Prompts for Writing A Simple, Sweet Brand Biography

Prompts for Writing A Simple, Sweet Brand Biography

How do you vocalize the introduction of your you, your titles or your entire brand identity?

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Personal Brand Building & Business Transformation | #amera |

Building a bio for the titles, labels, and self of you.

Here are sample prompts to write an introduction of your present self:

  • For xx years, starting with [insert a snippet of your story here]. Attention: Think about your audience and how they'd connect.
  • About [insert topic a] because [continue topic a into start of conversation a]. Attention: Think about your the introduction into your conversation and transition to your next speaking statement.
  • Because of [what], [insert your mission statement here]  Attention: Think about your intention of why you're being introduced.
  • At [company], doing [job and job]. Attention: Think about your network and audience.
  • Born in [blank], living in [blank] and currently [blank]. Attention: Think about your market and customers, clients, and referrals.
  • Who [descriptive future term of you] to [vision statement]. Attention: Think about your orientation persuasively.

Now that you've reviewed these sample prompts of various ways to introduce yourself, create an introduction of your present identity and assemble words into a excerpt of your story, could you create a 300 word paragraph introduction to your new who? 

Here's a #SweetTip:

Try writing your brand biography in 3rd person, first.

Have you ever thought of your marketing strategy as a series of events designed to share an experience?

Introduce emotion into the formula of how you can connect to your audience, an audience, and the audience.

  • Your audience: Individuals connected to your scope of identity. It’s a “I get it” feeling. Your audience buys into your brand.
  • An Audience: A network of individuals who are connected to you directly, and yet there is a reach opposite of your messaging. It’s a “I’m here, but I have questions” feeling. An audience is aware of your brand.
  • The Audience: The network, the individuals, the feelings all perfectly placed and growth occurs organically, emotions vibrate vibrantly and it’s a “My answers are here,” feeling. The audience is your brand – expansive and exponential.

[Read more about "Why Adding Emotion is a Brand Strategy," here]

Often conversations about business transformation begin with how a company is operating, what departments are doing and metrics that are all numerical-based.

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Identity Design & Brand Relations | #amera |

Consider these conversations once you've built your personal brand biography.

  1. How does this connect to my audience via keywords, or seo?
  2. What could I talk about one-on-one as a service or as an anytime conversation?
  3. What is the reason I am having this conversation?
  4. Who do I know that can add value to this?
  5. Where in my local networks can we influence?
  6. What is the key movement of the information?

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Brand x Identity x Relations | #amera |

Love What You're Thinking & Feeling? Start styling the success of your story with a Design Consultant.

Brands, Beings, and Businesses connect with amera for personal branding and business transformation.

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