Principles of Child Protection Policy Every Child Rights Activist Should Know
The principles of child protection policy typically include:
- Non-discrimination: All children have equal rights and protections regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, religion, or other factors.
- Best interests of the child: The well-being and best interests of the child must be the primary consideration in all decisions affecting them.
- Right to life, survival, and development: Children have the right to survival, proper care and development, and to be protected from harm.
- Participation: Children have the right to express their views and be heard in matters affecting them.
- Family unity: Children should be protected within their families whenever possible, and only separated from their families as a last resort.
- Confidentiality: Information about children should be kept confidential and only disclosed when necessary for their protection.
- Due process: Children and their families have the right to due process and fair treatment in legal proceedings.
- Prevention: Efforts should be made to prevent abuse, neglect, and exploitation, and to address the root causes of these problems.
- Collaboration: Child protection policies should be implemented in collaboration with relevant government agencies, NGOs, communities, and other stakeholders.