Protests of Insanity
I must speak out on the insanity of the protests related to the Israeli and Hamas conflict.
Firstly, what is the connection to people protesting in a country outside of Israel to Israel.
It is nice to show support for Israel and those that want to protest against Israel seem to be allowed to do so. But are their efforts sincere?
When racist slurs are used and statements against individuals are made, at protests, it becomes difficult to accept any other words that are said by protestors.
How can we be sure that the protestors are sane? Perhaps, these protests are mentally ill and just using the platform of the protests as an outlet for some type of 'therapy'.
How can anyone accept that people that gather together with signs and banners and that chant slogans, during the work day, could be sane? Unless, the protestors have as their job, to be right there, at the protest.
Even if the protestors have a job to protest, how can we reasonably accept that a normal person would want a job that entails shouting racial slurs, cursing people because of their ethnic background or condemning the religious beliefs of others? People that behave in this way are obviously 'sick' or devoid of soul.
Moreover, when protestors blame people, due to their ethnic ancestry for political instability and war, in a country on the other side of the world, even though they have no basis for doing so, then these protestors are functioning at a low intellectual level.
How could anyone believe that any one person or even many, has any influence with political leaders in a foreign country? What do the protesters want the people that they are insulting to do about the political issues of another country or about the war in a foreign country?
Hate due to religion and related factors, is not due solely to the personal feelings of the protestors, but more likely due to self-hate.
Where is the love and unity? There is no shortage of food, or clothing among the protestors. It is not like they are protesting the price of food or campaigning for homes for the poor. Why do these protestors feel the need to protest and spread hate and divisiveness? Is it because it is their job and they can't find other work to do?
In this economy, a job that pays $30 per hour to chant slogans and hold a sign is a decent wage. Likely training is offered, to know how to hold the sign and to practice chanting the slogans. Is it because these protestors would otherwise be homeless that they don't use their protest to speak out for the poor?