Proactive GC Column Care: Preventing Issues Before They Arise
Maintain GC Columns: Prevention Beats Cure

Proactive GC Column Care: Preventing Issues Before They Arise

1️⃣ Column Storage:

Correct column storage is necessary to prevent two major occurrences – the ingress of atmospheric oxygen and moisture into the column and the oxidative degradation of the bonded stationary phase through UV catalyzed mechanisms. The following guidelines will help ensure longer column lifetime:

Remember to seal the column ends when they are not in use to exclude atmospheric oxygen and moisture. The easiest way is to seal the column using silicone septa (cut them in half – it is less expensive) or column sealing caps

Do not leave the column out on the bench where it can be damaged. Store the column so it will not be scratched. If scratched, the stress to the column may cause it to crack during operation

Store the column boxed with the test chromatogram in a dark place. Exposure to high levels of ultraviolet light can initiate oxidization of the stationary phase

If the column is to remain on the instrument a constant low flow of carrier gas should be maintained with the split flow on. If the split flow is switched off back diffusion of air into the column can occur; this air can then cause damage. In order to prevent a build-up of moisture and air in the oven it should be left on at a temperature of 60 °C.

Oxygen rapidly degrades the stationary phase by cleaving bonds along the backbone of the column. This is known as a cyclic backbiting reaction where the siloxane chain breaks into more thermodynamically stable, but also more volatile, cyclic siloxanes (Figure 1). It is the elution and detection of these cyclic siloxanes which constitutes column bleed. This damage is irreversible. The cyclic structures which are formed during this process have characteristic mass spectra at m/z 207, 281, and 355.

Figure 1: Typical capillary GC column bonded phase backbiting bleed reaction.

The increase in the number of Si-OH groups within the oxidized phase will lead to an increase in the number of secondary silanol (Si-OH) interactions and peak tailing may be observed (Figure 2). This effect is most noticeable with polar and basic compounds.

Figure 2: Peak tailing of polar compounds due to secondary interactions with exposed silanol groups in a column showing bleed symptoms.

2️⃣ Column Bleed:

Column bleed happens with all columns, all the time. It is the continuous elution of compounds produced from the degradation of the stationary phase as described previously. It is important to ensure that the amount of column bleed is minimal and constant, i.e. a flat baseline is achievable at low detector response.

In general, polar stationary phases and thicker films bleed to a greater extent. Bleed is normally seen as an increase in signal at increasingly higher temperatures when operating the GC in constant flow mode and when conditioning a newly installed column (Figure 1). Bleed may appear to be worse when using detectors that are particularly sensitive to the cyclic siloxane bleed products. Examples are, cyanopropyl phases with NPD detection and polyethylene glycol phases with electron capture detectors.

Bleed is best measured as the difference or change in signal at two temperatures, usually around 100°C and at the column’s upper isothermal temperature limit. Of course, the signal at both temperatures will have a contribution from background generated from system components that must be subtracted to determine bleed values accurately.

1)The baseline is relatively flat during the lower temperature region of the blank run.

2)A sharp rise in the baseline begins at 30-40°C below the upper limit of the column and continues until the upper temperature limit is reached

3)Upon holding at the upper limit, a fairly flat baseline is obtained. Several minutes may elapse before the baseline becomes completely flat. Major deviations from this profile are not due to column bleed.

4)Column bleed is an abnormal elevated baseline at high temperature - it is not an elevated baseline at low temperature, a wandering or drifting baseline or discrete peaks.

Figure 1: GC column bleed profile.

Excessive column bleed appears as a larger rise in the baseline at the higher temperature regions. There is no absolute measurement to indicate when column bleed is excessive.

Column bleed is best measured as the difference or change in the background signal at two temperatures - relative bleed.

Usually the column’s upper temperature limit and a lower value around 100°C are used. The absolute background signal is a composite of the background generated by the entire GC system. It is not possible to determine the contribution of column bleed to this total background signal. By measuring the relative amount of column bleed, the other contributors to the background signal are subtracted out.

Most columns are tested using FIDs - the output signal for which is measured is in picoamps (pA). Bleed levels are usually reported as the difference (DpA) in the FID signal at two temperatures (4.3 or 8.6 DpA in the example shown in Figure 2).

Figure 2: Excessive column bleed.

The bleed profile should be continuous, with no discrete peaks and should begin at around 30-40 °C below the column upper temperature limit, with the profile flattening to a constant signal level. The column will normally have two upper temperature limit values – the lower temperature is the isothermal limit and the column may be operated at this temperature indefinitely without significant degradation of column performance (Figure 3). The upper temperature limit of the column is the gradient limit and this temperature may be maintained for 10-15 minutes before significant degradation of the column performance. The upper temperature limits of the column should not be exceeded. Column bleed will increase with column use, exposure to oxygen (usually due to poor conditioning practice or air leaks from loose fittings, compromised septa or exhausted gas traps), using the column at or near the upper gradient temperature for prolonged periods, or through the repeated use of aggressive solvents such as tetrahydrofuran, water, or acetonitrile.

Figure 3: Column temperature limits.

Column Lower Temperature Limit

If a column is used below its lower temperature limit, broad peaks are obtained (i.e. loss of efficiency). No column damage will occur, however, the column will not function properly. Using the column at or above its lower limit maintains good peak shapes.

Isothermal Upper Temperature Limit

The column can be used indefinitely at this temperature and reasonable column bleed and lifetime are realized.

Temperature Program Upper Temperature Limit

The column can be maintained at this temperature for 10-15 minutes without severely shortening column lifetime or experiencing excessively high column bleed. Exposing the column to higher temperatures or for longer time periods results in higher column bleed and shorter column lifetimes.

Low bleed phases and MS designated phases are now available from many manufacturers that show reduced bleed at elevated temperatures and are especially useful for high sensitivity applications with mass spectrometric detectors. Many phases use an altered phenylene chemistry with phenyl phases which have the functional moiety included in the polymeric backbone rather than as a silicon substituent, resulting in reduced de-polymerization and oxidation of the phase (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Phenylene type low bleed phase chemistry (left) and a standard polysiloxane backbone (right). Note: selectivity between traditional 5% phenyl dimethylpolysiloxane phases and the phenylene equivalent may vary slightly.

It is important to regularly check the condition of self-indicating gas traps or calculate the usage of non-indicating traps (6 bottles of gas maximum prior to a trap change is recommended). It is important to protect the columns from both oxygen and moisture using the correct gas trap. Column fittings should also be regularly tested for leaks using a highly sensitive leak detector.

One major source of column contamination comes from the carrier stream just prior to the bottle running out of gas. Even in gas bottles containing dip tubes there will be excess moisture and other dissolved components significantly above the gas specification levels (typically 0.99999% purity) in the dregs of the carrier. Most manufacturers (and bottled gas suppliers) recommend that cylinders are changed when the bottle pressure (stage 1 of the two stage regulator) falls to about 10% of the original fill value (about 200-250 psi on a Size K cylinder).

3️⃣ Column Conditioning:

The column should be conditioned at 20-30 °C above the final temperature of the gradient program or the isothermal temperature in the intended method of use, but the upper gradient programming temperature limit of the column should not be exceeded. After installing the column purge with carrier at room temperature for around 10-15 minutes at the flow rate required by the analytical method prior to raising the temperature – this ensures the removal of dissolved air within the stationary phase preventing unnecessary oxidation. For most columns a conditioning time of around one hour is more than sufficient (even for polar and thick film columns). Once the signal plateaus (usually following a sharp increase and shallow decrease) at the conditioning temperature the column may be considered as being conditioned, however, for applications that require very high sensitivity (good signal to noise performance) the column should be held at the conditioning temperature for up to three hours (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Typical chromatogram before and after column conditioning. Note the lower bleed at high temperatures and the reduction in background noise throughout the chromatogram.

4️⃣ Phase Fouling and Contamination:

Analyte, matrix components, and solvent impurities can all contaminate the column. The contaminants may either be involatile, in which case they will be deposited onto the stationary phase, or semi-volatile, and will elute over extended periods causing baseline disturbances. Involatile impurities will tend to accumulate at the head of the analytical column giving rise to many chromatographic problems including, broad, tailing, and split peaks especially when using splitless injection (Figure 1). Peak shape problems usually arise due to an interference with the gross separation and focusing processes that occur at the head of the analytical column.

As fouling normally occurs at the head of the column it is possible to trim the column and, therefore, restore optimum performance. Trimming up to 5% of the column length is normally adequate, however, if this does not improve any peak shape problems then a further 5% can be trimmed. It has been postulated that trimming the column will affect resolution; although it should be remembered that resolution is not directly proportional to column length and doubling column length only provides a 1.4x improvement in resolution. Any concerns can be alleviated by revalidating with a known method.

Figure 1: Distorted peak shapes resulting from contaminated stationary phase (disubstitued aromatic amines, 14% cyanopropylphenyl stationary phase).

5️⃣ Chemical Damage:

Most GC columns will have good chemical resistance except towards inorganic acids and bases; H2SO4, HCl, NH3, KOH, NaOH, H3PO4, HF etc. When a GC column has been exposed to these types of compounds it will exhibit column bleed, a lack of inertness (evidenced by peak tailing), and a loss of retention and resolution.

The use of perfluoroacids, such as trifluoroacetic, pentafluoropropanoic and heptafluorbutyric acid can damage the stationary phase, however, they have to be present in high levels, 1% or higher.

Cutting 0.5-1 m from the front of the column can remedy the effects of damage. To prolong the column lifetime a guard column or retention gap can also be used, although these may also be damaged by harmful substances and trimming or replacement will be necessary; this, however, is a lot more cost effective than replacing a GC column.

6️⃣ Peak fronting Caused by Column Overload:

An old or highly oxidized column is likely to show symptoms of overloading due to the loss of phase at the head of the column resulting in lowered capacity and efficiency. Fronting peaks may be observed (Figure 1).

Figure 1: Peak fronting due to column overload ultimately caused by loss/occlusion of stationary phase.

7️⃣ Retention Gaps:

Up to 5 meters of deactivated silica tubing known as a retention gap may be connected via a simple push-fit union to the analytical column. Retention gaps are used to:

Trap the non-volatile residues from samples that may potentially contaminate the analytical column. The retention gap acts to retain the non-volatile materials but does not interact with the analyte species. Regular trimming of the column inlet may take place to avoid peak shape problems caused by contaminant build up

Alleviate the problems associated with polarity mismatch, as well as some of the peak shape problems associated with on-column and large volume injection. The deactivated uncoated retention gap material allows the formation of contiguous films with most solvents that will tend to focus the analyte on the stationary phase at the head of the analytical column. Solutes eluting closest to the solvent front or those that most closely match the polarity of the solvent will show the greatest peak shape improvements when a retention gap is used

8️⃣ Leak Checking:

It is important to check for leaks to minimize the ingress of air and moisture which can damage the GC column. Regular leak checking should be part of the routine maintenance schedule, especially after any new connections have been made (i.e. changing the column, routine maintenance etc.). Leak detectors can be used or if a mass spectrometer is connected as the detector the leak detection function can be employed. A leak will produce a distinctive mass spectrum with peaks at m/z 18, 28, 32, 44 or 14, 16 which correspond to H2O, N2, O2, CO2, or N, O. Usually if m/z 28 is larger than m/z 18 there is a leak.

9️⃣ Column Rinsing:

💡ℹ️A capillary GC column must have a bonded and cross-linked stationary phase to be compatible with solvent rinsing. ℹ️💡

Solvent rinsing kits can be purchased from any column manufacturer (Figure 1). The process of rinsing involves passing milliliters of solvent through the column.

An injection of a large volume of solvent will not have the same effect and contaminants will not be removed from the column.

Before rinsing 50 cm should be cut from the inlet end of the column. The inlet end of the column is then inserted into the vial of the rinse kit which is attached to a pressurized gas source (N2, He). Successive solvents are then passed through the column by applying 10-15 psi of pressure from the pressurized gas source (a flow of 1 mL/min. is desirable). If viscous solvents are being used longer rinse times may be required. After the last solvent has been passed through the column the pressurizing gas is allowed to flow for 5-10 minutes before the column is properly re-installed into the GC system and conditioned as normal.

Solvents which are appropriate for column rinsing and will provide good results are methanol, dichloromethane, and hexane which are applied in series. Other solvents will also work (and may be required depending on the samples which have been analyzed), however, the following criteria should be met:

A polar and non-polar solvent should be used

The most polar solvent should be used first followed by the other solvents in order of decreasing polarity

Using the injection solvent is advisable as the sample components should be soluble in it

Each successive solvent should be miscible with its predecessor

Water followed by methanol should be used if aqueous-based samples have been analysed (i.e. biological extracts, waste water, soil etc.)

Halogenated solvents should be avoided as the final rinse solvents if the detector installed is an electron capture detector (ECD). Acetonitrile should not be used if a nitrogen phosphorous detector (NPD) is installed

Figure 1: GC column rinsing kit.

Suggested solvent volumes for different column diameters are detailed in Table 1.

Table 1: Solvent volumes for rinsing columns. Using larger volumes will not damage the column.

1️⃣0️⃣ Extending GC Column Lifetime:

Once the GC column has been correctly fitted it is desirable to achieve the best possible results for as long as possible, so here are some final tips for extending column lifetime:

Fit carrier gas traps close to the instrument (to remove oxygen and moisture) this is a great way to improve column lifetime and detection limits

Use the plate count of a test analyte to monitor column efficiency and set a column discard limit based on your knowledge of required plate counts for your types of analysis

Columns can often be miraculously restored to life by trimming 5% of the total column length from the inlet end — note that retention times may shift slightly after this operation, but efficiency may increase and peak shapes will improve. Retention time changes can also be mitigated by using the instrument software to accurately calculate the length of the cut column. This typically involves inputing the column dimensions, as denoted on the column i.d. tag, and the retention time of an unretained peak - volatile gases such as propane or butane or volatile solvents such as methanol at higher temperatures with an FID

Consider using a guard column if your samples are particularly dirty

Clarence V Deveaux

Past: Quality Control Analyst II at Pharmachem Technologies


Very informative

Wasifa .

Graduate Aspirant | Chemist | Researcher & Innovator in Sustainable Synthesis & AI-Driven | Data Analyst | Python Learner | Gen AI | IELTS Mentor | internee @Interloop Limited | internee @Beacon Impex


Very helpful!





Roshan Naik

Executive at Biocon Biologics


Very informative

Jaap de Zeeuw

CEO at CreaVisions, Boxtel, The Netherlands


A few comments: You may think the column is sealed using a septum, but there is another thing happening when Helium is used as carrier gas. Helium diffuses through the silica leaving a vacuum inside the column. The vacuum will suck air in, even when the column is sealed with a septum. Columns can survive under "äir" as long as they are at low temperaure in the box. N2 and H2 do not diffuse through the silica. Point 7 Retention gap is not correct. A retention gap is used when one expectes a lot of liquid-solvent getting into the column. Like with On-column injection or large volume splitless injection. In the retention gap the solvent can form liquid band. First solvent will evaporate, then the analytes, and when they reach the analytical column , they get focused (=narrow injection band). A retention gap does also ACT as a guard column, but they are mainly used for focusing. Retention gaps have only deactivation and are typically 0.53mm id. Guard columns can be deactivated, coated, different diameter and even have different phase coating. Point 6: chromatogram does not show fronting. Point 10: reverse the column and give it a bake. Often the column will be OK for quite some time. my 2 cnts jaap

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