A Proof of learning Protocol
In the market between learners who have something to learn and teachers who have something to teach there lies trillions of dollars of bloat that does little to help. With a decentralized, proof of learning protocol, we can convert that Bloat, into Float used to directly sponsor learners and teachers.
But it's so much bigger than that, it's about learning and doing things that matter.
Here are 10 tweets I wrote about it:
If you want to learn more about this protocol, here is a high-level page about it. The white paper should be out soon too.
Founder and Vision Keeper, LO*OP Center, Inc. Projects: KEPLAIR; Open Portal Network; History of Computing in Learning and Education (HCLE), and Understanding Learner Agency (ULA)
2yGreat basic concept. Let's add to it... Teachers are more than subject matter experts. They also have "pedagogical knowledge", that is, they know how to build bridges between where the learner is and where s/he wants to be. How can this component be represented in your model?