Process FEED of Centrifugal Pumps in Oil and Gas Facilities

Table of Contents

1.     Principles of Operation

2.     Process Specifications

2.1     Flowrate – Normal; Rated; Minimum

2.2     Operating Temperature – Normal; Maximum

2.3     Vapor Pressure

2.4     Net Positive Suction Head Available, NPSHᴀ

2.5     Operating Pressure

2.5.1    Suction Pressure

2.5.2    Discharge Pressure Required

2.5.3    Differential Head

2.5.4    Maximum Suction Pressure

2.6     Density - Normal; Maximum; Minimum

2.7     Specific Heat

2.8     Viscosity at Operating Temperatures

2.9     Corrosive / Erosive Components

3.     Pump Selection

3.1     System Curve

3.2     Pump Characteristics

3.2.1         Head Versus Volumetric Flowrate

3.2.2         Best Efficiency Point, BEP

3.2.3         Net Positive Suction Head Required, NPSH3

3.2.4         Suction Specific Speed, Nₛₛ

4.     Variable Speed Drive versus Fixed Speed

4.1     Influence of System Curve on Driver Selection

4.2     Life Cycle Cost Comparison

4.2.1         Acquisition and Installation Costs

4.2.2         Energy Costs for Operation of Pumping System

4.2.3         Maintenance, Repair and Downtime

5.     Systems Design

5.1     Control Philosophy

5.1.1         Stability of Liquid Level in Suction Vessel

5.1.2         Parallel Configuration

5.1.3         Series Configuration

5.2     Pump Suction Pipework

5.3     Minimum Flow Protection

5.4     Special Considerations for Oil Export Pump

6.       Process Safeguarding

7.       Maintenance Considerations

8.       References

1. Principles of Operation

This section describes the operating principles of centrifugal pumps which are significant for process specification and systems design of the equipment during FEED.

The liquid which floods the suction port of the centrifugal pump is induced into the eye of the impeller by low pressure zones which develop at the vanes due to vortices formed by the rotation of the impeller. This process is illustrated by Hammoud (2015).

The vanes radiating outwards from the eye force the liquid to accelerate to maximum velocity at the periphery of the impeller, whereby the mechanical energy of the driver is imparted to the liquid as kinetic energy. This form of energy is termed velocity head.

The impeller is set eccentrically within the pump casing, so that the liquid encounters a progressively larger flow area as it passes toward the discharge, causing it to decelerate. Because of deceleration, the velocity head is largely converted to pressure head, in accordance with Bernoulli´s principle. This process is illustrated by Evans. (Link in References)

The dimensions of velocity head and pressure head are energy per unit weight, which reduces to the dimension of length, expressed as liquid column height. For derivation, see Dodge & Thompson (1937).

In practical terms, a centrifugal pump generates a height of liquid column which is termed total head. The total head is independent of the density of the liquid. It is at a maximum at zero flowrate and reduces with increasing flowrate.

The pressure that is induced by the pump increases with liquid density, and the power that is absorbed by the pump increases with mass flowrate.

2. Process Specifications

This section defines and elaborates the fluid properties and pump performance factors that the process engineer must specify during FEED:

  • Flowrate – normal; rated; minimum
  • Operating temperature – normal; maximum
  • Vapor pressure
  • NPSHᴀ
  • Operating pressure
  • Suction pressure
  • Discharge pressure required
  • Differential head
  • Maximum suction pressure
  • Density – normal; maximum; minimum
  • Specific heat
  • Viscosity at operating temperatures
  • Corrosive and erosive components

2.1 Flowrate – Normal; Rated; Minimum

Flowrate is expressed in volumetric (rather than mass) units because the differential head that is produced by the pump driver is independent of density, as discussed above.

Normal flowrate corresponds to material balance volumetric flowrate with normal liquid density.

Rated flowrate is normal flowrate plus an allowance for operating fluctuations, impeller wear and pump code tolerances. An allowance of 10% is often used.

Minimum flowrate is the minimum sustained flowrate that the pump shall provide to satisfy process requirements. Minimum flowrate is a critical parameter in selection of the pump model, as discussed in Section 3 below.

2.2 Operating Temperature – Normal; Maximum

Normal temperature is the pumping temperature corresponding with material balance.

Maximum temperature is the maximum pumping temperature at which the pump will operate. It is used as basis for evaluating vapor pressure, and minimum density.

2.3 Vapor Pressure

This is the maximum vapor pressure at which the pump is required to operate. It is used as the basis for NPSHᴀ calculation.

2.4 Net Positive Suction Head Available, NPSHᴀ

As mentioned in Section 1, liquid head reduces between the suction port and the eye of the impeller, causing partial vaporization of the liquid. Subsequently, as the vapor bubbles are pressurized in the vane zone they implode, leading to reduced total head and potentially destructive cavitation on the internal surfaces of the pump.

It is necessary to provide sufficient suction head to the pump to reduce vaporization at the eye to acceptable levels. Net positive suction head available, NPSHᴀ, is defined as the head of liquid in excess of its vapor pressure at maximum pumping temperature, determined at the pump suction port. Pumps in hydrocarbon service offshore are usually pumping bubble point liquids, which accentuates the significance of NPSHᴀ.

NPSHᴀ = Hᴠ + Hꜱ – Hʟ - Hꜰ

Hᴠ:      Source vessel normal operating pressure.

Hꜱ:      Static head difference to the pump center line, usually calculated from the low-level trip of the source vessel.

Hʟ:       Liquid vapor pressure.

Hꜰ:      Frictional head losses from the vortex breaker in the source vessel to the pump suction flange, calculated at rated flow.

Each component of NPSHᴀ is evaluated in absolute units of head.

Strictly speaking, velocity head should be included in the calculation, but velocity in the pump suction is minimized and so velocity head is usually negligible.

The following approximate center line elevations for horizontal pumps are commonly used:

Section 3 discusses the criticality of NPSH in decisions relating to pump selection.

2.5 Operating Pressure

A consistent set of the following operating pressure specifications should be stated for normal and rated flowrate.

2.5.1 Suction Pressure

Suction pressure is referred to the pump center line of horizontal pumps or the center line of the suction nozzle for vertical pumps.

It is the sum of the source vessel normal operating pressure and the static head difference to the pump suction, less frictional head losses in the suction piping.

The static head component is usually based on normal liquid level elevation in the source vessel.

2.5.2 Discharge Pressure Required

This is the pressure required at the pump discharge flange to achieve respective operating points on the system curve as discussed in Section 3 below.

The flowing velocities to be used in hydrocarbon export pipelines need discussion with pipeline and pigging specialists because of the impact on export pump discharge pressure.

Typically, a minimum velocity of 1 m/s is applied when water dropout is a concern, and a maximum velocity of 4 m/s is applied to avoid erosion.

Pigs may require velocity between 0.5 and 4 m/s depending on the function of the pig.

Additionally, the pressure drop across the pig needs to be considered. Typically, this ranges from 0.5 to 3 bars. Additional pressure allowance for clearing a stuck pig needs to be considered.

2.5.3 Differential Head

This is the differential head required across the pump suction and discharge flanges to achieve respective operating points on the system curve.

2.5.4 Maximum Suction Pressure

This pressure is used to define the pump casing design pressure and the flange rating of valves downstream of the pump under pump shutoff conditions.

It is usually taken as the sum of the set pressure of the pressure relief valve on the pump source vessel and the static pressure of liquid above the pump suction, with the latter evaluated at maximum liquid density.

Where the relieving event and the shutoff pressure event have a common cause, the relieving pressure should be used instead of the set pressure; for example overfilling of the source vessel caused by blocked pump discharge.

Refer also to Section 6, Process Safeguarding.

2.6 Density - Normal; Maximum; Minimum

Normal liquid density in conjunction with normal flowrate from the material balance is used to calculate operational hydraulic horsepower.

Maximum liquid density with rated flowrate is used to calculate the rated hydraulic horsepower.

Minimum liquid density is reported as it may affect the internal design of the pump.

2.7 Specific Heat

Specific heat may be used to assess liquid temperature rise across the pump at reduced flows, identifying the onset of vaporization and consequential cavitation. Karassik (1987) presents a detailed discussion of this effect.

2.8 Viscosity at Operating Temperatures

Pump performance curves are developed by manufacturers based on pumping water. If the viscosity of the pumped liquid differs significantly from that of water, the performance curves may need to be adjusted for actual operation.

2.9 Corrosive / Erosive Components

Specify the content of each component in the pumped liquid which may cause corrosion or erosion.

These data are required to enable selection of pump construction materials.

Also note that for facilities located offshore and coastal locations onshore, NORSOK M-001 (2014) requires that when selecting materials and coatings to prevent chloride induced corrosion of equipment, the atmospheric environment be considered wet, with the condensed liquid saturated with chloride salts.

3. Pump Selection

Pump selection is a joint activity by process and rotating equipment disciplines. This Section discusses the key pump system performance parameters which must be considered during the decision-making process.

3.1 System Curve

A central task of the process engineer is to develop and sketch a system curve for the application. The system curve shows total system head as a function of flowrate. The purpose of the system curve is to establish the flowrate and head performance that is required of the pump system.

Distinct operating cases should be illustrated with separate system curves. For example, a system which includes heat exchangers should be evaluated for clean and fouled cases; it may be required to flow hydrocarbon from one source to diverse destinations; the pump may be used to flush lines with water during plant commissioning, etc.

The boundaries of the system curve are zero flow and rated flow. Additionally, minimum flow rates under all operating conditions must be identified – continuous, including end of field life, and intermittent flows.

System head comprises static head and friction head.

Static head is the net elevation difference between the destination and source liquid levels, plus the pressure difference expressed in head of liquid. Static head is independent of flowrate.

Friction head is the dynamic loss due to flow through pipework and fittings, and therefore varies according to flowrate and variables associated with the pipework, namely pipe diameter, pipe length, pipe roughness, and fittings. Crane TP410 (2010) presents calculation methods and extensive empirical data for evaluation of head loss in pipe and fittings.

For an offshore installation, the static head component often dominates the system curve, due to the stacked configuration of equipment modules coupled with relatively short pipe runs. A notable exception is the export pipeline system, which may be hundreds of kilometers in length, with a relatively low static head difference.

3.2 Pump Characteristics

Manufacturers normally chart the performance of a centrifugal pump design for a range of impeller diameters running at a certain rotational speed, pumping water with SG of 1.

The typical performance chart presents the following data which are significant for selection of a suitable design:

  • Total head versus volumetric flowrate
  • Brake horsepower
  • Efficiency isopleths
  • Net positive suction head required NPSH3
  • Suction specific speed Nₛₛ

3.2.1 Head Versus Volumetric Flowrate

For a given pump design and rotational speed, each size of impeller exhibits a distinct characteristic curve of total head versus volumetric flowrate. Intersection of the characteristic curve and the system curve is defined as an operating point.

3.2.2 Best Efficiency Point, BEP

Pump efficiency is defined as the ratio of hydraulic power delivered by the pump to the brake horsepower supplied to the pump. For a given pump design, each impeller diameter performs with maximum efficiency at a certain operating point. This point is designated Best Efficiency Point (BEP).

Oversizing of Pumps

Oversizing of pump total head requirement is very common, resulting from conservative estimates of piping friction losses by the process engineer, plus addition of safety margins by the rotating equipment engineer and the pump manufacturer to ensure the pump meets guaranteed performance in hydrocarbon service. This may result in the installed pump BEP being far removed from the required operating point, reducing its energy efficiency.

Fortunately, it is possible to tune the performance of oversized fixed speed pumps post-installation by trimming the impeller, or in the case of a multistage pump, by replacing impellers with blanks; see Schickentanz (2015).

3.2.3 Net Positive Suction Head Required, NPSH3

Centrifugal pumps in hydrocarbon service offshore are specified in accordance with API Std 610 (ISO 13709) (2010). In API Std 610, NPSH3 is defined as the NPSH measured at the suction port of the pump which results in a 3% loss of developed head (first-stage head in a multistage pump), at a given flowrate. It is determined by the manufacturer using cold water as test medium. NPSH3 replaces what was formerly known as NPSH Required (NPSHʀ). For a given pump NPSH3 increases with flowrate.

API Std 610 (ISO 13709) recommends a minimum margin of 3ft (1m) head between NPSHA and NPSH3 to mitigate vaporization effects, for pumps in hydrocarbon service.

3.2.4 Suction Specific Speed, Nₛₛ

Suction specific speed Nₛₛ = N x Qʙᴇᴘ ⁰.⁵/ NPSH3 ⁰.⁷⁵, is an index developed by pump designers which describes the relationship between pump impeller design, rotational speed N, and NPSH3.

For a particular pump model, Nₛₛ is defined at its BEP, with the maximum impeller diameter.

For optimal energy consumption a pump impeller would be selected whose BEP lies between the normal and rated flowrate, as illustrated by Gilmour (2009).

If the pump is a double suction type, Q is divided in half.

Increased Nₛₛ reduces NPSH3 for a given pump rotational speed, but also reduces the range of stable operation. The upper boundary of Nₛₛ is limited by internal hydraulic instability which occurs when certain values are exceeded. See discussion by Karassik (1987).

Process with rotating equipment discipline can employ suction specific speed as a parameter for identifying pump models and driver speeds which meet the requirements of the process, within the limitations of the system NPSHᴀ.

4. Variable Speed Drive versus Fixed Speed

There are two practicable schemes for ensuring that the pump matches operational fluctuations in flowrate and head:

  • Variable speed drive pump.
  • Fixed speed pump(s) with throttling valve (s) installed on the discharge side.

4.1 Influence of System Curve on Driver Selection

The form of the system curve may constrain selection of a suitable pumping scheme to accomplish capacity turndown:

  • When considering a variable speed scheme, note that in accordance with the affinity laws, flow decreases in direct proportion to impeller speed, whereas head decreases according to the square of the impeller speed. This limits the applicability of the variable speed scheme, particularly where static head dominates the system curve.
  • The function of a throttling valve on the discharge side of a fixed speed pump is to increase frictional head losses so that the system curve continues to intersect the pump characteristic curve as process flowrate reduces. In cases where frictional head dominates the system curve, the pressure drop across the throttling valve at low flowrate relative to pump BEP may result in unacceptable levels of vibration and noise.

4.2 Life Cycle Cost Comparison

In cases where it is established that variable speed and fixed speed schemes are both technically viable, it is recommended to make the final selection based on lowest life cycle cost.

Centrifugal pumps in hydrocarbon service offshore are usually specified with a service life of 25 years. The Hydraulic Institute (2000) lists the cost elements which comprise the total cost of pump ownership during its service life, which is termed Life Cycle Cost (LCC):

  • Acquisition and installation costs of the pump, pipework and control system
  • Energy costs for operation of pumping system
  • Maintenance and repair costs
  • Cost of production losses due to down time
  • Operation costs
  • Environmental costs
  • Decommissioning/disposal costs

Numerous investigators, for example Ramadoss (2013), have found that the acquisition/installation element accounts for 20% or less of the total LCC, whereas ongoing costs accruing to energy usage, maintenance and repair and production losses together account for more than 60% of the total.

Selection of the pump and its associated systems needs to take account of these ongoing cost elements in addition to the acquisition costs, to maximize the net present value of the pump.

Barringer & Weber (1996) cite studies which indicate that 2/3 of LCC is fixed at the beginning of FEED, and that the opportunity to reduce LCC declines sharply thereafter.

During FEED the process, rotating equipment, piping/layout, PACO and electrical disciplines should collaborate to select the pump, piping and control system which demonstrates the lowest LCC on a net present value basis. The selection process should be documented, so that any challenges later in the project may be resolved rationally.

The following discussion covers topics to be considered when evaluating LCCs, under the headings of Acquisition and Installation, Energy, Maintenance and Repair, and Production Down Time.

It is assumed that prior to FEED, the cost of production losses due to downtime at production critical pumps has been studied to determine whether an installed 100% spare is needed.

4.2.1 Acquisition and Installation Costs

Variable Speed Drive

Usually a Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) controls the speed of rotation of a variable speed pump driver. This type of pumping system may cost several times as much as a fixed speed drive pump system.

According to Burt et al (2006), VFD systems are subject to approximately 3% loss of efficiency which is expended as heat. This requires HVAC which entails space and weight penalties.

VFD systems are based on electronic components which will likely become obsolescent before the end of pump service life; therefore, it may be necessary to replace the VFD system once or more due to it becoming unserviceable.

Fixed Speed Drive

When high turndown is required, parallel fixed speed drive units may be considered, for example 2 x 50%. This requires additional control sets; also suction and discharge manifolds must be provided, together with appropriate pipe fittings and straight lengths especially on the suction side of the pumps, which incurs weight and space penalties.

If auto-start of the standby pump is proposed, the risk of loss of containment of flammable and possibly toxic material needs to be evaluated and mitigated.

4.2.2 Energy Costs for Operation of Pumping System

A study by Burt et al ( 2006) established that:

  • The efficiency of a VFD pump scheme is 8% lower than a fixed drive pump scheme operating at full load in a properly designed system.
  •  Potential power savings due to the VFD scheme may result from operation at reduced flowrates, or the capacity to compensate for design errors such as oversizing the pump.

It follows that the number of hours per annum of pump usage at full load and reduced loads must be estimated to enable a proper comparison of the fixed speed versus VFD pumping schemes regarding energy consumption.

Note that the power consumption of most centrifugal pumps reduces in line with flowrate, which mitigates the energy consumed by the throttling valve and tends to converge energy consumption per unit of capacity with the performance of VFD schemes.

4.2.3 Maintenance, Repair and Downtime

At any given speed of rotation, the performance of a centrifugal pump is optimal at the capacity corresponding with the BEP,  as discussed above. At any other higher or lower capacity, non-symmetrical forces occur within the pump as non-ideal flow patterns occur; pump reliability is degraded, driving maintenance and repair costs higher.

Barringer (2004) presents numerical data for API pumps which correlate reliability and degradation of key components (such as impeller, housing, bearings and seals), with how closely the pump operates to its BEP.

Note 1:          Corresponds with API Std 610 (2010) “Rated Region”.

Note 2:          Approximates API Std 610 (2010) “Preferred Operating Region”.

In the case of a fixed speed drive pump regulated via a throttling valve, the position of the BEP is fixed in the region of design capacity, whereas judicious selection of a VFD pump may allow migration of the BEP approximately in line with capacity at reduced speed, according to Evans (Link in References).

The number of hours per year for each operating region should be estimated, and costs assigned to the resulting maintenance and repair activities, for feasible VFD and fixed speed options. These costs can be obtained from the project sponsor’s maintenance department.

VFD manufacturers quote mean time between failure (MTBF) values of half the magnitude for actuated globe valves, which highlights the superior reliability of throttling valves.

Nₛₛ = N x Qʙᴇᴘ ⁰.⁵/ NPSH3 ⁰.⁷⁵, and the range of stable pump operation reduces with increasing values, therefore in applications where low process flowrates occur for significant periods, the reliability of a fixed speed pump may potentially be improved by reducing its Nₛₛ index as follows:

  • Specify a double-suction model, if available
  • Reduce the pump rotational speed by increasing the number of poles of the electric drive motor; in this case it may be necessary to select a larger pump to achieve the rated operating point.

Parallel fixed speed drive units may be considered - 2 x 50% or 3 x 50% for example - but this increases acquisition and installation costs, as discussed above in 4.2.1.

5. Systems Design

5.1     Control Philosophy

5.1.1 Stability of Liquid Level in Suction Vessel

Often the flow rate of liquid into the pump suction vessel is variable, and it is desired to maintain stable liquid level in the vessel whilst minimizing variations in pump discharge flow. This can be achieved by having the level controller cascade to a flow controller on the pump discharge or pump speed controller, as applicable; the level controller, tuned to allow the liquid level to rise and fall within the alarm setpoints, raises or lowers the setpoint of the flow loop as the level in the vessel rises or falls.

5.1.2 Parallel Configuration

Centrifugal pumps are often configured in parallel as 2 x 100% units on offshore oil and gas installations, to enhance plant availability by allowing pump maintenance to be carried out without production shutdown. Fixed speed pumps in this case may share a common discharge throttling valve.

If two or more pumps are configured to operate concurrently in parallel to meet plant turndown requirements, as in 2 x 50% for example, they should have dedicated throttling valves.

Where pumps are configured in parallel, their performance curves should rise continuously to shut-off, and not droop with decreasing flow. This ensures a unique set of operating points, thereby avoiding unstable flow conditions.

When variable speed pumps are configured to operate concurrently in parallel, constant flow controls with the setpoints at BEP should be applied to all but one of the pumps. The remaining pump should function as a swing pump, by having the level controller on the suction vessel cascade to the pump flow controller.

5.1.3 Series Configuration

Some pumps, such as oil export duty pumps must be specified to meet concurrent high head and flow requirements. Excessively high value of Nₛₛ at the main pump is avoided by installing a low-speed booster pump upstream, to ensure sufficiently high NPSHᴀ at the main pump.

The booster pump should be controlled on discharge pressure, while the main pump is controlled by having the level controller on the suction vessel provide set point to the pump flow controller.

Refer to Section 5.4 for other special considerations relating to oil export pump systems design.

5.2 Pump Suction Pipework

The purpose of the suction pipework is to deliver to the pump, effectively vapor free liquid at uniform velocity with no swirl component. The liquid should be free of solids.

The process engineer should ensure that the following requirements are stated on the P&IDs:

  • A vortex breaker should be fitted at the liquid outlet in the source vessel, to inhibit vapor entrainment.
  • Suction pipework should slope continuously downward without pockets to the pump suction.
  • Piping should be at least one nominal pipe size larger than the pump suction flange; this minimizes liquid velocity, thereby increasing NPSHᴀ. A reducer should be fitted at the pump suction.
  • A strainer should be fitted in the suction pipework to remove any debris entrained in the liquid, which otherwise might damage the pump. Usually, the strainer is a temporary item used during system commissioning.

When pumps are configured to operate simultaneously in parallel, special care is required in design of the suction pipework to ensure:

  • Equal suction heads at all pumps.
  • Equal flow distribution between the pumps.
  • Sufficient NPSHᴀ at each pump for all flow rates and operating configurations.

5.3 Minimum Flow Protection

According to research reported by Fraser (1981), the turndown capacity of a centrifugal pump is limited by internal recirculation effects: selection charts are presented which illustrate for different pump models the critical flowrates which need to be exceeded to avoid rapid failure of key pump components. For example, a pump having Nₛₛ of 10,000 (US customary units) and flowing hydrocarbons, experiences critical minimum flowrate at 35% of BEP in a single stage pump and 50% of BEP in a multi-stage pump.

Operation below such critical flowrates is avoided by installing a minimum flow bypass, which protects the pump from mechanical failure during transient conditions, for example system start-up or accidental closure of pump discharge valves.

The take off point for the minimum flow bypass line is between the pump discharge and the first valve downstream. Ideally the bypass line discharges into a vessel upstream of the pump suction, rather than directly into the pump suction line; this routing eliminates potentially destructive flow pulsations due to recycle flow. Additionally, the vessel contents provide a heat sink for the energy which the pump imparts to the bypass fluids, and an opportunity for release of any vaporized fluid.

A control valve is installed in the bypass line. It is modulated by a flow controller located between the pump discharge and the bypass line take off. The bypass control valve should open on failure of motive medium.

Each pump in a series or parallel configuration should have a dedicated minimum flow bypass, for best operability.

5.4 Special Considerations for Oil Export Pump

The oil export system comprises the following key process items downstream of the final production separator:

  • Booster pump to ensure sufficient NPSHᴀ at the main export pump.
  • Cooler to protect the export pipeline from distortion due to excessively high oil temperature.
  • Fiscal meter to measure net oil export volume.
  • Level control valve for the separator.

The oil export pumps need to be specified for the peak concurrent head and flow conditions which exist at start of field life. As the oil field is depleted, inevitably the oil export flow and discharge head decay, forcing operation of the pumps with high continuous bypass flows to remain within tolerable range of BEP.

Ultimately the impellers of the main pump need to be modified or replaced, but in this author´s experience the design basis for modifying the pump becomes a shifting goal, due to for instance ongoing proposals for field extensions.

Additionally, a high level of maintenance effort is necessary on a mature installation to sustain the viability of wells and topsides equipment, requiring support from the finite resources of offshore operations and maintenance personnel; offshore transport and accommodation facilities are also strictly limited.

These design uncertainties and logistical constraints may result in long delays in implementing adequate modification of the oil export pump.

It is wise then that during FEED the oil export system is configured to enable high continuous recycle flows from the oil export pump.

If the minimum flow bypass from the main pump is recycled to between the booster and the main pump, high levels of vibration and pulsation are experienced at the main pump when net export oil flow is low relative to peak design rate, resulting in frequent shutdowns and seal failures and consequential deferred production. This situation is illustrated in a case study by Karuppasamy (2014).

The solution is to return the minimum flow bypass of the main pump to the final production separator.

The fiscal meter then needs to be located downstream of the main pump, between the recycle take-off and the LCV, so that it measures net export flow.

As a minimum solution, it should be considered to specify a tie-in tee fitted with a blind flange for an additional future recycle take-off, plus a blinded returns nozzle on the production separator.

The cooler can be located upstream of the main pump, thereby minimizing the cooler design pressure.

The process engineer should be prepared to justify these rather radical measures to project engineering by reference to the minimum oil case material balance.

6.   Process Safeguarding

In accordance with API RP 14C (2017), a PSH sensor should be installed on hydrocarbon pump discharge lines unless the maximum pump discharge pressure does not exceed 70 % of the MAWP of the discharge line. The PSH is located upstream of any inline valves.

Pump systems in offshore hydrocarbon service feature an emergency shutdown valve (SDV) on the suction and discharge side of the pump, as close as practicable to the pump. The SDVs are firesafe and close on failure of motive medium.

Both the suction and discharge SDVs are designed for the maximum discharge pressure which the pump may generate. Note that in accordance with API Std 610 (2010), the minimum flange rating is ANSI 300#.

The maximum suction pressure of the pump is referenced for calculation of maximum discharge pressure. (See definition in Process Specifications section above).

In the absence of the defined pump performance curve, according to NORSOK P-001 (2006) discharge pressure may be estimated by multiplying the rated differential head by 1.25, and applying the maximum fluid density that may be experienced; this would usually be due to water from separator upset or equipment washing.

When the pump model has been selected, the rated differential head is reviewed based on the maximum impeller size that is offered, and maximum impeller speed in the case of a variable speed pump.

In the event of a high-pressure excursion the PSH trips the pump and closes the SDVs to shut off forward flow.

A PSV should be installed on pump discharge lines unless the maximum pump discharge pressure does not exceed the MAWP of the discharge line or pipeline. The PSV is located upstream of any inline valves.

API RP 14C (2017) recommends installation of a PSL to detect leakage from pump discharge lines; however, the effectiveness of this measure is limited to catastrophic leaks, and the PSL should therefore be supplemented by other safety devices such as gas detection.

A check valve (FSV) is provided in the pump discharge line and in the minimum flow bypass.

The FSVs minimize backflow from the discharge side in the event of cessation of flow due to pump shutdown, thereby avoiding reverse rotation and the attendant risk of a sheared shaft on restart.

According to paragraph 2.3.4 of API Std 521 (2014), the FSV in the pump discharge line in tandem with the fully rated suction side SDV, provide adequate mitigation of the risk of upstream equipment rupture due to backflow, including cases where the test pressure of the equipment is less than the potential flowing pressure downstream the pump.

A thermal relief valve should be provided on the suction side of pumps in volatile fluid service such as butane.

7. Maintenance Considerations

Spool pieces and isolation valves should be incorporated into the pump suction and discharge pipework to enable maintenance with concurrent operation of other process systems. The spool piece is removed between the isolation valves, and blinds are installed to achieve physical separation.

8. References

American Petroleum Institute (2017). Analysis, Design, Installation, and Testing of Safety Systems for Offshore Production Facilities - API Recommended Practice 14C. (8th Ed.). Washington, DC: API Publishing Services

American Petroleum Institute (2014). Pressure-relieving and Depressuring Systems - API Standard 521 (6th Ed.). Washington, DC: API Publishing Services

API STD 14E 5th Edition (1991) “Recommended Practice for Design and Installation of Offshore Production Platform Piping Systems” American Petroleum Institute DC: Washington

API Standard 610 11th Edition (2010) “Centrifugal Pumps for Petroleum, Petrochemical and Natural Gas Industries” American Petroleum Institute DC: Washington

Barringer, P., (2004) “Pump Practices and Life”, downloaded from

Barringer, H.P., & Weber, D.P., “Life Cycle Cost Tutorial” Fifth International Conference on Process Plant Reliability, October 1996

Burt, C. (2006) “Electric Motor Efficiency Under Variable Frequencies and Loads” IRTC Report No. R 06-004, ITRC, California State Polytechnic University. CA: San Luis Obispo

CRANE (2010) “Flow of Fluids - Technical Paper No. 410” CRANE Company CT Stamford

Dodge, R.A., & Thompson, M.J., 1st Edition (1937) “Fluid Mechanics”, McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., NY: New York

Evans, J. “Breadth of Efficiency”, in

Evans, J. “Centrifugal Pump Dynamics”, in

Fraser, W.H., “Recirculation in centrifugal pumps”, World Pumps, 132 (8) : 95-100 · January 1981

Gilmour, C. “Centrifugal Pump Selection and Sizing” 2009 Calgary Pump Symposium

Hammoud, A. (2015) “General Lecture Cavitation & NPSH”

Hydraulic Institute (2000) “Pump Life Cycle Costs: A Guide to LCC Analysis For Pumping Systems”, Hydraulic Institute, NJ: Parsippany

Karassik, I. J., “Centrifugal Pump Operation at Off-Design Conditions, Part I”, Chemical Processing, April 1987

Karassik, I. J., “Centrifugal Pump Operation at Off-Design Conditions, Part II”, Chemical Processing, May 1987

Karuppasamy, A., “Restaging a multistage offshore oil pump”, Pump Industry, May 2014

NORSOK (2014). “NORSOK Standard M-001, Materials Selection” (4th Ed.). N-1326 Lysaker: Standards Norway

NORSOK (2006). NORSOK Standard P-001, Process Design (5th Ed.). N-1326 Lysaker: Standards Norway

Ramadoss, A., “Life Cycle Cost Analysis of Industrial Pumps”, Pump and Systems, November 2013

Schickentanz, W. “Overcome Oversizing of Centrifugal Pumps: Impeller Trimming Often Offers a Way to Improve Controllability and Save Energy” Chemical Processing, July 2015

Andrey Ekkert

Rotating equipment & associated systems, Maintenance Engineering & Mechanical Integrity, Pumps & Pumping systems, Comm & Start Up


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