in terms of only “Law Enforcement” to seeing them as part of the community. This can be improved by having more volunteer and community only police. If people can feel they can ask the police directions then this is a part of keeping balance and is good. The police become perceived as being helpful and therefore not only to go to in difficult situations. In addition this helps break barriers down where it’s not “Us and them” on either side, just us and some of us in a uniform to maintain order.
13. Better policing, performance based pay. See police firstly as neighbourhood assistants there to maintain Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all. If this approach is taken more and communication and positive interaction with the public becomes more the norm. If the way in which police officers approach the public is recorded on cams then this can start to create and maintain better standards. If there is a concerted effort through the media to present the good work the police do in attending or participating in local events and a more general connection to the community outside of them being police then creating better links between people and the police will become easier. Whilst there have been many police kneeling with protestors, this should be seen actually as good. They are showing that they do understand the situation and they want the situation to improve too. In terms of performance policing on a community scale this is the way to begin to build trust. The better they communicate, the more they relate to the day to day lives of people and not only to “managing law” the better and this could be reflected in bonuses. When the police and the public get on better, then this is better for all and this could be part of police work. Policing becoming secondary to neighbourhood congeniality, safety and security. If the police symbolize danger to people then there is fear, fear creates danger. If there is a conection to keeping the peace, then there is more peace. Creating a pay differential chart can be based upon this; “Everyone has the right to Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness”.
14. Community centres. Communities need opportunities. Some of those opportunities can be created by people working together and creating community hubs. There can be many facilities created and these can help create employment. If police are in some ways involved with local groups in helping create these then the definition of police is actually changed and people see that the sense of order that police create is not only when people do things that are wrong, but in helping people do things that are right. The areas with the most problems can actually benefit the most. My experience has proven to me that when you provide a new type of centre for people to go to and for them to be able to participate then they feel like they can participate in something bigger than themselves. They can make a difference in their own community and for the benefit of the country. This provides a place for people to feel like they belong to something. They can help others and help themselves at the same time. If people get together in disused spaces then they can create together with few resources facilities. If then local businesses are helping out in donating any additional resources or local householders then hope can be built up again. There are resources for communities to get back on their feet and in addition to that there are potential resources that people have in their lives. The USA in it’s history created the country both through a combination of competition and cooperation. If there was not cooperation then settlers would have never made it across to the West coast or been able to have made it is a new country. Bringing back some of that cooperation of the past in a good constructive and well managed centres. The old Sheriffs of the West managed the community by being a part of the community. People got by in difficult times by helping each other. That’s what is depicted in films and has been lost today. These centres can be connected to churches and just help recreate a USA where it’s not just big corporations and people feeling excluded and their lives not seemingly getting better. If the facilities are available, then the communication improves. People go from being bored and frustrated to being able to entertain themselves more, meet people and have more constructive relationships. Our world has become too technology and computer dominated and yet people feel increasingly empty. Many new ways to communicate yet the old ways have been reduced so much. By bringing in more communication will create more happiness. People will be able to see that if they are inventive and creative like their forefathers were then they can progress again in life. There will be les sof a sense of hopelessness.
15. Introducing wresting rules to policing; In wrestling if a person slaps the floor then they give up. If George Floyd had his hands free, it is clear from what his words are that his actions would also have been to prove that he gives up. If a person slaps the floor then police should immediately reduce force used.
16. When people feel like they have something good in their lives then they are more mindful of keeping on a good path. It’s when people are so fed up of being fed up that they feel they have nothing to lose that things go so wrong for many people. So I believe the very best way to reduce crime and reduce pressure on police and on the public is to provide a place where people can become better people. They can increase the interests in their lives and therefore have a greater opportunity to find more happiness.
These are a few suggestions from this is ti possible to very quickly introduce a whole new methodology and as most of this is training based and derived from inter relations between police and the public it can be quickly achievable.
Being the same and better than in the past in the quest for a better today than yesterday.
Every morning we can wake up and see slightly differently, slightly more clearly better than we saw yesterday. It was the same for our forefathers, however for them sometimes it required a whole lifetime to improve their thinking and some never even managed that in a whole lifetime. We are lucky we live in a time of rapid thinking, yet how much we judge the acts of the past is something we have to find balance in more so as a society than as an individual. To create congenial public spaces with today’s thinking, sometimes we have to be prepared to allow for there to have been past errors and be more generous to the people that made those mistakes in their lifetime than they were to others. By un being a bit more generous in how we consider there actions helps us more a step towards many being in a better community even if they think differently from us. We should not try to tell people how to think, yet be ready to provide information that can help them see in new and improved ways and make their own decisions and judgments.
We can safely say that whichever group you come from in the world, if you are a person then you have experienced racism against people of your own ethnic group. We are all covered by the 350 racist put downs that can be found in listed on the internet. This is an issue for all of us in the world. Had one group or another been more racially hurt than another? In the present and recent history yes, black people. Throughout history though there has been a situation of all colours being racially abused by others. In order to understand this fully though requires really properly knowing history.
The fact is there have been wrong standards by many and actually just as white people enslaved white people. Sparticus is an example of this. The same occured in Africa too. The same happened Africa to Europe and Europe to Africa. Europe to South America. North America to Indigenous people. Europe to Australia. One part of Europe to another. The whole of history is full of the wrongs of one people to another. When I learned my Roman history in a British school and I learned it in an American school in both cases they emitted to mention that Black people had been very much a part of the Roman empire. They were a part of all society and there construction skills well used to build Rome. So there have been changes in history based upon race throughout our history.
So with their being so much untold history, I believe there is a need for much better information. There needs to finally be a coming together of both history and also political standards. One interlinks with the other. If people are told they live every day in the best freest society on Earth and yet they do not have the same access to opportunities then it creates a complicated situation. To try to solve this I believe comes with respect and self-respect. Knowledge of the great cultural and technological legacy that has been as much a part of Africa as Europe, just in different ways and written out of history until now.
There is hope and real opportunity the lifestyle benefits of local people and the police can be aligned. No policeman should feel alone and through this strategy everyone can help each other and as a result everyone benefits. All the time people see the police not as individuals that is not good. Create social environments and everyone can help each other. ......Pert 5 is on the way and is the next document...