A primer on brand-name prescription drug contracting
The above is the title of a helpful primer from Kenney and Keast (2024). I summarize some key points below.
Provide an overview of the pharmacy contracts between stakeholders in the healthcare ecosystem.
How did the rise of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) impact pharmacy contracting?
The Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) Act of1973 spurred the growth of comprehensive health plans, such as Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Group Health Cooperative of Puget Sound, and Health Insurance Plan of Greater New York. 3 It also required employers who offered insurance and had 25 or more employees to offer a federally qualified HMO if available in their market, which led to further expansion of HMO plans
Interesting points, but how are HMOs related to pharmacy contracts now?
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Although pharmacy was not a standard part of benefits in the early HMO programs...some plans offered prescription drug coverage as an additional benefit to attract members. HMOs that provided drug cover-age adopted formulary programs patterned after the hospital systems and created preferred drug lists with tiered copayments.
How are discounts incorporated in practice?
The table below summaries these calculations where Brand A is a high cost but high rebate product and Brand B is a low-cost but low rebate product.
The net price calculation starts with the contracted reimbursement amount between the PBM and the pharmacy, in which the reimbursement amount is typically a percentage of the wholesale acquisition cost (WAC). Next, any out-of-pocket cost (copay, coinsurance, or deductible) paid by the health plan member is subtracted. Finally, any rebates paid by the manufacturer to the PBM are subtracted to arrive at the net price paid by the PBM.
What types of contracts are there?
You can read the full article including a discussion of Medicaid best price here.
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7moGreat to see Jim Kenney's work! Excellent summary of a complex process.