Profit First
T - Minus 253 Days
There are few businesses tougher to run than IT Support - in our 46th year we definitely know.
There are so many because people think they have some technical knowledge, but don't realize they are fodder for huge industry predators lacking the business savvy or emotional fortitude to actually talk with prospects to get clients.
From money pressure to burnout from inability to deal with ever-changing business and technical issues, it's no wonder the annual number of bankruptcies, crime, and corruption.
Someone treats you very badly and you think I'll sue or out them on social media.
Then you hear someone like Robin Robins say, "Where's the profit in that?"
She's dead right. You move on and make more knowing karma is a thing - turning that burring anger to satisfied solace.
Daily Mission: Set shorter deadlines for everything you do today.
For more thought leadership, follow Kevin Fream.