Product of the Week: ADLINK's Ampere Altra Developer Platform & Development Kit
Cloud-to-edge development for real-time applications and compute-intensive tasks requires a suite of solutions encompassing modularity and scalability, high-performance capability, various I/O interfaces, as well as customization opportunities.
One solution that supports the aforementioned features is Ampere Altra Developer Platform from ADLINK Technology . The AADP encloses the 32/64/96/128-core COM-HPC Ampere Altra module and reference carrier board, the COM-HPC Server Base, and is powered by the Arm ecosystem and Ampere Altra SoC (Arm Neoverse N1 architecture). Read more.
Sizzle or Steak: The Metaverse for Industrial Use Cases
Ever since Mark Zuckerberg went all in on the Metaverse, the excitement (and therefore, the hype) has been huge. Mostly it’s been used for recreation and entertainment via the VR headsets and controllers, but Meta wants it to revolutionize work, most of all. With that goal in mind, where are we now?
Meta describes the Metaverse as a way to expand work experiences and “unlock the full potential of Meta’s work solutions by discovering new apps and experiences to bring VR to life, or connect to the 2D tools you already love to use.”
At the recent RISC-V Summit, Prahlad Venkatapuram , Senior Director of Engineering at Meta , talked in his keynote about Meta’s use of RISC-V processors in their Data Center SoCs (RISC-V in the Data Center was a huge theme of the event), and this public noise about investing in key embedded architecture sparked lots of conversation about whether the Metaverse has a place in the industrial world. Read more.
Is It “Penny Wise” to Use Free Tools?
By Bill Lamie of PX5 RTOS
The origin of the phrase “penny wise and pound foolish” comes from the 1621 work The Anatomy of Melancholy by Robert Burton. The idea behind this phrase is that we sometimes concentrate so hard on small costs that we can overlook larger opportunities to reduce costs or increase gains. This mindset has beset embedded development for quite some time and continues to do so. Read more.
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